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Everything posted by dave524

  1. Yikes, I was going to BBQ in a hour or so, just checked Intellicast.
  2. MB2 you are probably reefering to this stuff, remember sharing it on Facebook back in Feb.
  3. I've been running Windows 10 the last month with their new browser, Edge. it is a tabbed browser with minimal stuff and bars at the top, still doesn't do the quote thingy in here. Looks somewhat like Chrome, which I also have on this laptop.
  4. BBQ Pit Boys are the best and for the most part they only use Webber Kettles.
  5. Male Bowfin have the exact same coloration during spawning, caught them in the channels and marsh at Long Point like that. Totally unrelated I'm sure , just saying.
  6. Shag , up at the top do you see Help, click on it and then click "about" on the drop down menu. Internet Explorer 11 causes me grief too. I have an older version on my desktop in the other room, it seems to work OK with the quote function.
  7. Sensitivity is confusing , people watching a rod tip for bites like to see movement if a gnat lands on the line on the other hand if you are trying to feel a bite with the hand holding the rod while retrieving , a soft flexible tip is the last thing you want as any movement of the tip dampens the transmission of a bite to the hand, stiffer is best here. One definition of sensitivity is at odds with the other.
  8. are safety rails an option?? Rather have a Starcraft Fishmaster with 31 inch interior depth for that money.
  9. Don't you need to distill it to get the alcohol that high, I always thought that about 15 per cent or so was as high as you get, higher than that the alcohol kills the yeast and fermentation stops.
  10. Yes a big block now, it was fine before the edit at 11:51 cause I read a saw all the pics when it first went up. Definitely one of the best trips posted recently, hope it gets fixed.
  11. As a kid we called that wild carrot before we knew better cause it smelled like carrots if you crushed the leaves and stems. Still think the plant in question is Boneset, a medicinal herb of the family that includes Joe Pye Weed.
  12. When I was into home canning, I made a spiced plum sauce that was excellent with wild game, had cloves in it as well as some other spices. Beat the crap out of that plum sauce you get in the Oriental Food section of the grocery store that is actually made with pumpkin instead of plums. edit : this is close to what I am talking about, great with duck, goose, lamb , venison , all darker meats http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/spicy-plum-sauce ​
  13. try this variety https://www.prairiemoon.com/seeds/wildflowers-forbs/eupatorium-perfoliatum-boneset.html ​
  14. It's a white variety of Joe Pye Weed that is quite common in wet swales and marshes. Usually find the lavender variety around here . https://www.google.ca/search?q=eupatorium+maculatum+bartered+bride&sa=X&biw=1301&bih=585&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0CCUQsARqFQoTCJHd6pzCz8cCFYs9kgod-TgDYg ​
  15. I've seen plastic pails of cured naval beef at Food Basic and maybe Sobey's here In town.
  16. Really running away with this one hat trick for Encarnacion
  17. Doesn't seem like he's been gone 25 years,this week.
  18. I remember him as a Leaf growing up, think it was him that wore glasses while playing, maybe I'm mistaken.
  19. Watch out for afternoon games, especially on the weekends. Hate to tell how many I missed just assuming it was a night game..
  20. Looks very much like the coloration of a Bowfin when they are spawning, used to get them colored like that in the marsh at Long Point. Why a pike is colored up like that is a mystery.
  21. Look at the weights if going to a 9.9 and a cartop, 4 strokes are nice but heavy to be slinging around .
  22. Been using Gapen Baitwalkers for maybe 30 years
  23. as usual , listening to blues, Canadian too
  24. A species does not necessarily have to be an introduced species to be invasive. I was taught years ago that invasive species can also be a native species that colonizes an area to the point that they threaten the natural biodiversity of an ecosystem.
  25. I quite often have this going, usually through an older version of Winamp and Shoutcast streaming but here is a webpage link, http://tunein.com/radio/Slowhand-Radio-Eric-Clapton-music-s236506/
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