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Everything posted by xeon

  1. I dont really think its all about speed or size of the shot. Although generally, 4's will go further than 5's because of the added inertia they have. Focus more on pattern. If it patterns tight, you'll get that turkey regardless. Try a few brands of shells and if you have more than one super tight choke mix and match chokes and shells. Remember to label your targets too.
  2. I know on St.Joseph Island, which is just south of Sault Ste Marie, the OMNR biologists figure about half of the flock dies during the winter.
  3. Some nice colour on that fish. Kinda looks like the Chip?
  4. Marks or Leighs bay... well, ice is a bit sketchy on that part of superior right now, the picture is from 2 weekends ago, and that orange thing is a tip up. The pressure crack ran all the way from the steel plant to Marks Bay (across from airport).
  5. Wait... what? And what are WGSF's?
  6. They usually go shallow to feed on eggs of walleye, pike, and suckers in the spring. Really the only time they are guarenteed to be deep (for the most part) is during the summer. Their ways are really still a mystery for me, I don't understand them at all, and they can be quite a challange to catch sometimes.
  7. I think its a sign..... more fishing...
  8. xeon

    NEW PB

    Ya uhh, make sure to watch out for the other species of lamprey in Ontario, such as the Silver, Chestnut, and Northern Brook that are native to the areas theyre in. I know that the brook lamprey is a species of special concern, so you probably dont want to stop on them. And are you people kidding me about leaving sea lampreys alone? Like seriously? If it wernt for control on them, your rainbow trout that your catching this time of the year in great lakes tribitaries would be a thing of the past. Lake trout pops in the great lakes are ruined because of them. Great Lakes Fishery Commision http://www.glfc.org/lampcon.php Im actually kind of irritated people dont know anything about sea lamprey.
  9. Your limit is 2, this doesnt include released. If your not going to be keeping anymore, keep on fishing unless it was illegal (which its not). If worst comes to worse just say your catching atlantics. No CO would ever charge you with being in possesion of a fish if its in your net, thats ridiculous. Its the same thing if you acidentially snag a fish and are about to throw it back. They are reasonable people. What if you catch a sturgeon and you throw it back, no way you can get charged for that unless it was caught on purpose. And he can catch and release all he wants after, maybe he just needs to kill an afternoon. He payed $20 to go fishing for the year, let him.
  10. Mixed feelings. As a hungry angler im not very impressed, as a conservationist im very impressed.
  11. Ministry of Natural Resources TIPS line at: 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) Dont forget its a 877 not 800, both are toll-free though. Add it to your contact list in your cell phone if your going to forget.
  12. Jokes on him, he's only going to loose 6x more tackle if things get tangled up even a little.
  13. I remember watching bill dance on Tv when I was younger. Actually one of the better fishing shows out there IMO.
  14. Hopefully you dont have the same problem if you hunt .
  15. OMNR 1-800-667-1940 (TTY for Hearing Impaired - 1-866-686-6072) between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
  16. What do people think about the Columbia American Angler jacket? Or Columbia rainwear in general?
  17. Pick up some books on the subject and start getting a background, then go out for an afternoon every once in a while and apply it to get some hands on skills. Maybe talk to someone from a Naturalist club, I'm sure theyre pretty gung-ho about getting people involved with the outdoors. They could teach him about wild edibles and who knows he could find someone who has an interest in the survival type thing. Also Ray Mears has some good stuff for survival. Survivorman basically starves himself for a week then complains the entire show about how hes hungry and thirsty, so wheres the fun in his methods. Bear Grills method just kinda takes survival to a extream level, not for the average joe.
  18. I remember the makers of the dora the explorer or barbie fishing poles recalling them years ago due to the same thing. I was actually kinda ticked when I had to turn in my good rod.
  19. No one likes change, and I know for a fact that I rarely visit the other sub sections in the forum and i doubt others visit all of them everyday too. You could however start a geocities website or something for DIY tackle and create a mini forum in there and have the link in your signiture. Otherwise I doubt a new sub-forum will fly around here. But who knows, it could just be the new thing, and there might be people who were just waiting to show off their odd little inventions. I'd personally say that a sticky note on this sub-forum might fly with some, but to others it clutters up the forum. Im not sure if there would even be enough interest in it. To sum up everything... dont get your hopes up, but anythings possible.
  20. Im guessing that people either think the species are native to the waterbody (some are, some arnt) and dont understand how dumping bait may displace native populations of baitfish, and have the potential to screw up the fishery in a small lake. Im also guessing people dont know what Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia is. I can see a potential live bait ban in the future because of it. The OMNR definitly needs to increase public awareness, putting little ads in the fishing regs is not enough.
  21. Hahaha this is funny. I think its about time someone posted this: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/regions/central/p...appats-on_e.pdf Seriously, I think people need to read it. Its the baitfish primer, shows you what species are legal and illegal. Help protect our waters from being aquariums.
  22. I put the container of gulp into a pocket at the top of my back pack. Later that night when I got home from fishing I found out the container was slowly leaking. Needless to say everything in my backpack smelt like crap for a couple weeks, and whenever it gets a bit wet, theres that lovely smell again. I dont see why they havent completly re-done their packaging, the leaking problem isnt with one or two containers. Until the issue is fixed, I will not be buying another tub of that stuff. But yes, the product works good. However, so does live bait or most other method. Its really only an essential item in lakes with live bait bans on them.
  23. Getting Ticketed for Illegal bait....Priceless.
  24. Two idiots forgot their ice auger last year after a 30min walk into a lake. I laughed at them, but Im not that much of an excellent person to tell them their truck is the other way. I figured if I forgot my auger, would I really like to get an ear full from someone I dont know about forgetting things? Probably would make the situation worse if you told them no, and you'd probably get your line crossed over a few more times that day than normal. And I know you want to say no, but you kinda have to bite your lip those situations.
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