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Everything posted by dave524

  1. Sometimes after a incidental catch, we will execute Plan B for the day therebye avoiding most defintions of the dreaded skunk
  2. I'm on the fence, snout is a little pointy and the jaw appears to end at the eyeball rather than extending beyond it. Would it be too early for an Atlantic to enter a river up there? They are at the Soo, is it possible to travel to this location? The Brookie is awesome too
  3. Of course you know that if the Bows aren't cooperating on the lake I mentioned, you can put in at a marker about mid point on the south shore and portage a few hundred yards to another lake where the Spec fishing is pretty good.
  4. Last I checked grackles and starlings are both unprotected species, legally you can take them out by any means that is legal to be discharged in your neighbourhood.
  5. There is some truth to that , back 30 years we targeted Cohoes out in what is referred to now as the blue zone, had a few Cohoes break off cause they had rolled themselves up in a dodger fly combo, then they would always have the nerve to jump a few times in the area with the dodger trailing behind just to add insult to you. They are at least in Lake Ontario a much better eating fish and I do prefer too when in the river on their spawning run.
  6. Nice, sure do miss the time my dad had a cottage in Haliburton. Funny I just mentioned in the Gull Lake thread how orange the meat is on Haliburton Bows. That lake wouldn't be on a hydro right a way, running north of Haliburton Lake up to Whitney would it??? our best bow lake was in that vicinity.
  7. Same here, especially when I was younger and reflexes were faster, would set the hook when the fish broke surface and pull the fly away from it, my solution was to foucus on the nail knot joining the leader to the fly line and only strike after it moved .
  8. Nice fish, when my folks had the place in Haliburton we used to get a few Bows mixed in with the Lakers in the spring, they had the most orange flesh of any bow I've caught. If you can figure out a summer pattern for them they would be a good addition to the menue. We always got them where the Gull River dumped in the lake at the north end, but early like May 24 weekend.
  9. Depending on what you pay for it and the cost of upgrading to more horses you are probably going to be at this dollar figure, looks just as clean, maybe a little bigger hull, will defintely run over 40 mph and a great looking colour coordinated bimini, kicker is extra. Honestly, I think the 75 will be fine on that boat. http://london.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-boats-watercraft-powerboats-motorboats-Must-Sell-W0QQAdIdZ383028874
  10. The old Norfolk County has a lot more trout streams than Haldimand County.
  11. Here is a virtually identical Starcraft, somewhat newer, same powerplant, ready for the water and in Canada. Just to put some perspective on it. http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-boats-watercraft-powerboats-motorboats-Starcraft-Aluminum-02-Merc-75-W0QQAdIdZ382035036
  12. Ditto, he's spoiled now for life. As a teen on my bike I caught 100's of brookies from a small Niagara Creek, best was 14 inches if I recall. Not till dad bought the cottage in Haliburton and we got the canoe into a few back lakes did we ever get fish like that. Good going man
  13. They are great, get a cast iron one with a strong bail handle for lifting, set it in the fire, use it like a crock pot/slow cooker. Travelling light, a roll of heavy weight tin foil can be used to cook a lot of stuff in a open fire. edit: check the images to get an idea, I make them up before leaving and freeze, you are good to go for a long weekend. https://www.google.ca/search?q=tin+foil+dinners&hl=en&rlz=1T4GZGN_enCA451CA451&prmd=imvnse&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OcTAT5PMKon-6gGS6fzXCg&ved=0CHAQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=878
  14. Ditto , hate to see you pay a good dollar and that bearing is just the tip of the iceberg when they get into it.
  15. My favourite growing up was always the "Molsons" Big Fish Contest, anyone every find an online rundown of the results of past years, I'm sure it dates back to the 50's. Dad and I entered a few but never made the top ten, was a great source of info where the big ones were before the internet.
  16. worms,worms worms, real ones, with the finest splitshot you can get away with
  17. I would guess you have already been there, but just in case, you would probably find more advice here. http://www.rodbuildingforum.com/
  18. There is a least 1 male brookie that has been lifted in the fall in the cage on the Credit on muliple occasions, being fall the pics I saw his colour was very intense though. There are a few lake run brookies around.
  19. The splake that were stocked in Georgian Bay last were the laker backcross splake, splake X laker, definitely not one of them, they were quite laker like in appearance. I would say a lake run spec.
  20. Works for me Can see the lake from my front yard and be at the launch in 2 minutes. Didn't have to use the snowblower 1 time last winter Edit: you'd be surprised at the cozy smaller bungalow you can get for $150K in the ads for the Fort Erie, Ridgeway , Crystal Beach area.
  21. Like to have it identified as such by a biologist, not uncommon for young pike to have barred markings changing to spots as they get older/bigger.
  22. If they are real big, could be carp spawning in the shallows, time is right, they jump frequently during this ritual. Seen a few post with huge mayfly hatches coming off, maybe something is after them.
  23. Think it is a old real wooden one, I've still got a few real wood Jitterbugs that I wouldn't take the going new price for either. Sometimes that treble was trimmed off to make them more weedless.
  24. I thought the export thing was a little weird, know better next time would imagine this is the same http://kitchener.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-boats-watercraft-powerboats-motorboats-2006-RANGER-Z-20-COMMANCHE-DC-LOW-HOURS-W0QQAdIdZ380854206
  25. Here's a boat in Ontario that is a very good price http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-boats-watercraft-powerboats-motorboats-1998-Triton-TR-20-Mercury-150-CLEAN-BASS-BOAT-WE-EXPORT-W0QQAdIdZ380866929
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