I hear ya Joey.. I got the worst leg tension that prevents me from sleeping sometimes... We're reeling in the years!!
Have ya tried stretching?? I spend a few minutes stretching every night before I hit the sack.. Stand up, keep your legs straight and try to touch your toes... Keep at it until you feel your muscles start to relax. I try to do it until my palms touch the floor..
cheers luv,
Just a thought here but are you following through on your casts? If you tighten up on your line before your bait hits the water, your bait should extend to the end of your cast and roll over better..
Bigfoot?! Whoah.. I'm gonna have to read that one again..
Fantastic write up and spectacular pics budday!! You and Marzana make a great fishing duo..
The Asheweig sounds like a dream... I think that when I have the time and the expendable income, that's where I'd want to take my dad..
I'd check out Balsam Prov Park.. I've stayed there before and was impressed.
Stayed at a friend's cottage just to the left of the park last weekend. Great location within 2 1/2hrs of Toronto. Nice clean beach, a good launch.. and the fishing ain't bad either! I'd sneak out for the morning fish and got some nice eyes, pikes and a coupla lunges as well..
Never Cry Wolf was made into a movie by Disney if I remember correctly... There's a scene where dude starts eating mice with crackers... Cracks me up every time!!!
Great thread!
I'd recommend anything by Farley Mowat.. Lost in the barrens, never cry wolf, Sea of slaughter, to name a few.. Easy to read, hard to put down!
My dad used to take me to the KOA campsite in Brighton when I was kid.. When I'd get tired of the stocked trout pond he'd take me to the local creek..
The name of the creek escapes me but if it's the same creek it used to have brookies and browns.. That was years ago but the memories are still etched in my mind..
Nice creek though.. Betcha it's got some troots in 'er!
Nicely done Mike.. That puts a smile on my face because the missus and I are expecting our first this fall.. I'm hoping that will be me in a few years!!
Saw that clip on Uncut Angling... If a fish like a musky can establish a self sustaining population in Lake Winnipeg, the possibility for true giants is there!
I wonder is this fish was planted by a bucket biologist or if it naturally made its way into the lake..
Back in the day that was considered common practice.. Heck, my folks used to do the same..
Wouldn't handle a fish that way unless it was destined for the fryer though..