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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Personally, I wouldn't bother with the south shore of the islands.. Unless you get a killer freeze up and you can venture safely out to the salmon/trout zone.. The inner channel at center Island would have plenty of safe ice, you'd be somewhat sheltered, and there are pike and perch to be had, albeit in small numbers.. Also, all the fish I've iced in and around the harbour came during low light conditions, like at first light or on a overcast day. Focus on offshore structure or to a steep incline in depth, relating to open water. cheers HD
  2. I just so happen to know the perfect spot for em.. Keep in touch.
  3. Man I love that freighter canoe... aaooohh!!
  4. BWAHAHAHAH!! sounds like we're on the same wavelength..
  5. Yuppy, Bourgeois folk breed well in the city... A coupla hundred years ago they would have died of starvation.. It's called natural selection!!
  6. 31/2in berkley ripple shad, smelt pattern.
  7. You ever fished the harbor or the Islands?? I've had random people ask me if I had my licence.. I've even been accosted at the islands on pike opener.. Leave the trout alone they would say... They're spawning!!
  8. Atlantic Salmon in Norway. ON THE SPEY!!
  9. True story.. I was fishing a splake lake with Buick a coupla years back.. I had just picked up a new UL St-Croix ice stick and had set it up with a nice lively minner in the first hole.. Started jigging the second hole and I look back and the rod is off the holder, sitting on the ice.. I put my rod down, and proceed to walk over to the other rod.. About half way to the first hole, the rod kind of did a stand-up and went ploop, down the hole!! After a few colourful remarks, I walk over to the second hole and start jigging again.. I feel a bite, set the hook and whatya know, I had hooked the bail of the reel of the new UL set-up with my tube! And as luck would have it... the fish was still on the line! I proceed to play the fish and managed to land a beauty splake!! Pretty flukey, eh?!
  10. Just shook Steve Paikin's hand for all the years at Studio 2 and The Agenda. He was wearing full Leafs attire!!

    1. misfish


      Cant wait to shake your hand again now. It,s famous. I can say,I shock the hand that shock the hand. Oh wait,how many shocks have you done? LOL

    2. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Did he lose a bet?

    3. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Just to be clear my comment was in reference to him wearing full Leaf's attire; not about having to shake your hand. ;-D


  11. Noice one Bunk! But thanking China... wouldn't that be, as the Brits so adeptly put it... taking the piss?!?!
  12. Or you could just tie up your dog... just sayin..
  13. Stupid finicky fish.. How the heck was I supposed to know they only eat meegs?!
  14. I'm so sick of hearing people doing well on Simcoe.. Brian you owe me a dang whitie!!
  15. DUDE I know that guy!! bwaahahaha!!
  16. Single Muslim adds?? Are you freaking kidding me?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. highdrifter


      Browsing on my sign-in profile maybe... not on this office puter Wayne!

    3. BillM


      Please do the needful.

    4. gkasko


      Would you prefer single Buddhists? haha :P

  17. Right on mane!!
  18. Looks like a 15th century torture device!!
  19. The broadback river in northen Quebec.. My old casting instructor has brookie mounts all over his house.. Some of them 10lbs +!! Ya probably know him actually... Guy by the name of Gordon Deval. cheers HD
  20. Uuuhhhh.. Check the trunk.. The cabbie might still be in there!!
  21. Great year end round up dude!! Your camp looks amazing.. ...and lemme know if ya need an extra hunting partner!
  22. Hey Jimmer, Been to the west end a few times.. In fact, if it wasn't for getting hitched and being a new dady, I'd be there again this year.. My folks love the place. The reefs there are in great shape if diving is your sorta thing. If you have fly gear and some permit patterns, bring em! There's some fishing opps along the beach at West End but your best bet is to rent a scooter and head to the flats of Sandy Bay, wade out to a likely spot and wait for the permit to come to you. Rutter cutter crabs are by far the best pattern there, but a well placed shrimp on spinning gear might just do the trick. First thing I'd do when I get there is head on down to Sun Downer's bar and ask for Greg. He's a great dude and a wicked guide!! Last time I was there I met the man and ended chasing permit with him for the entire week.. We'd hit the flats during the day and get totally sauced afterwords.. Tell him Fidel sent you! Good luck and have a great trip. cheers HD
  23. Wow what an epic spread brahj! Shame the walleye bite wasn't on when I was up there.. Not that I should complain.. Ya kinda spoiled me!! I'll do up a year ender as soon as I get a chance. cheers HD
  24. They double over as a fly reel?! Seriously though, I can see using them in shallow water (-20ft) for finicky panfish.. but in 80ft of water?? If you don't have a line guide you'd be cursing!!
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