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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. Not if you have a canoe....or a certain boat I saw you floating down the river in
  2. Hey Brian. You should take your tube out to that open water in the pic. You would slay fish.
  3. I towed mine home last weekend. If you need a partner any day let me know. I can blow off work at a moments notice.
  4. Takes a many a years to learn that river. Lots of snags,( an understatement) and runs pretty brown in the spring. Good access in wasaga beach and angus. Make sure you do your homework on no kill section of the river.
  5. I swear to god I came face to face with a bull at under 20 yards when I lived in old ancaster...my uncle a well known farm vet in the Niagara peninsula said a few escaped in the area and have been reproducing.
  6. Lucky could have killed someone on a sled. ...
  7. In the market for a used boat.... If i strike a deal how do I get the boat and trailer home? Allot of the boats on my short list are hours away and don't like the idea of handing over cash and leaving the boat there while I go get plates.
  8. Should be some blinkey lights behind the panel on the furnace if it is a newer one with a key to decipher the blinkey lights on the panel.
  9. Yep, too much smoke. Can ruin a good piece of meat.
  10. Be careful with mesquite and hickory. You can over smoke real easy. I like cherry personally . I usually only use wood hips for the first 2-3 hours of a smoke. A nice mop is ness carry also I like red wine apple juice and shallots. Bring to a boil on the stove then let cool I keep it in a spray bottle.
  11. I'm not on equal billing. 100 year old house. Only thing on gas is my furnace 150-180 last 3 months.....what burns me is the delivery charge the 8 months of the year the furnace doesn't kick on.
  12. Can you not just save all the files onto your computer. Then put the micro in a blackberry ( or other phone) Plug it into your computer and save the files to the micro?
  13. I have a charcoal side smoker aka the rusty box. It's allot of work but the results are fantastic. I also have an electric from tsc. The electric is nice I can throw some meat on in the am go play a round of golf come home to a delicious meal.
  14. I'd say so there's a 14 lb er. Hanging on the wall at the tackle shop at minuets point.
  15. If anyone is interested in freezer lamb or pork . Let me know my uncle is taking orders for early fall 2.50 /lb pork available by half hog. 5/ lb lamb He is in dunnville. Hung weight .
  16. Caught my first smelt last weekend.., them little buggers are tasty.
  17. Getting cold feet....going to look at at 25 ft boat next weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Well she could,but hey. LOL

    3. Freshtrax


      Hah we're already married. Cold feet about the big boat. But hey you only live once.

    4. buick14


      Im sure you'll b more than happy once you get it...

  18. A two colour setup might be deadly on simcoe early season. On smaller lakes no need.
  19. Wild. Shoulda brought a fishing pole and jiggled up some fish!
  20. It's from a family member I don't haggle. This year was tough just to get our hands on some stockers we had to travel from dunnville to st Jacobs , we ended up killing a cow that was only a year and a half old to put meet in the freezer. Might as well be veal. Still had the steaks cut inch and a half thick and boy are they good.
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