I was told that the flyer would be on line on Thursday, Friday at the latest. 28 of the 40 pages are fishing.
They are doing the reel trade-in thing again and you can save up to $100 on a reel (depending on how much you spend on a new reel). If you don't have a rel to trade in, you can buy a Zebco 202 for $10, donate it and get up to $100 off a new reel. Its really a win/win. The reels are refurbished and given to kids who would otherwise not have one.
That voucher is in addition to the sale price of the reels, and there are a ton of them on sale. The voucher is good on ALL reels available over the reel counter including Shimano (Shimano did not participate in the U.S....thank you Shimano Canada).
I could go on and on, but I'm starting to sound like spam so I'll stop. Just want to make sure everyone is aware of the deals. Some of the best prices you'll see anywhere all year.
If you're in the store on either weekend, come say hi in the fishing dept. I'm easy to pick out, old clueless guy with a beard