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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Keep perpetuating this report.... and I'll tell!!! J/K
  2. YEASURE!! "Pinning for bass"
  3. Atlantics are closed year round in the Credit River.
  4. Way to go brotha!! You look in good health and in good spirits. That's an awesome smallie too. Thanks! HD
  5. What??!! Oh I get it... That must be a brookie lake and you guys are doing a cull!! You must be putting on a big feed.
  6. Looks like someone over there has been cleaning the shark tanks at Metro Zoo!! They do good work. Thanks for the pics and story!! HD
  7. Aye c'est malade ça!! Donnes-y un beau bec... Bonne chose que la saison était fermée, mais je me demande si elle a toughée l'hivers... Mauditement trippant mon homme!! merci HD
  8. Hey hey!! Great bed time story guys... You caught yourself a goodun there!! thanks HD
  9. Think that merits a frostie in your name brah.. Happy Birthday!
  10. I've seen them north of Lawrence st at Cruikshank Park. The weirs are all notched so the salmon can get quite a ways up, but there's an impass at Board of Trade Golf Course. The fish ladder there gets checked regularly by Ontario Streams, but they don't release any salmon over the dam, in order to protect the native fishery up there.
  11. Lotsa bass in Japan dude!
  12. Not sure about diamond lake but I fished Evelyn and Sucker Gut several times and it's a tough fishing this time of year. If you can find a bathymetric chart for Evelyn, snatch it up!! We've met up with guys staying at Island 10 and they seem to do really well, but they usually have help from a guide.. I'd say fish the deeper edges during the day and work the inflows at dusk for walleye. Worm harnesses on bottom bouncers and white and red jig heads tipped with a twister tail or worm or chubb are a good choice. For pike, work slash baits and spoons off deep ledges adgacent to a good weedline (or vice-versa). Lots of snot rockets but the bigger fish are there. Hope this helps. Good luck!! Tell us how you make out. HD
  13. I second that notion. Bring on the salmo salars!! Awesome report. Thanks. HD
  14. Sweeeeeeet!! I love the west arm.. cheers HD
  15. Guddun.. Hope you do well dude. Watch out for them mangy dogs though!!
  16. That was a great post bud, in spite of all this turmoil... My deepest sympathies. Let's hope the fall is better on ya.
  17. Saw them back in 03 at Molson Amp... Eddy started his set with "Release".. I can still feel that wave of sound wafting up to the lawn section.. It was an amazing show!!! I have the 2 disk set from that show and pop it in once in a while. He even did a little hippy-esk survey about the war in Irak. I went something like this: "Do you support the US sanctions taken in Irak." "NO, I don't support the war, and I believe the threat of weapons of mass destruction was distorted and exagerated in order for the American people to support the war." "YES, I'm an idiot!!!" cheers HD
  18. Shouldn't you be out there fishing?? Check the forecasts... The nights shoud start to cool soon enough. A strong north wind after a good rain is the ticket. And if you plan on keeping anything, make sure you can ID the fish!!
  19. This that June trip you were talking about??!! Cause if it is... Quit playing games with my heart!! HD
  20. Date's set for the 19th of June next year. I hope it's enough time to get ready, financialy and emotionaly. So far so good though. Say hey to Telly for me if you see him. cheers
  21. Nice fish, poindexter!!
  22. HEY!! I only eat the rude.
  23. A coupla fish for the table aint bad... And you won the tourney!! It's a win-win situation! Well done. HD
  24. My my my you're a mouthy sod ain't ya. Betcha we'd get along great!!
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