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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. So my neighbor cut down part of MY tree this weekend without talking to me first.... The tree is about 6"-12" on my side of the property line... Both basically the canopy is 50/50 over our properties... Just wondering what the laws are about cutting someone else's tree overhanging on your property... Thanks
  2. Nice fish... And that's a nice little SUV.... Congrats
  3. Yup... I'm hanging on to my lefties... Have a Curado 301 and a quantum cabo that both work great...
  4. Not to high jack but this was also boated recently... 57.25" by Mike Hulbert
  5. Someone here is selling home made ones... Check the classified section...
  6. BTW... I am not with xzone... Just loving the baits... Lol
  7. Biggest thing for me with those 2 baits is rhythm... They take some getting used to... And like Dax suggested... Hell hounds are good baits... Especially for anglers new to herbaits/glidebaits....You can't work them wrong... And they are already weighted to sink slowly... ...
  8. Thanks everyone... It was fun trying a new technique for a species I don't normally target... And wouldn't you know it... Walleye like the dropshot too... Lol....
  9. So due to extremely tough walleye fishing this year because of low water temps and colored water from all the rain.... I decided to give this bass fishing thingy a try... Just to add some extra bites to my day... Now I know a lot of spots that hold smallies but I didn't really know how to catch them other then a few accidental catches while trolling walleye... So I messages a buddy asking for help... Kinda a trade of.. I needed him to help me with technique... And in return I'd show him some spots the pros don't know with big fish on them... So we made plans for a day trip... And I was surprised at the numbers and quality of fish caught... Especially because I had never done it before... And we were screwing around running all over the river... We did an 8am-4pm day... We boated 35+ smallies and 4 largies... Our biggest 5 fish were all over 4lbs which would have been a 20-22lb limit in a tourney... And my buddy told me it was a slow day... Lol... He was surprised at the size of fish on some of the spots I showed him... 1 spot put out 3 smallies over 4lbs... I've been mostly leaning on the dropshot with xzone slammers either a smoke/minnow color or a green/brown gobie color... VMC spinshot hooks and a 16-18" drop line with a 3/8 or 1/2 oz weight... Also hitting the flats with spinnerbaits... And a bit of tube dragging... Anyways... Here a few fish from the past few weeks...
  10. Yeah... There always easy to catch until your trying for em.,. Lol.... Looks like a fun day... And looks like terry's boat was a great investment... Lots of good stories so far...
  11. RPM control buttons on my Yamaha.... Lets me fine tune my trolling speeds and slow way down...
  12. Nice catch boys... Multiple musky days are good anywhere....
  13. That's what meant... I knew 90 was too big for a 165 tiller...
  14. That mileage sounds about right... 30km is a lot of water to cover..... When I do a big day... Fishing 18 miles each way... I'll burn 5-7 gallons in 10 hours.... And that's a 1 year old 50 4 stroke....
  15. And just so we are all clear... I have no issues buying a territory license.... But if I never leave said territory I shouldn't require any other license.... IMO....
  16. Is that fishing open water or from shore.... It's different apparently... From the very little information I found online... It may be a legit license and requirement IF... You are fishing from one of their islands/shore OR... Fishing IN one of the associated weed beds.... If your fishing open water or outside these said weedbeds it isn't a requirement.... This was from a local newspaper article relaying information received from a local government officials office... Like suggested ill be talking to the RCMP and Ontario MNR and getting something in writing....
  17. So I got stopped by "Mohawk conservation officers" the other day and was basically told I need to buy a Mohawk license on the spot or get a ticket for fishing their "territory" without a permit... They claim their territory is from Montreal to Kingston.... I asked for paperwork stating that its law to have their permit... They didn't have anything nor could they tell me where I could get it.... Nor did they show proper ID... All I got was a business card.... Anyways... Has anyone ever heard of this anywhere in Canada... Needing a special native territory license on top of a provincial license...? The "officer" even went so far as to say If I have a reservation permit... I do NOT require any other license... And if Ontario/Quebec/NY officers give me a ticket or anything else that the mohawk conservation legal department will take the ticket to court.... It all sound like Bull to me... I'm going to be calling the Ontario MNR this week and get it sorted out... But I'm curious if anyone else has run into this anywhere else... Thanks Mike
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