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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Mornin! Good to know someone's holding the fort..
  2. Could be.. Last spring, I seen this one swan trying to mount this poor goose.. Goose was trying to get away and this here swan cornered him and had his way wit him. Wings were flapping around and everything.. It was quite a show!! Actually that looks to be an immature Mute swan. I know the two birds at the top are Mutes. Quite aggressive and territorial, compared to our Trumpeters.
  3. Wow.. sweeeet!! Love the grebe shot and the fish are pretty good.. You're getting pretty good at that! From the wide grins it's apparent that ya'll had a good ol hootenany.. cheers HD
  4. HAHAAH!!
  5. Nice! Heard you guys are having a great fall. I know you got more though.. C'mon man, spill it!!! cheers HD
  6. Bear Island?!?! We had friends there once upon a time... What a spot!! She'll be in heaven dude. Ring me when you get back. luv, Skeeburd
  7. Deviously sweeet dude!!
  8. Nice chromeage bud!! Tough breaks about your possible cancer.. I hope the results are negative and wish you all the best. I'm confident that your die hard steelheading life style will keep you strong and healthy. cheers HD
  9. I can only imagine.. I'd take her if it meant having you visit more often, but I can't even feed myself most of the time..
  10. Say it ain't so brother... Ida's a good pup, just like her best friend. I wish you all the best.
  11. Betcha that was just what the doctor ordered eh?!?! Now Just think if everyone started their mondays like that.. Think I need some chrome moundays too!! Wicked chrome missiles guy.. Steeliedan finally has some worthy competition. cheers HD
  12. Would that be the new lightning rod you've been yackin about??!!
  13. I second that notion. You'll get mostly dinks in the shlop this time of year. Also, slow it down. Sure, you'll cover lots of water if you burn baits, but you'll be casting into oblivion!!
  14. My my, eager beaver, yah?!?! Try to do some prospecting with a Mepps #5... It's a great lure to cover water, because you can slow roll it close to bottom or burn it closer to the surface. Keep in mind that pike's peripherals are different from those of a walleye or trout.. Pike have eyes on the tops of their heads, so they'll most likely key in to a bait that is presented in front or above them. Once you know that the fish are on the feed and have risen from the depths, cast out a jerk bait like an Husky Jerk or X-Rap. Good luck!
  15. I'd say go with the 20g dude. I've got a 20g mossberg pump for upland burds and it's one of my faves.. For grouse I wouldn't use shells over 2 3/4in.. for ducks, 3in shells outta do the job. Look for an adjustable choke on the barrel too.. and never mix your shells!! I once dislocated my shoulder with a slug on full choke LOL cheers
  16. Apart from the kype I'd say it's a prime fish!! WTG dude.
  17. Big G is always down. We would need to get to the water before we call him though... He has a nasty habit of showing up before the arranged time so he can sting fish before I get to the water!!
  18. I got a 3 piece tapped to the underside of my desk dude!!
  19. He's hiding out in his lab right now, hunched over his work bench... tweaking dollar baits and plotting his triumphant return!! I'll let him know that he's been called upon.. Until then, prhaps I can be of service?!
  20. country western is bad for the brain.. Gimme something with a bit more zing. Like this: gnight..
  21. I remember football fishing at the mouth of a favourite trib a few years back.. We hooked into a whack of fish, never landing a single one. Our lines would barely touch bottom and get frayed by zebra muscles.. We were at a disadvantage in this case because we were using slip sinker rigs instead of the standard float rig. Mind you, using braid or better mono as a main line would have helped IMO.
  22. Nice work big poppa!! Father and son stuff like that oughta put him on a good track. And what a spot to keep the tradition going. That's the spice of life brother. Save some extra roe for me tomorrow..
  23. That's your 99th post.. atta boy. You can wear big boy pants now.
  24. OH, now you done it!! Laz that first grainy lookin plant looks like an ornamental sedge.. An import.
  25. Woooohh action packed budday!! And how nice it must be that you can keep a fish every now and then and refill the game freezer.. you lucky bumba.
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