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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. Another great read Dan. A lot of those shots took me down memory lane over the last year as I always enjoy your posts. Thanks for taking the time to post it up and wishing you all the best in '07
  2. Of course he had to ask!! Otherwise, he might not get invited out in the boat again If you've spent time on the water with him, then you've certainly got to know him. Congratulations to you and your daughter.
  3. You made my day at BPS Jamie. Would love to get out with you next year.
  4. There was a good post about this about a year ago on the old board.
  5. Looks like you had a great day PF!!
  6. Great job Joey! You make us all proud!
  7. Great post CCMT. I spent the night with the Grand Daughters (6&8) and it was a GREAT night. Lots of magic in the air!!
  8. Wonderful looking family. Boy will Christmas be exciting at your place this year!
  9. Wishing you, Diane, Sherri and Marvin a wonderful and peaceful Christmas. Better not let Marvin see that cartoon!!
  10. Merry Christmas Spiel and hopefully we can finally hook up at the Swill.
  11. Hats off to your son Sam and a prayer for all those dedicated young men and women who so bravely defend our freedom.
  12. Yeah Roy, DIRECTLY to me You know me Barry, wewere all done our Christmas shopping, but I still walked out of there with a $70 bill after picking up a "few" more things for the Grandkids and the boys Spiel, it is really a very humbling experience at times. I'm in there having the time of my life at my "hobby" job, while some co-workers are holding down 3 jobs just keep food on the table and a roof over their head. My hat goes off tho them.
  13. Too funny Lew........ I was sitting in the lunchroom on my break when one of the guys come's back and in voice loud enough for everyone to hear says "Hey Rogerrrrrr, there's a girl named Sheriiiii looking for youuuuu"
  14. Merry Christmas Gary and all you great OFNers.
  15. I can honestly say that you're my hero Roy. I feel very priviledged to know you. Easy to see which kid is the happiest in the last picture. Funny how you surround yourself with people your own size
  16. Ya got that right GCD. I've always compared it to working at Disney World. Most of the customers are always pretty upbeat and the staff are great to work with as well. Thank God I've got my regular job 'cause I do spend pretty much everything I make there
  17. Well I finally got to meet Crazyhook. What a great guy. Too bad I was busy, could have talked to him all day. We'll have to get out on the water sometime buddy. A real pleasure meeting you. Also saw Rattletrap and family today. Always a pleasure buddy. And last but not least a special daughter of one of our great OFNers (but that might have to be a secret ) Its great to see so many people out buying fishing stuff for their families. I sold my last customer a Johnny Morris Baitcast combo for his father and a Shimano Stradic and BPS Extreme for his brother along with cases for each. So many customers that I would love to have adopt me
  18. Its a little bit of good news and bad news GCD. Had a nieghbour's dog that lost a leg when it chased down a lawnmower and lost. The good news............everything will be very close to normal. The bad news............rabbits and varmints will soon learn that all they have to do is turn right instead of left and they can lose her Poor Miss Bubba!! Seriously, glad to hear things are going so well. A great Christmas gift.
  19. Hey Bunk, I can only imagine the pressure on you the next time you go to make a post Keep up the great work Bud!
  20. Merry Christmas Dave. Enjoy this year with the little one. Best of luck in the New year with those exciting projects.
  21. Does that mean that you've got something SPECIAL for me tonight??
  22. Hey Rog, Can you believe i'ts me? I just wanted to wish you Happy Birthday, I LOVE YOU very much. Looking forward to tonight !! 24xx
  23. Notice he went for the pink tube rather than the blue one on the deck!!
  24. Thanks Junior. BPS cards are always good!
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