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Everything posted by dave524

  1. Canadian Bank Stocks and Bell Canada Enterprises seem to pay about a 4% annual dividend , slightly better than GIC"s.
  2. The " New Fly Fisher " is Canadian, known Bill since we were both in our 20's.
  3. I dont ever recall any separate draw for a doe tag during a controlled hunt. You apply for either week of the controlled hunt and a tag will come saying you are good for just bucks or both sexes, actually it says anterlered or antlerless. Any separate draw for those WMU that have a controlled hunt for a doe tag were for archery hunters only.
  4. Not necessarily a bad thing but I thought it sounded like a Neil Young cover and when he started to sing even more so.
  5. One of the finest numbers in my lifetime, lot of the poppish top 40 numbers don't stand the test of time for me that this does.
  6. Print is not going anywhere soon enough, I swear I get more paper flyers and adds every week in the mailbox than I did 30 years ago. They always try to sell you an extended warranty when you buy something hi tech, never take it cause before the warranty is up the item will be so outdated as to be nearly worthless is my biggest beef with technology, keeps you in the poorhouse in an effort to be somewhat up to date.
  7. FWIW, I hear than in a river if you are going to get spooled, give the fish lots of slack so the line bellies downstream of the fish so that the current is pulling from the opposite direction, the fish will turn and run upstream away from the tension. Never had the chance to tell if it works but makes sense.
  8. Yep, had a King drain a 7000 Ambassadeur of 20 pound XT years ago, fishing by myself, by the time I realized I needed to turn the boat around It was too late. Like Bill said it happened quick, seemed like once it got some speed up the last 1/2 of the spool was gone in seconds.
  9. This is true, I retired June 2008 just before the markets tanked, it was a scary ride down, the TSX lost about 40% of its value. Make sure you position yourself to make more on the way back up than you lost on the way down and you will be fine. Started with a max RRSP contribution in the late seventies and went payroll deduction RRSP thought the 80's and 90's , mostly gic's cause the interest rates were good sometimes over 10% back then. Last few years couldn't do RRSP's cause past service adjustments to my company pension ate up my deduction amount. One of the best funds I have is a TSX index fund, strange that many funds can't outperform the TSX index , don't say much for fund managers. Instead of GIC's look at buy and hold stocks, like Bell Canada Enterprise and majour bank stocks, the dividends paid are higher than interest today.
  10. I never buy anything majour full price at CTC unless it is a real emergency, always wait till it is on sale , seems in a 6 - 8 weeks cycle they rotate the whole inventory through a 60-70 percent off sale. Honestly for a bumbling home handy man like me , I think the Maximum line of stuff is pretty decent, stay away from Jobmate though.
  11. I find Rapala Canada has lots of neat stuff that they don't get in the USA. Always make sure you search the Canadian site for their products.
  12. Sorry i was up early for a medical appointment this morning and had to leave after stirring the pot. I just plain see RED when some hunters and fisherman throw their brothers under the bus just cause they don't enjoy the same aspects of the sport as they do Meat hunters throw trophy hunters under the bus. Proponents of catch and release have a hissy fit if some one keeps a fish. Flyfisherman somehow think they are the elite and bait fisherman are neanderthals. Hunters throw guys who like shooting non hunting style firearms under the bus. Some steelheaders would like to ban roe The list goes on but you get the idea Divide and conquer is how the anti's are going to get both hunting and fishing banned or severely restricted in the future. It is true, both in Germany and Switzerland , 2 countries I don't associate with the lunatic fringe , have both banned catch and release fishing as inhumane and barbaric, right up there with noodle, dog and bull fighting.
  13. Why is catch and release fishing legal. I can see fishing for food but using living creatures as playthings for our enjoyment and ego's that is just wrong.
  14. Raptors are back to the slow start again, alls well that ends well though

    1. misfish


      They are for real. Wow, what a third quarter.

    2. Acountdeleted


      Start up the bandwaggon. :D

  15. The master, Les Paul, R.I.P. , pretty good for for 90 years old.
  16. I think he was just having fun with us. Like " what is heavier a pound of lead or a pound of feathers ??" But yes , rain will make the situation very bad.
  17. My tank ran side to side under the back splashwell, even so the only place I would trust the guage was sitting still on the trailer , level, in the driveway. I could probably guesstimate how much was left if I started full more reliably than using the guage on the water.
  18. I bought my house in 84 for 55 thou , but the interest rates were 11% for a five year mortgage. Want housing prices to come down, raise the interest rates to double digits and there will be lots of homes on the market , real cheap. I think the biggest factor in high housing prices were the lowering of interest rates. You could ask more cause people could handle a mortgage at the rates of today. I recall when still renting, guys in the late 70's at work weighing the question, " should I go 1 years at 17 1/2 % or take a 5 years at 16%" , people would be suicidal if they hit that today.
  19. Doesn't seem like January 1977 was that long ago. Longtime residents must be less than 37 years.
  20. Honestly I thought most of the fish in the St. Marys were of natural regeneration so finding a few fry is not any great news. Even considering Lake Ontario there is a big difference between finding a few fry and finding enough to produce a self sustainable population.
  21. Crap, I turn 65 May 2015, so I need a 2015 card for next spring and then again in 2016 and there after, can't catch a break no how. Of course I didn't need any card for the first 35 years of my life and come to think of it I feel the MNR or for most of those years the Dept of Lands and Forests was more of a presence than today.
  22. I love my float reels, been using them since the early 80's, but for the lower Niagara I prefer a long spinning combo , never used one but a baitcater would seem to be even better. I wish you could still get the old round Blackbirds with the stick in the hole like 30 years ago, found them great in the heavy flow, fatter is good down there.
  23. I learned with my first boat driving a full size van, the 70's and no windows, have to use mirrors if I cheat and look now I'm always turning the wrong way with direct eye contact. For sure , the axle of my landscape trailer is several feet closer to the ball than the boat trailer, things can go bad with it real quick.
  24. When the fishing licence was introduced almost 30 years ago, every cent collected was to support fisheries management in Ontario . So WTH is this 2 bucks for?? http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/thestar/doc/435443542.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=May%2007,%201986&author=John%20Power&pub=Toronto%20Star&edition=&startpage=&desc=Anglers%20welcome%20resident%20licence%20to%20help%20fisheries
  25. For sure, Some Cohoes run extremely late, used to see fresh chrome fish with ice forming in the Credit during Christmas break. Actually have seen a Coho with a bit of life still in it at spring breakup.
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