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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. yer lucky. do you remember the bullwinkle and rocky show. yer lucky it was just rocky.
  2. glad you had a great trip and weather. l.s.c. my home water does produce some quality fish. from smallies to muskies.theres always a place to fish iregardless of weather.,unless its sandy with hurricane winds. well moosebunk we do enjoy your skills of putting a story for all to see. well its back at it time to paint guess what....musky baits lol.
  3. love seeing those trail cam pics.
  4. l.st clair,s howling. l.huron reported 22 ft waves. great weather to build baits. guess i will stay in the man cave and whittle.
  5. that would only open the door for commercial fisheries. as our country was founded was it not fur and fish trade that helped the confederation be formed.
  6. wont mess my hair marc. seniors have advantages lol.
  7. thanks im half deaf so road noise wont bother me. a plus to be a senior
  8. hope they fare well billybob,,,and have good rain gear
  9. Guys i couldnt afford a new truck lol. but whats your opinion on bf goodrich ta ko tires for suv .
  10. excellent. getting to share time in the woods is priceless.
  11. while your borrowing terry,s rod/reel get his tacklebox of handlebarz also.
  12. phatkelly. i see you grew tired of catching baitfish. welcome to the darkside lol.
  13. last year. we had a young student charged. he put moose horns on kiijii. the co came to his house and ticketed him. the student purchsed the horns in huntsville ont, at an antiques shop for a prop in a play. the charge went to the court system. the judge threw the charge out of the courtroom. it was in the windsor star and on the radio stations.
  14. excellent. your heart will give her the best name. takes a special person to adopt.bet she,s a lover
  15. they just need an american licence if there on border waters.
  16. i also refuse. i build baits im in my shop 7 days a week. when i get out i just want my space. remember the world without. color tv computers no sunday shopping dinner at the family table together.
  17. nice ski. as we all have seen pictures can be controvesial. and then theres the internet expert opinions lol.. it was relesed thats a great thing.
  18. funny my best draathar was my wifes shadow. in the field she was a machine. we trialed her in michigan and used her for 2 blinds at st lukes bay. at one time i had 20 burger burners in the 70,s. buying chow 1,000lbs at a time. one thing with gun dogs. there loyal and will give everything they have for you..i work my blk lab every morning including christmas day. ,and yes he curls up on the couch.dogs are kids you dont send to college lol.
  19. those are sweet pics guys. theres nothin better then a good gun dog in a hunters life.
  20. very common in southern ont. as for table fare. theres far better eats.
  21. it was yogi and boo boo lew. they will be napping very soon. hopefully not in your root cellar
  22. the only actual way is to test the fish.
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