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Everything posted by xeon

  1. Just wondering if anyone on here purchases wholesale wax worms, and what store they use. Also, what are the shipping rates like?
  2. Check the states too.
  3. This letter will not tip off any poachers. Note how they say they are going to be conducting them THROUGHOUT the season. Thanks for the letter telling us that there will be a blitz once or twice sometime between now and mid march.
  4. If they want special privileges then they shouldn't be allowed to use ANYTHING modern. Oh and those stocked walleye in Nipissing, ya about those, they belong to the tax payers, they are no longer the same fish your peoples once fished for, no touchy. The rest of my rant would get the entire general discussion board locked.
  5. In their "greater plan" they technically should be bombarding FOC. However, their group is full of all-talk hypocrites (except a few crazies) who worry about some seal 3000 miles north of them, or some person hunting a deer to feed his family, or even someone who owns a pet (therefore 99% of their group is full of hypocrites right there).
  6. Seriously 300 5'' fish? Can't believe there's actually groups of hicks that spend half their trip cleaning all those.
  7. I also guide on LOTW. Basically, just be yourself, professional, courteous, funny, friendly, tip focused, and be ready for people with all different types of personalities. There are no "horror" stories. Just people who screw up. Also make sure to bring a large assortment of tackle, and ask them if you need to bring your own fish finder, gps, or whatever.
  8. Good luck with that. You'll need more than 6.
  9. What are the main access points to Rock Lake? I know on the NE corner theres a beach there which I think is access, and theres a chunk of crown on the SW side too. Are there any other access areas I'm missing? Thanks!
  10. New or Used?
  11. Save up and buy a flasher.
  12. Ha That was not too bad.
  13. If going to Nipegon, definitely take the drive on hwy #17W past Sault Ste. Marie. That's about as scenic as Ontario gets. You could always try ice fishing in LSPP and driving to Wawa for overnight accommodations. That way you also have the shot at Brookies, and its going to be snowshoeing only too, a true taste of the north. I know of one place in Sault Ste. Marie ON that rents out sleds, and I think they actually have some big "sled tour" kind of thing. http://www.algomasledtours.com/indexsledtours.shtml I think that would be kinda cool myself, but no idea of the cost. Or if going to LOTW area which is nice, but really not worth the 20 something hour drive, plan on flying to Winnipeg, renting a car and driving to an Ice fishing guide there.
  14. Guns in the US aren't nearly as expensive here. $175-250 is what its worth in a G+ with 3 barrels.
  15. Took a few casts with one this summer and its a decent rod. Problem is its metallic orange. For that price I'd go with a St.Croix premier or avid.
  16. 1) http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...L02_163615.html 2) Spoons or tubes
  17. You're totally useless.
  18. Give angling sport or Lambeth rod and tackle a call. Also theres like 4 canadian tires in london and one in St.Thomas. I know in St.Thomas there's a variety store near the library that sells them which is about 4mins down the way from Canadian tire there. On second thought, why does the OMNR not have a list of fishing license retailers?
  19. Well, what is this secret something? And its something you keep tied to your shoe?
  20. 10'' of clear ice, your safe. Fishing however will be questionable, the water is at an all time murkeyness. Also leighs bay for a friday morning was extremely popular, hate to see a Saturday.
  21. People usually have sleds on the ice around those parts in Mid-Late December. I'm headed out this morning I'll give you an ice report if I remember.
  22. If eBay its ALWAYS best to have a credit card on you're Paypal account so you can pay possible duty and such. You really just need a bank card though. There is no fee involved. Currency transfers favor Paypal obviously. You can delete the account anytime. If you're scammed you can start a complaint and you WILL get your money back. Make sure you know what you're going to purchase and figure in taxes and shipping, then transfer the money into you're paypal account ahead of time. Putting money back into your bank will have a ~$1.50 fee.
  23. Say you're just going out to the camp for the day. Get there and get everyone drunk, hide the keys, unhook the battery to the car, and tell him on second thought no one can drive legally, so were staying the weekend till we fix the starter in the car.
  24. First mistake was thinking that it was a big pike.
  25. Wheres the free case for the 35... $300 and no $4 case? Buuuuuull.
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