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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. I have a side of veal in the freezer, haven't touched the roasts yet but the freaks are the best I've ever had. This post make me want to thaw out a roast. I like to smoke mine for a few hours then finish on the BBQ with indirect heat or rotisserie.
  2. I take my dog to my dads when the farm vet comes to do the horses. 3 year rabies and the full works every year. Why risk it with your best friend. But city vets are expensive, full works for 4 horses, 3 dogs and 2 cats usually runs 400 and change. Plus my 90 dollar scrip for revolution. In the city it seems it's 300 to walk in the door at a vet.
  3. My cousin was found at 5 years old on the roof of his second story house ( neighbour called my uncle ). His bedroom window was promptly permanently crewed shut. Crazy stuff happens my cousins father is a dr. It can happen to anyone. Such a sad story. May his family and his soul find peace.
  4. Looks like I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow. My ride backed out at the last moment. I'm going to add 20 to the winner of one of Pete's trips and to Simons trip As the winner of both last year I highly recommend.
  5. Most of my clients want the cameras to spy on their kids. They want to see them get home from school when they are still at work, or check to make sure the dog walker is coming over ect. And If a real crime happens they at least have a picture. I
  6. I had the pleasure of the placing the winning bid and fishing with simon last year . Me and the wife had a blast and caught a few fis too! You will not be disappointed.
  7. Not sure if this is taboo or not. But if anyone wants a system pm me. I sell them.
  8. Love it. On such a short loop that be a good blast.
  9. and if I'm home they will be the second.You can't get halfway up my driveway without my dog letting me know. I don't have gold drugs or stolen things to hide but I'd rather have my 120lb pooch on my side then theirs . He is trained to attack. The command is "get the crackhead"
  10. I don't think it's too crazy with some safe ice and no winds in the forcast. Could do like they do on superior and drag a tinney out with you. It's what 400 yards or so off the island for 100 fow.
  11. Sometimes I wished they lived for 40 years, But then you wouldn't have as many of them. I know it sounds crazy now but you will get a new one and love it just as much.
  12. Can't wait for next weekend ! I'm sure it's going to be a great event as usual !
  13. If money were no object No questions I'd have a Carolina Classic 25' and a 14 ft tinney . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BshOrphobAc
  14. Lol everyone says that. He is a olde English bulldog x. Rottie
  15. With this cold snap many we can icefish lake ont next weekend for chinnies

    1. Freshtrax


      Maybe ... Damn auto correct.

  16. I have a system , wireless door sensors on all main floor doors, water leak sensor in laundry room , motion sensors in the 2 garages, and a camera on the main floor that takes 5 photos when the front door is opened and a 5 min video when an alarm is tripped that gets sent to my smartphone instantly. It pays for itself with the insurance discount. It also lets me keep tabs in my wife . I haven't had a false alarm yet and if Alarm is tripped the monitoring company calls me , and my wife before sending authorities . But this guy is my best deterrent
  17. The feeling never goes away. I can't count the amout of Mondays my sled went to work in the bed of my truck because I was too exhausted to unload it Sunday night. But sat. Morning your legs will defiantly thank you .
  18. I used to take my corolla out to long shoal all the time when I lived up there. The worst is when you hit a slush field . I never got stuck. But came damn close a few times. It's nice on real cold days sitting in the car with the heat on jig'n out the window
  19. I'm a young professional. I may or may not make my own whiskey, I quit smoking, and a big one is learn how to do your own taxes! That right there is 4 k a year.
  20. The lakes are stocked with trout and the big east river is full of smallmouth.
  21. Arrowhead pp. May be just what your looking for.
  22. when i go perchin i hit cooks bay. i find 20 FOW and set my baits 3-4 ft off the bottom i find the bigger ones come up to feed but the little ones are more scared.
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