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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. You should be able to start fishing that secret spot in pic2 very soon. My understanding is that everything in that body of water is currently open
  2. Welcome to the board. Looking forward to your posts. We like pics!
  3. I opened this Moosebunk report with eager anticipation, read the first paragraph, but I've got to get to work. I now have something beautiful to look forward to reading later today. Thanks without even reading it yet MB!!
  4. What kind of crap is that Herc??? Where the heck is the TFW (I'll explain that next I see you) that owns him?? Glad to hear you made out okay. It could have been very serious. Has your heart started beating regular yet?? Maybe you should phone SPCA and report it.
  5. Great report Wayne!! Can't believe Ron didn't catch anything.
  6. The chicken that did that should be hung by the neck until dead!! What the heck is the matter with people??????????
  7. Good one Ron!
  8. Thanks for posting BITEME. Its a good reminder.
  9. Call it spam if you want. I'm not saying don't shop at LeBarons (or anywhere else). I just want to make people aware that if its more convenient, you can save some gas and get the same deal. I'm not sure that people are aware that BPS will match the no tax deal. Sorry if you're offended by that.
  10. Not trying to steal a thread, but if BPS is more convenient, remember that they will match all competitors prices, INCLUDING NO TAX SALES as long as its for the same item!
  11. Just want to offer my congratulations to Dave Mercer for the great job he did organizing and raising money (over $21,000) for Cancer. Also a tip of the hat to all that contributed. I'm sure Dave's Mom is looking down on him today with a proud smile. Great job Dave and to all those involved.
  12. Fabulous news Gerritt. Like Roy said, give us a report. YOu're the best HeadHunter!
  13. I'm terribly sorry about Dallas Moe. The day I had to take my lab for that last drive was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I cried like a baby afterwards, but knew it was the right thing to do. Take comfort in knowing you did the best thing for him and remember all the good times. Give your other dogs a big hug. They will help you get through this.
  14. Glad to hear from you Rich. Put me on that list for wanting to take him out for a 3 hour tour ...........love to share a boat with you some day. Sorry about you and Sleded, but life goes on!
  15. Shimano Canada IS participating!!
  16. We have a Toonie Tournament scheduled for Buffalo Bass on April 15 and a Pike Tourney at Long Point for April 29. Everyone is welcome to join us. Can't wait to get the new boat and motor out
  17. Glad all is well Roy. Reminded me of fire drills in public school
  18. Roy, please reply to let us know that all is well.
  19. Highlight of my day!! Thanks for taking me away from work for awhile.
  20. Sugar Loaf Harbour in Port Colborne is a nice double ramp. They even built bleachers for people to watch the entertainment. The only issue is that the entertainers have to pay to entertain the "free" crowd
  21. Next time you're in the store, go to Customer Service (beside the fireplace) and ask to be put on the mailing list.
  22. The flyer should be on the BPS web site Thursday (Friday at the latest)
  23. Congrats Sam, and may I say that I have enjoyed many of your posts and looking forward to many more. Hope all is going well. Will stop in to say hi next time I'm down your way.
  24. I was told that the flyer would be on line on Thursday, Friday at the latest. 28 of the 40 pages are fishing. They are doing the reel trade-in thing again and you can save up to $100 on a reel (depending on how much you spend on a new reel). If you don't have a rel to trade in, you can buy a Zebco 202 for $10, donate it and get up to $100 off a new reel. Its really a win/win. The reels are refurbished and given to kids who would otherwise not have one. That voucher is in addition to the sale price of the reels, and there are a ton of them on sale. The voucher is good on ALL reels available over the reel counter including Shimano (Shimano did not participate in the U.S....thank you Shimano Canada). I could go on and on, but I'm starting to sound like spam so I'll stop. Just want to make sure everyone is aware of the deals. Some of the best prices you'll see anywhere all year. If you're in the store on either weekend, come say hi in the fishing dept. I'm easy to pick out, old clueless guy with a beard
  25. Funny, but I remember in December and early January all the ice fisherman were worried about getting ice. I've had enough and I was fortunate enough to miss all of January!
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