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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. 1. LC Flash Minnow 110, table rock shad. 2. LS Toronto Wobbler # 31/2, silver bronze 3. Yama Senko, 5in white on green, waky rig 4. Rapala Original floater 13, gold. 5. Surprise me...
  2. Duude!! Ya need to git some meat on them bones.. Ya look scary!! Good to have you and sugarpacket back. Awesome report. cheers HD
  3. If I could whisper words of wisdom... Let it be. HD
  4. She's adorable!! Lookit that smirk.. priceless. You must be a happy papy.. cheers HD
  5. Well done Mike! Ya got yourself a little piece of heaven right there.. Your daughter's a little charmer bud. And you've got her well on her way to chasing trophie fish instead of <<you know what>>!! cheers HD
  6. Dawg you best bring your coonarse to the lodge this fall.. You and me got a date with hawg walter, topwater style!! Start stocking your sellar budday!!
  7. Ya know Bunk.. Monthly installments would have been great! up at five and I wanted to go wormin... dang. thanks budday. I'll read the full monty in the morning!! cheers HD
  8. I know eh?! I got a nasty one about jelly carp!! I'm gonna miss Paul's late night monster fish stories.. See yas in September maybe?!
  9. More mouths for hook sets!!
  10. I can't go.. sucks donkeys. I'll be in Latvia, a 12hour bus ride from Moscow.. On the upside, I'm told they have esox up there! giggity!!
  11. Hey alright!! Glad you made it through those extrusions.. Atta boy. Those leaders look shweet.. That williams will get you one dude! cheers HD
  12. Can you say AAAHHH?! Now hold still while I apply the gas.. Sorry, I'm having emergency op flashbacks!!! cheers HD
  13. NICE! Sounds like great weekend. That fish is a beast.. So I guess this means you'll need some help bringing in the dingy for the other back lake then yeah?! teehehheh cheers HD
  14. Great read!! Some brave souls in that bunch. You can clearly see just how vivid the colours are on them specks!! cheers HD
  15. Is that the braid I hear or do your gears need a bit o grease?! NOICE ONE BROTHA!! cheers HD
  16. Ah Dang! I skimped on the date.. I'll be in Russia!! Is there gonna be another one this summer?! GCD. Let's make our own G2G.. I got lots of Russian girlfriends!!
  17. SIIICK!! Monay. Now all's ya need is a new truck to haul her with!! See you love birds at Lakair! HD
  18. Ya must have to rince them afterwards... me thinks a container with even trace amounts would make for pretty lifeless, stinky dewies!! AYOYE!!
  19. EEEWWWWWW!!! Ben, The dog park beside the Gardiner is a great place for honkin dewies.. After a good rain in the witchin hour, ya might see a head lamp slowly and systematically going accross the greens... That be me!! HD OOH, otherwise, find the worm mounds and spray a mixture of water and mustard powder over them. Dem suckers will squirm right outta their little hidey holes!
  20. You're joking right?!
  21. So many conflicting emotions... Sorry to hear about your lose(s) Jason. Not a bad fish though. Actually, it's a freaking hawg!! All the best. BUMP-ITTY. cheers HD
  22. Me too!! Aren't they sick?!
  23. What's a MUS-KIE??!
  24. Leave the guy in solitary confinement for 24hrs... with a loaded pistol. That outta sort things out. Bloody shame they still havn't found the little girl. My deepest sympathies to the family. HD
  25. Mike.. We been friends for a while now. When you gonna share the love?! Awesome dude!! cheers HD
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