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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. I hear Oakley makes lenses for different fishing conditions.. Shallow, deep water, blue water.. I've got polarized ambers and I absolutely love em. One of the best tools for fishing. After years of cheapo lenses, I dished a coupla bills last fall and went all out. I'll never look back!! One thing with premium lenses, you always know where they are. cheers HD
  2. INCREDIBLE!! Thanks for sharing such a great week... That last spot.. Looks very familiar!! cheers HD
  3. That was pretty gnarly wasn't it?! Glad we could finally link up.. Hopefully next time, we'll slay some pike! Good stuff brah. That tat.. certainly not for the squeamish! Did you get my order?!! cheers HD
  4. Just keep west of there dude. All kinds of good water.. Any shallow sheltered bays will hold something. Never had a problem with the police, but better whatch out for the port authority in metro too.. they're quick with their radios hahah It's only a matter of time for the harbour..
  5. That's a heck of trip Rob.. Great photos. 2 nights alone in the bush.. A nice recharge. Did you scarf those trout, or did you save em?! cheers HD
  6. Dude. I hear ya.. I put the stuff away for years.. I love to cast, kinda like a golfer with that perfect slice-free swing, but it's just too much freaking work. Forget quality over quantity, I wanna catch fish!! I remember my first time fishing for specks with my dad... He spent his time searching for the wee guys I hauled out in the bush behind me!!
  7. Nice Bill!! You can go ahead and put the pin away now.. Cause ya know, purists have no love for pinners!! cheers HD
  8. Good show. Dem's some dandies! Surprised I havn't run into ya. Water's been real hazy since the downpour on Sat but there's been some fishable water east of our building.. lotsa fish in the high 30s.. tomorrow night.. ya down?! cheers HD OFC... dating service for fisherfolk?!
  9. Dad worked for Grants for a few years back.. Used to call it Englefart... I'm sure ice out was barelly a coupla weeks or so ago, weather's not looking so good for this weekend. Was supposed to head up to Temiskaming Shores but decided against it. Needs a good week of warmer temps for the pickeral action to start heating up. Some good trouting around Charlton if you're in the area! cheers HD
  10. Well done! Would be nice to hook into more of those than them pesky, toothy snoot rockets. Pike suck!! Imagine a sustainable walleye fishery, in the downtown core... Wicked. props brotha. HD
  11. Have the best day sugar beet!! Have Paul massage your feet while you work the prop wash!! Bonne fête!! luv, HD
  12. There goes the neighbourhood... Was it released? Nice fish!! Cheers HD
  13. Starting to see the bigger females close to the shallows in calm water.. Looked like they just came off the spawn. They all seemed in trauma though! Smaller males were still hanging around. Have been seeing some browns cruising around, real skittish as well and definetly no takers.. Should be any day now. End of May is prime time. cheers HD
  14. I'd be concerned if that was a water moccasin, they're quite poisonus and their bite is quite painfull I'm told. Pretty sure that's a harmless water snake. water snake vs moccasin cheers HD
  15. Maybe you outta get over yourself?!
  16. I second that notion. Emmediatly, meaning not taking the fish out of the water, walking over to budday's boat shed with it to take a picture. Emmediatly. Too bad there's no Laymen term for it eh?!
  17. Very shweet!! Gonna have to give the superior steel a try one of these days.. That hen you got on the Saturday... SEXY!! cheers HD
  18. Brilliant!! Gotta love ice out.. Real nice lakers ya got there. Great advice too! cheers HD
  19. Nice!! So ya use a spoon huh? Reminds of the Campbell's Thick and Chunky commercials where they're arguring about what cutlery to use.. I think it went along the lines of "Nah mang, you gotta use a spoon to get at all the good stuff!!" Okay, I need another hobby. cheers! HD
  20. Save the trees, eat beaver!!
  21. Naure's cooler.. Classic! Let's hope we'll be chillin the suds in the lake next weekend and not in the snow eh?! Musta got loads of snow this winter.. That lake is high! You got any beavers in the area? Ah spring.. cheers HD
  22. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!
  23. Really? I thought it's quite clear. The regs say: " Fish must be released emmediatly". Board rules state: No OOS fish pics. Maybe we outta tweak the rule a bit. No OOS fish pics, unless it's a bass.
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