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Everything posted by ld17

  1. Why what happened? How old was the boat and what dealer if they had anything to do about it. Thanks
  2. I was looking for a 14' foot boat. Went to the show and looked at all makes. I knew what I wanted the boat to have and from there was looking for the best price. In the end it came down to Legend or Princecraft. I ended up with the Legend because it was 1,500 less. Also the dealer was 10 minutes away from me. If I would have bought the Princecraft I would have paid more and drove hour and half to get to the dealer for pretty much the same boat. So far I'm happy with the boat. No problems. Time will tell. All boat companys make good boats. Think about it, if they really made that bad a boat I don't think they'd be in business. Just buy what you want. Make sure it has everything your looking for. What's it matter if you buy the best boat ever make and it doesn't suit your purpose. If that's the case I guess we should all be buying Ranger Z20' for 100,000 but were not are we. Plus buy from a good dealer. If the guy has to bash other boats to make his better then that doesn't say much for his line of boats.
  3. Ok if you want to go green and have a tournament then no gas powered motors. Enough said About power and speed....isn't there a story about a tortoise and hare.
  4. Ok guys it was in fact the ground wire. It was actually disconnected. I put it back on and changed a few lights that were not working and everything is fine now. Thanks very much
  5. thanks I'm going to go work on it.
  6. hey Dan thanks. The trailor is about 3yrs old. Never had any problems. I'm wondering if leaving the harness outside last winter put some build up of film on the conections and that's what's causing it. I will check your advice out and maybe take some sand paper to the conections.
  7. Last summer one of my trailor lights wasn't working so I thought it was burnt out. Bought a new bulb, and it still didn't work. Winter came left the trailor outside, and now this year none of the lights are working? Does anyone know how to check what's wrong. I don't think it's the harness from the truck. Any input would be nice. Thanks
  8. I was fishing the credit river some time ago and had a salmon on which took me down stream and I followed it. The river finally opened up and I was able to land the fish. Not knowing, where I landed the fish was a sanctuary. Some one asked me if I caught it there, and I said no I fought the fish here from up stream, and they said fine. Now what's the regs on this. Are you suppose to break the fish of as soon as it hit the sancturary or can you land it there if you caught it in a legal area? Any thoughts?
  9. I've been asked a few different times. I was fishing an area were people didn't have licences and he basically told them to leave. No ticket. These people were immigrats, so they might not know the laws. Another time was on the ice and I didn't have the licence on me but did have it in the car. He make me go to the car and get it. Luckily it wasn't a far walk.
  10. Here's help for painting your boat. Courtesy WFN Painting directly to aluminum dose not work! You have to do a conversion coat first so your epoxy primer will have something to stick to. This is the steps to take as you are doing it so it will make it easier for you. First strip the boat of old paint and then sand with180 grit paper. Once you are done that wash the hull with soap and water. After the hull dries use grease and wax remover such as enamel or lacquer thinner to wipe it down with. Now use a tack rag to wipe all the dust off the hull. Now you are ready for the conversion coat! The conversion coat is now sprayed on the entire hull. The product you spray is called vinyl wash primer. You can get this material at most UAP or NAPA dealers. It does not have to be a thick coat just so every thing is coated so the primer has something to bond with. Once it is dry then spray your epoxy primer on. I would recommend two coats of high build primer so it helps hide any scratches that may be left to cover. Now you can fine sand the primer and wipe the dust off ready for paint. I would recommend using concept paint for your finish coat! That is the paint I used to spray my boat with and it worked great. The nice thing about it is ten years from now the color with still be the same. This paint will not fade out over time and if you have to touch something up in the future it makes it real easy.
  11. I had a 15hp on my inflatable and got around 23mph out of it.
  12. that is a laugh.......lol
  13. go to the "Ask Italo" from canadain sport fishing web page and send him your question. He's very good a returning an answer. You might catch a reply before you leave.
  14. I've read some reports that guys have been trolling in the area and are doing ok. From the looks of the reports their not that far off from shore. Good idea would be to go to Grimsby tackle and ask them for some info. I'm sure they could help you out.
  15. Just looked at the regs and as long as the area you fish is not a sanctuary you should be good to go.
  16. sad news. Work just blocked OFC today. I'm like WHAT! Try again blocked....oh nooooooooo. Any way to access through back door. This is not good..lol
  17. admitting you have a problem is half the cure. I have no problem.
  18. What make of auger is it. Add stabilizer to the fule, then run the tank empty. I have a jiffy and it also talkes about removing the spark plug and squirting a bit of oil in the spark plug hole and then cranking it over a few times to lube the internals. Check on line if you can find a manual on yours. Good luck
  19. Don't sweat the small stuff. Some people don't plan ahead like you do. Next time just tell them, you should get a net so you can land that fish! Heck I let people use my stuff all the time. I'm just thankful I can afford the stuff.
  20. spiel where do you lauch your small boat? How far down river do you move away from queenston launch. Thanks
  21. I've caught them through the ice no problem. I've tried right as the ice starts to melt in some back bays and cuts. I don't catch any this early. Their not in the shallows enough. Still staging just outside the bay in deeper water so it's hard to get the bait to them cause the farther you want to move out there is still ice so you can't get your bait down. Where the ice is gone closer to shore, their not there yet so you have to wait a bit loner. Then they move in and easy pickings.
  22. ya I replied and got the same Bull ebay holding, only if your serious, alaska, bla bla bla. I'll have to admit when I saw the ad I'm like honey come check this out the boat I want that cost 20,000 grand, I can get for 4000, she's like jump on it, I'm like ya...........................what a joke and waste of time. Like they say there is a sucker every minute. Glad I never fell for that one.
  23. Would it be safe to say you can use flouro line as a leader if fishing for everything except pike, muskie?
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