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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. outllaw


    sad does not describe the deaths of innocent children. our hearts go out to everyone involved. society has gone mad.
  2. at least the mpp has regarded the situation. hopefully with pressure maybe there can be an honest answer. we all know the mnr orders are a simple download from the holders of purse strings..the north bay region will feel the financial brunt if theres no reversal. lodge operators to gas stations.sad scenario as we all know canadians cherish there outdoors and natural resources.
  3. cool mike. ya gettin old . no shorts in the pictures lol.. great closer
  4. while theres great thought and future efforts,sadly theres no concrete action from first nation netters. that i say will be a back-breaker. gill nets just dont suffocate walleyes.. if you ever have the views of gillnets and trawlers you would scream.. setting a standard of stocking will lead to disease,unless the species are styripped from the waterway in question.
  5. not to compare apples to oranges. here on st clair the east end reserve,has in the past gill netted 20 miles beyond the agreed stakeline. sportsmen howled. that in turn created a paycheque . we scream the goverment implements a cheque to keep everyone civil,TILL, the problem resurfaces.. like i stated before sportsmen,landowners are held hostage. theres never been a ployictical party that could reach an honest end.
  6. sweet deal. i love venison,but thats a different story when bambi is in your back yard
  7. implementing slot size will be a failure. years back that was attempted on l.st clair.. from reading it seems overharvest from commercial uncontrolled industry.. why is it no goverment will take a true stand..
  8. the key is forage base fish. if theres fatty food base fish will become larger and fatter no doubt.. overcrowding a species in a small pond produces stunted fish. if theres less and less food competition you get a larger specimen. l.s.c. is the perfect labratory. before zebra mussels came on the scene,it was hard to achieve a 30lb musky or a 5lb smally. since the 1990,s the forage increased. in t-days world theres 7lb smallies and a recent 48.4lb musky caught and released.. the genetics are in the great lakes its truly a matter of forage. in erie since the stocking of steelhead,walleye now compete for the same forage. the l.erie biologist told me this will be detrimental for all game fish there. just a few thoughts i thought to share
  9. 2 of them for me. mike can wear shorts. under 70 its long johns fer me.
  10. i just bought some t/a for my jeep agressive yes. but getting out of the way of inept drivers is my goal.folks gotta learn drive to the conditions.i will not drive or go out during peak hours. i have been hit so many times its a wonder i get behind the wheel.if you can drive in windsor ont rousch racing or penske can use your skills
  11. rain here. im in the banana belt southern ont or northern u.s.a.,but we dont talk funny YET
  12. rod caster thanks. this site has very important stuff.
  13. wow. i am glad theres no vigilanty justice here. talk about internet cowboys.. a waste of goverment resources
  14. moose bunk. once again thank you for showing what is truly amazing. as humans encroach there will be less to see. your stories and pics give all of us a brief look at whats awesome.
  15. tryed them once. there to hard to light for smokin.
  16. un frig/;' believable. whats next.. bulldozers, steam shovels. when there caught take em up and let them have 1 chute for 3 thieves.
  17. my liberty has never been for any warranty work. great jeep no issues at all
  18. the rear pads go first on libertys. odds are its them. you can do the swap. rorors, pads yourself. 1.5 hours.. thats all 4 wheels. 350.00
  19. sweet report. thats a dedicated musky hunt.
  20. and they say eating fish is brainfood. im living proof its a lie. maybe its the batter on my walleyes..lol.
  21. beautiful animal and a great picture
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