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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Great! Could use a brain transplant too while you're at it.. Maybe our personalities clash.. or maybe, it's my crass, dry, british humour... I must remember to insert an emoticon next time I make a remark, so just you know I'm being sarcastic. There. LOLOL
  2. Wow. Must be freaking nice!!
  3. Ya know... I was giving Chris advise, based on my experience, because the topic hits home. I had a bit of time, and I figured I would chime in. Tell us, oh ensightfull one, how one manages 13hrs of OFC a day, with a full time job and 7 kids..
  4. No need for that. You're not the first who's suggested that, even if it was a joke...
  5. Scotch?! Jesus.. That method may have been common place in the past, but make no mistake, it's the last thing you want to give your baby. The missus and I went through the same thing Chris.. There are two types of babies.. Those who are signalers and those who are self-soothers. Some babies have the uncanny ability to sooth themselves straight from the get-go, and some need encouragement. Ours was a signaller, and it was only when we had just about reached wits-end that we sought help.. Heck, being our first child, we just didn't know any better.. And the advice that I can give you is this.. Believe in your baby. Don't loose patience and above-all, support your wife. Be an observer, in a sense, learn your babie's cues. Also, resist the urge to pick her up and comfort, nurse, what have you... You can provide reassurance and comfort, make them feel that they are in a safe place. I got into the habit of signing, adjusting my pitch to my boy's decibel level... even a long, steady shooshing sound worked well. You have to let them cry though, forget the notions of tough love. Check up on them every once in while and stick to it!! Lastly, don't lose hope. It will get better. cheers HD
  6. Great read Mike! I have relatives in Dokis (the Restoules) and have been going up there since I was a kid so your report really hits home. It truly is a magical place. I was ice fishing right near Dokis marina last year and you're right about the amount of 1-2 year class pickeral.. There's tons of em! But there certainly are big ones.. cheers, HD
  7. Fine. I will respectfully withdraw my comment. Sorry Manitou.
  8. retracted.
  9. Seen the same thing walking the Humber one year.. Thing musta stuffed itself on crab apples.. Sure was a funny sight!
  10. Look there's something on FB that I can post on OFC!! Better stop whatever I'm doing and hop on the computer!!
  11. Hey who told you LMAO!!
  12. It all goes to the minister of finance Bill!!
  13. Yip.. and you're supposed to stop fishing after you've caught one. So feigning ignorance ain't gonna help ya when you contact the ministry to report a new species of trout... But hey, I'm sure they'd get a chuckle if you swore that you thought they were Atlantics!!
  14. Dude nice auroras!! Believe me when I say Auroras.. I've worked at Hill's Lake FCS rearing, feeding, spawning and stocking them, so I can ID them well. I probably don't have to remind you of the rules re: catching auroras. That lake you fished is also listed on Fish ON-Line. Here's the link just in case... http://www.web2.mnr.gov.on.ca/fish_online/fishing/fishingExplorer_en.html Gonna hit up a lake northwest of Timmins for them next weekend!! cheers HD
  15. That's awesome. Looks like it's gonna be a great fall for upland birds!
  16. look at the have-a-heart traps.. they're humane and the trap will keep the skunk's tail down while you take him to... shall we say.. greener pastures.
  17. Yep. Mom used to call it herbe à fièvre.. (Fever weed) And it's good for constipation doncha know!!
  18. Thanks Chris! bit of a eureka moment... Predator is high up there on the list of faves but couldn't find a decent still from the movie.. Think Total Recall when Arnie goes off the cliff and his helmet shatters and he starts breathing in the martian air! Aaww chucks.. havn't tied them in a while.. they still need some tweakin. Once I'm confident that they can take real abuse I'll be spinning some up again. cheers!! LOL you my boy B!!
  19. What the heck ya talking about? I'm serious!!
  20. Oh my gawd I was waiting for you to put up this kinda thread... I like your avatar best! aaaahhaawww!!
  21. Well d'uh!!
  22. Very nice report my friend!! Looking forward to our next weekender.. I want the whole skimpy!! cheers HD
  23. Ryan I always look forward to your posts... Makes me ponder the day when my boy will be able to join me and catch his personal best also. Way to go Dad!! cheers HD
  24. FHR actually put me on to OFC.. We were roomies back then! I'm sure he's doing fine... probably surf casting Montauk as we speak, camping out in his car... living the dream.. miss ya budday!!
  25. Now that's the life!! and thanks for the laughs as usual.
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