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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. Silly yes. its entertainment. at least they show family,how it matters and have family dinners and give thanks. thats all good.
  2. Walshskie.. great info.. . the comments that wanna bash l.s.c. , maybe you can comment on all the positive action.. with over 3 million folks that can use the lake as home water, dont you think l.s.c. woulda been deceased years ago. lol.. great thoughts and kudos to all that care
  3. happy thanks giving . billy bob remember enjoy and dont complain if ya eat to much. just kiddin enjoy the holiday ,friends and family.
  4. heres my own. your only as good as the day you fish. humbles us musky guys lol.
  5. mike. spudding 3-4 feet down would stroke me out now lol..ice is for drinks not to stand on unless ya play hockey
  6. big fish. musta had spuded a large hole lol.
  7. that makes the price of gas look feeble wow
  8. wont be long you will just be the netman. lol.
  9. theres muskt thru the thames. the facts are in summer months the waters to warm and stagnant. wherever theres shad migrating theres muskies..the rivermouth is a crowded venture. possibly the way of the crowds and trash ,the shore folks may lose it.. the township and property owners are very frustrated.
  10. great job moe. you did well. being a dedicated guy you deserve them. that colors a good un.
  11. unselfish sacrifices so i can say and do. thank you veterans
  12. channel they hit musky baits. st clair has tons of them lol
  13. i bend wire for my wire thru lures. be prepared for sore fingers swollen joints lol. now honey wheres the advil
  14. LEW no sugar on that one. but its the honest truth lol. gotta love it.
  15. brian that sucks. we fished that area in the 80,s. nowadays the contact musky fishing is a war zone. local landowners have had enuff. norice the no paarking signs. garbage strewn about. tree saplings broken. its a short matter of time..i fish my home area with no crowds of bulldog warriors.. karma will come around on those twerps
  16. in windsor 123.9 got mine at 117.9. no lew they didnt clean the windshield or check my oil either lol.
  17. i cant open the file. But if that includes l.s.c. its all over politics. mich. has an early catch release season. pressures from anglers are being heard at the mnr.. that means less co hours again monitering the lake.. i just hope the bass population remains strong. MUSKIESgotta eat ya know
  18. get a jack russel. in 2 months there wont be any squirrel stories lol
  19. maybe a weak choice of words,but????
  20. makes great boat food or treestand dinner lol
  21. i get the u.s programs. tree huggers control our airwaves. cartoons are too violent for canadian tv
  22. ok guys confess. whos chowin on candy t-nite
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