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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. many opinions. the truth is the global trade and inefficient lack lustre goverments ctreated this mess. with un even trade practices, any manufacturer in north amercica is suffering. from chinese candy bars, poisned dog food to import cars. . bailouts, which are needed is a start. goverments truly need to re-evalute the process.. has anyone here ever done label reading of the products you purchase. do yourselve a favor. then your opinions will change. you will be hard pressed to see. MADE IN CANADA. as for staements of auto workers un-educated or folks in manufacturing, check the stats. many have degrees and to even qualify for applications, tough screening is done.. goverments have allowed the downward spiralling of wages and benefits. its not workers faults or unions. put the blame where it belongs upon goverments and greedy ceo,s. i have driven foreign and big 3 vehicles. my bucks are spent on north amerrican made products..
  2. .i figure we are still being hosed. our in famous goverments sold off oil rights years ago. as for diesel owners, i feel for ya. i went back to gas. windsor is at 75 a litre. who can afford it. everyones laid off.
  3. here kitty kitty. i can imagine the glob of worms you would need.
  4. Truly an amazing catch. my hats off to the angler. just think,,,guys. this man lays no claim to fame. the most important thing. he released a true trophy. . mr. mcnair has set a standard many would love to meet. that fish was put back, unselfish i must say. after 45 years chasin skies, myself , im very impressed to see musky hunting taken to a new level. to all the guys like myself looking for the next big girl, its proven cpr works.
  5. its an insurance mans dream. i can imagine the price for insurance on 2 conspiracy???
  6. geee wizz . i hope those paintballs are non toxic. just kidding.
  7. what a trophy. i can imagine all of the good meals. no anti-biotics, no steroids. . congrats to a well harvested sportmans dream.
  8. albany guide. when chrylser borrowed money from the goverments it was re-payed. actually in 2 years in full. do some serious checking.. never the less theres some serious polarized views here. . the canadian goverment will not commit till the u.s goverment has finalized their talks..
  9. funny how its a handout. the monies would be re-payed. . its sad to see this fall upon the worker. has anyone perceived to look upon pensioners losing there source of income, benefits. its not that they can get another job. they worked to build canada. oh well its a throw away society. i guess everyone will get a turn. but dont whine when your turn comes.. maybe when you see folks in a food bank line , you can ask for a cut..
  10. the inmates are running the insane asylum. or should i re-phrase this. our goverment is in bed with insurance lawyers.. we live in an over litigated country, any arguments????
  11. theres many sound ideas on this thread. but the reprucussions would devastate the country. imagine 75 cent a gallon gas, because nobody can afford a car. asian manufactures would only fill the gap. do you actually think they really care... many of these posts only see the last 25 years of the automotive world. if folks have lived thru the 79-81 era they would see. the automotive and manufacturing sectors leaped ahead with loan restructuring.. the largest issue from my view is rampant offshore un-balanced trade.. . . as for auto workers reaping incredible wages, they spend there dollars here in canada. not sending their profits offshore.. and yes there tax dollars go for what we all receive in goverment programs, donations to red cross, united way. yes the list goes on..
  12. buyouts or bailouts. if the automotive sector fails, the country of canada will see a deep recession. the answers not to blame the unions, or workers. its executives that are greedy. why not blame management not joe with a mortage and 3 kids.. in 79-80 moneys were lent for re-structuring, and yes it was re-paid. thru that millions of families benefited thru gainfull employment.. theres much more to look at other then the auto industry. .. maybe working together to rise above would be better then frenzy feeding on people in need.
  13. from what i see your pull screw is to far back. whats the distance between skis. i normally weight my boards at the rear lower of each skie. .. at slower speeds boards normally drag back just a little.
  14. i was lucky. the police woke me up. they caught a thief in my truck. neighbor called. hes in jail now. every property he ran across 4 to be exact he was also charged criminal trespass.. i shoulda bought a lotto ticket that day
  15. yes moe some folks have no respect. i have even heard stories of folks being threatened and belittled for calling the mnr on flagrant violations.. the river mentioned is only 1 rod per angler.
  16. nice stuff moe moe. have not heard from you in a while
  17. great stuff wendel. putting the fish before the familiar photo ops. thinking like that will insure a future for every musky fisherman... i wish there were more like you. whether its a 50lber or a baby spottie they are all treasures.
  18. was a tuff weekend. down closer to windsor the muskies were hot. l.s.c. is a greaat fishery.
  19. southern ontario . major wind advisory. a good day to work on baits. waves 3-5ft.
  20. lots of chinese crap being imported. there processes are to save money. not create quality by any means.
  21. for a second i thought it was lew with a kayak.
  22. the best will come in a month. nice skie. as the frosts come and temps drop it will be piggy time.
  23. totally a bogus deal. have we asked where the monies go. maybe to asian countyrs. funny canadians do without, are taxed beyond belief. where is the accountability.at one time canada stood strong. i kinda wonder now. oh ya pik up the soap. who can afford it?
  24. it was not a weight tournie. the contestants held fish boatside till judge boat arrived. problem licensing, and size limits created the dilema. many sportsmen groups were involved in the issues at hand. the mnr were involved when they found out. thru angler outreach programs and group involvments the mnr are very accesable. . the musky fishery is priceless in southern ontario. it must be protected from mis-use., as the format that was presented.
  25. if you read the regs and abide by the implemented laws theres no issues. unfortunately the organizers did not , along with contestants. kudos to the mnr.
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