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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. St Lawrence is full of em.... See a couple jump every day... Seen some true beasts as well... And yes... The smaller ones smoked are unreal...
  2. Can you post a screenshot of hd somewhere so I can compare...? I was thinking about upgrading... Can you get hd on iPhone....? I thought it was only iPad.... ..
  3. Guns aren't the problem.... I could take my pickup truck and plow down a lot of people before I'd be stopped.... Or a knife in a busy place... Or a home made bomb... Of burn down a building full of people... This is a tragedy... And I feel bad for all the families affected.... Guns don't kill people... People kill people...
  4. My buddy had to fast for 12 hours... He didn't pay attention... He thought it was 24 hours.... Worst part... We figured this out 11 hours before his appointment... Lol....
  5. I'm sure you could find someone to swap with... Ask around for someone with an old chip and a newer unit... Then replace their chip with a new chip... You get the old chip...
  6. FedEx slams you with brokerage fees... I ordered a $200 dollar rod from the musky shop... $80 brokerage fee from fed ex... Plus tax and shipping.... In the end it was about 350 for a $200 rod... I was wild... USPS doesn't hit you with that...
  7. Cabelas XML walleye series Jig & pitch model... They're really great rods...
  8. I think what happens a lot is a "newbie" is doing online research... And a lot of searches lead to OFC... So naturally they figure why not just join...??? They do... They ask ask a question... And often enough get reamed.... I don't think many people look at OFC and think... Hmmmm... I think I'm gunna join this site... Talk about hockey, music and politics for a year or two and then maybe... Just maybe... Ill be able to ask for help.... And get answers that will help... But some... Take the reaming... Meet a few good people... Help some people.... Get helped by a few people... And stick around to kill some time here and there.... Funny thing is... Most of the long term members don't post reports.... The newbies do... And reports from the same person on the same water gets boring... So the newbies are the breath if fresh air...
  9. Or a truck in the ditch with 4x4 not engaged to same gas... Lol... Common sense tells me that the middle of winter is the least likely time to have a boat stolen.... If you think this way everyone should have their boats stored indoors year round.... All the boats/motors I've ever heard of being stolen were in the spring/summer.... To the OP... If you have space in your driveway/yard... Get a good cover with supports... And if it makes you feel better... Put all the snow you get all winter in front of it... Then the theives would need heavy equipment to get her out through the ice and snow... Don't get me wrong... I wish I had a garage to keep my boat... But that would never influence what boat I buy.... ...
  10. But would you let indoor storage dictate what boat you buy...???
  11. So I have a question to all you indoor fellas... What's the big deal with storing outside...??? Winter summer spring or fall... It's all the same... Buy a good cover... make sure you have support for the cover...Clear snow off every time you shovel your driveway... And put moth balls or bounce sheets in to keep mice out.... I know I'd buy the boat I really want... And if it doesn't fit in my garage (if I had a garage) I'd get a good boat cover or get one of those portable garage thingys that go on sale all the time... Problem solved....
  12. I think most of us go through a period of having too much gear.... I'm just coming out of this phase... Get a ton of stuff... Figure out what YOU really like and what works for YOU.... The sell sell sell.... I've purged a lot if gear this year... And I still have a ton of gear that hardy ever sees use...
  13. Warranties are a weird topic for me... I think it's great they'll fix you boat if it leaks.... But who's gunna get your boat off the bottom if lake O if your boat splits open...? I may be exaggerating but I think my point is clear... I like a product that doesn't need warranty work... Then I don't have to worry about my equipment failing me during peak season and being in the shop for 2 months... And fighting with warranty loopholes.... If you go 2-5 years old you'll save so much money you can pretty well fix anything and still save... You can get a great outfit for 15-25k... My brother got a 20 foot ranger fisherman 620T deep v with a 115hp tiller for 21000... Only 3-4 years old... No issues... Other perk to buying used... You usually get a fully rigged boat... Sonar/GPS... Trolling motors... Etc...
  14. Old Montreal is nice... Also like others said.... Smoked meat is awesome.... I've never had a problem speaking English... Just be polite and patient.... I've never been treated bad because I don't speak French.... Most businesses are happy to get your money... Doesn't matter if your speaking French... English... Spanish... Japanese.... Your business/money does the talking.... And there's some good fishing to be had in that area...
  15. Ouch... I have 2 nice free public launches within 5-10 minutes of my house... $15-$17... That would add up considering I launch 2-4 times a week....
  16. Lots of different thoughts on this... Some are as short as 2-3 inches... Some are 12+ inches... I personally like 7-9 inch rigs for boilies with a size 2 or 4 hook for boilies... And 5-6 inch rig for corn with a size 6 or 8 hook for corn... Now this is for euro style carpin... There are many other ways to fish em...
  17. Most use a "hair rig" Google or YouTube will give you more information then you can shake a stick at
  18. Also... It's an average thing... There's nothing saying you can't crack a huge carp on a single piece of corn.... But on average when fishing boilies compared to corn my average fish is a lot bigger.... If you want to catch as many carp as possible... Use corn/maize... If you are looking to eliminate those smaller fish and give the piggies the opportunity to eat you bait... Go with boilies... Edit... My advice is for wild fish... Not pay lakes.... Big difference.... ....
  19. Short and sweet... Yes... I fish corn 90% of the time... All my biggest carp have been on boilies.... 20mm Sometimes a 20mm bottom bait with a 14-16mm pop up to form a snowman... 2 14-16mm baits.... The 20mm/16mm snowman is the deadliest big fish bait I've seen.... 2-3 of my top 5 are on this set up...
  20. What a tank... Looks like a clear musky too... And clean... Congrats...
  21. Over 3 lbs ill lip em... Under 3 lbs seam to be the ridiculous ones... I just shake the hooks boat side with pliers if I can
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