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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Morning all, well looks like spring is actually here, I'm starting to see some greenish brownish stuff under the snow if front of my house . Really looking forward to getting on some new soft waters this year. Anyone else hoping to try out a new spot??? Maureen
  2. Hope you have a great day... Maureen
  3. Seems to me those guys are good luck when it comes to getting the big ones...I seem to remember something about a Musky??? Good stuff Tony, I should be able to watch it. Maureen
  4. no good to me on dial up but thanks for the tease Rick Maureen
  5. Welcome to the Zoo Maureen
  6. Here, goes, My boy Dallas Austin with his best bud The three amigo's, also referred to as Fluffy Maureen
  7. Yup, a little chilly in the mornings still...but the signs are there, soon instead of all the snow in my back yard I'll be seeing brown grass, then next thing ya know I'll be mowing the lawn everyweek, losing a day of fishing for my trouble ....but with the soft water I'll get to try out my new outfit...I hope...Happy srping all Maureen
  8. Welcome to the zoo, you picked a good time to join us with spring right around the corner Maureen
  9. Hey Cliff and Carol, thank you so much for the condolence card, it was very nice of you. Maureen
  10. Now why would they do something like that...doesn't make any sense at all... Maureen
  11. 007, let me know what one you want to try and I'll give you the best way to get there from your starting point. I would say the one on Jane would be the easiest. Just take the subway to Jane stn. and if you don't have a metro or weekly pass you'll need a transfer to get on the bus there. Take the Jane ( I think it's the 35, been a couple of years since I drove that one) bus north to Church st. (near Black Creek), the tackle shop is on the S/W corner if I'm not mistaken. If you want to go anywhere else, let me know and I'm sure I can give you the easiest way. Maureen
  12. Good morning all you fine folks, following is a thank you note from Tyler's parents...it's late being posted as a result of the fact that I just couldn't get the time to do this, it's been sitting in my mail box for about 2 weeks now I aplogize to all for the delay... We would like to thank everyone who came out to Tyler's 3rd Annual Ice Fishing Get Together. We would like to thank Maureen for all her hard work and dedication in making this fundraiser more successful than we could have imagined. Thank you to all who helped her in any and everyway. For everyone who participated in the day and the auction, we thank you. Thank you to the gentlemen who cooked all the food. We will now be able to provide Tyler with ABA and Speech Therapy everyday for the summer. We could not have provided him with that much therapy without your help. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this most generous gift. Elisa and Terry French I would like to add my thanks once again, it seems we've raised a little over 5000.00 I believe. For all that came out, and those that participated in the auction, those who did not come out for what ever reason, but wished us well, and all the others I thank you from the bottom, middle and top of my heart for another succesful year. I look forward to next year already...after a little warm weather and soft water fishing that is Maureen
  13. Have to agree with Graftongal, don't see the humor in that at all. Maureen
  14. Thanks for the update Tom, too bad you didn't see it though Maureen
  15. Thanks Wayne, unfortunately I did too much this morning, and by the time 3 came around I was feeling pretty crappy and parked myself in my room...maybe next year... Maureen
  16. Good stuff Glen, nice to see some softwater reports. Maureen
  17. Not me, I already know how smart I'm not...don't need and IQ test to tell me that Maureen
  18. Sounds nice Eddy, I'm sure you and the missus won't regret it....look forward to the pictures. Maureen
  19. No worries Wayne, i'm getting cabin fever here, so I'll likely go for a drive and see what I can see... maureen
  20. Looks like a great year ahead of you TJ, I'll be looking forward to reading your posts... Maureen
  21. Well the pictures aren't very good but you get the general idea . I forgot to mention I also picked up Dave Mercers new DVD, hope to watch it while I'm off. Now I'm ready for anything Maureen
  22. Always knew he was full of hot air , but I'll still fish with ya glen Maureen
  23. Hey Wayne, any idea of what time it might be going though? Seems I'm off work for a couple of days and there's no way I can spend that much time cooped up in the house with my nephew right now...he's lucky he's still alive, and at the very least not back where I got hime from Besides that, i think it would be very cool to watch... Forget it Wayne, just re read your post and found it myself...ugggghhh....some days....any idea of the best place to watch it come through? Maureen
  24. Well I gave it a good try and went to work this morning, but by 10:30 or so I just couldn't do it anymore. I booked off sick, went to a walk in clinic and it turns out I have bronchitis. Now everyone knows that any woman worth her salt goes shopping to get a little pick me up...so off to BPS I went on the way home . I went to the customer service counter to pick up my gift certificate, and told the girl at the counter why I was there. Now remember, this place is really busy today with the Spring Classic. All of a sudden, a gentleman at the counter, who hears me, turns around quickly tells the girl he knows all about it, rushes into the back to get it, comes out, shakes my hand, how happy he is to meet me and tries to find George Wallace who gave me the certificate, and Dave Jessop the store manager, he's doing this using the walkie talkie. I can see they are very busy, and although I wanted to meet them, I realize this is likely not a good day to do so...I tell the guy it's ok, if he finds them and they have a moment I will be in the fishing section . Off I go on my hunt, first I see Dave Mercer, talk to him for a bit and he tells me the general area I might find Roger in...off I go. about 10-15 minutes later I find Roger, and he introduces me to Victor. What a nice young man he is, and very helpful as well. We spent some time chatting about and looking at different rods and we talk about the different fishing I do. I had thought about getting the Pete Maina combo, but after talking to Roger about it, and Victor I decided it probably wasn't the best set up for me at this time as I really don't fish for musky as much as I hope to at least once. We went through a couple of options and they were nice, but at 7' one piece I was worried it wouldn't fit in my little car. Victor showed me a decnet rod, and Roger agrees it will likely serve my purpose but wants to make sure. We find a young man named Andrew, who is apparently a Musky guy, tell him what I want, and he goes and gets a "Woo Davis Flippin" rod. It's a 7'6" Telescoping rod, fits nicely in my car and will do everything I want. Oh it's a heavy action rod. Over to the reel counter I go, and with Rogers help yet again, I pick out a nice Abu ambassadeur 6600c4 reel...sure is pretty , I picked up some Trilene XT 17lb to go with it...will go back when they aren't so busy to have it spooled properly. While at the reel counter, the gentleman from the service desk finds us and asks us to wait as Mr. Jessop and Mr. Wallace are trying to make their way to meet me. Forgive me for going out of turn, but before that Roger introduced me to fishinsqueege (sp?). We waited for a little while at the reel counter, but I really wanted to get one more item and I knew it would take a while for the two gentlemen to make their way throught the throng of people . Off I went to the fly section to see if I could find some stuff for making my own spinner baits. Finally I find what I've been looking for. I piked up a few packs of marabou and Rabbit. i won't go into more detail on that right now . While I'm there Roger finds me, and introduces me to George and Dave...both VERY nice gentleman. George sees the reel I picked out and asked if I had a trade in. I don't have any I'm ready to give up yet, so he tells Roger to get me a coupon for my new really anyway...WOW what a nice thing to do. Oh I also had the pleasure of meeting baby Herc who i look forward to seeing again at Lakair. Anyway, sorry for the long report, need the practice though for when I finally get to play with my new toys. To sum it all up, I now think I have a rod and reel for every type of fishing I might and hope to do this year, so will not have to borrow anyone's equipment. Thanks again to everyone at BPS!!! oh, I'll post pictures when I can stop coughing long enough that my hands won't shake Maureen
  25. More info can be found here http://www.menufoods.com/recall/index.html they will release all the companies affected after 6:00 am Maureen
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