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Everything posted by quickme

  1. i was a loyal Iphone user (3,4,4s,5,5s) and after seeing where iphone was going ( now where) I made the switch. I went with the Oneplus one. ( www.oneplus.net ) Great phone and much cheaper than a samsung, LG or HTG. I use my phone for a lot of things and this does what I need it to do. Email, photo's, Navionics, etc. 64gb is under $400 and unlocked ( great for travelling) Its can customize if you are into it or it can be a simple plug and play.
  2. thank you for the write up! One more place added to the bucket list!
  3. great to hear that you are okay. This could have been much worse which I'm sure your aware of. Kill those my mom hates me!
  4. like others have said, medical technology and advancement should give you a little more comfort. Wishing you a speedy recovery and keep us posted on the progress.
  5. wow... glad you made it out okay!
  6. that freaking Sucks!!! I did the same with my little guys. They used their Diego rod twice. I upgraded them to an Ice fishing rod that they used till last year when i bought them an ultra light outfit. 2 years old eh? Great times are ahead of you. The pic in my avatar is when the boys were 5 and 3. They still remember that day like it was yesterday. Bring lots of snacks and take lots of breaks so the little man can enjoy the outdoors. Crap now i'm just as bummed as you are about the rain!!! Maybe take him somewhere shorefishing on simcoe? PS... Lifejacket! Its a good habit for your son to have whenever they are close to water. Not that I am assuming you don't stress it but its a good reminder for everyone.
  7. if you park in long term make sure you take your ticket with you. In order to leave the parking lot you must have your ticket, if not the parking attendant takes down you plates and drivers licence. Its not fool proof of course. Maybe lock your glove compartment? Ejection seat triggered by non conforming butt pattern?
  8. i think this is great advise. Face to face, this way you can see if he's trying to hide something or if he is socially awkward. Nothing odd about neighbors sitting down and getting to know each other. Maybe have your wife there also and see what his body language is like when shes around. Worse thing is that you may have overreacted about his intentions causing tension.
  9. I started using a baitcaster a couple years ago. I use mono but this year i'm going to try braid. i took the advise from some of my fishing buddies and bought a decent baitcaster off the bat. Went with a Shimano Curado and just bought a Calcutta. Keep practicing. I find myself wanting to use my baitcaster for everything and the spinning outfit just sits there in the shadow.
  10. Its often a knee jerk reaction to assist. Everyone is safe and the ending was a happy one. You mentioned that you were picking up your son, what if you did stop and you got into trouble yourself. Your little guy would be at daycare wondering what happened to his dad. There is no right or wrong decision. I have often thought of what would I do when put in different situations. I do often think that fate decides what you choose to do. I'm glad you didn't rubber neck and had intentions of assisting.
  11. looking forward to watching this. It'll be a treat to see him no bottom bounce for fish for once.
  12. Thank you for the clarification. I was worried I would have to buy another 3 year license.
  13. Just double checking the regs and I was wondering... I have a Conservation fishing license, it states that I can not keep a musky ( always Catch and release anyways) does that mean I am not allowed to target them?
  14. The few that I've caught have been reeled in quickly without any extended stress. I made sure they were all revived and swam away healthy. This was a bucket list fish for my father and I but sadly he was never able to land one in the 37 years I fished with him. I have a soft spots for Musky's as it was the one that always got away from my dad and I. I will echo my appreciation to everyone that has posted on here for all their tips and suggestions. I'm looking forward to lining up my reel with some 80lb braid and hucking some big baits. This is the first Musky caught and I've been hooked ever since. Thanks again Guys.
  15. It's a bass MH
  16. really appreciate the help boys! I've been looking at tackle industries rods but that's going to be in a couple years. I want a 2 piece as it will be hard to fit an 8 ft rod in the car. Got the simax rod for a steal of a deal and wouldn't have bought a one piece rod if it wasn't for the incredible deal. I think I'm going to hit scugog for musky opener to test out the combo.
  17. ^^^^ I've done that once with a live target lipless crank... Every F-bomb = 1 ft of water...
  18. perfect!! Thanks guys, Braid it is. As for the stuff in the classified, I was too late. Everything is gone so retail pricing it is for me.
  19. thank you. Any truth about Braid being hard on guides? I have also read that braid floats quite a bit at first so there's a "warm up" period.
  20. After catching my first musky 2 years ago I've been Hooked. I splurged on a Calcutta 401D and couldn't be happier. I'm still new to fishing for the toothy critters but I now know why Musky fisherman are so passionate about them. What I'm looking for is advice on line (Mono vs Braid), lbs to use and whether my 6'6" MH simax wizard rod would be okay for now. I like Mono and always will but braid seems more sensible because of its small diameter. I am alright with a baitcaster ( may 1 birds nest every outing 2 Max) but am afraid that if I nest it i'll be chopping off $50 worth of braid. What would be must have baits in the box? Any advice would be great.
  21. very nice looking duck
  22. I have a clam xl4000. If you are setting it up in wind more than 20km/h you'll be flying a kite! Thou its possible to do if you anchor prior to "popping" it up its a little tricky to keep in under control. Some days I wish I'd bought a flip over BUT I like the extra room and I always fish with a friend. If you like to move around than a pop up hub is not for you. Once you have it set up you won't to break it down and set up again.
  23. got a Lowrance Elite 5dhi and upgraded the battery to a 12v 12ah monster. Also added a adapter that I can charge my phone/GPS with. Bought a pair of Baffin Titans for the hardwater season also. Really looking forward to the lake freezing over!
  24. They won't zip. They keep "popping" and won't stay zipped. The zippers on the clams are not the most industrial. I could send it back to clam but shipping cost would be CRAZY!
  25. I'm looking for a recommendation for a place that can replace the CRAPPY zippers on my clam. I don't know what type but anything would be better than the ones that are on there. I live in stouffville and work in scarborough.
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