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Everything posted by xeon

  1. After reading the other thread on why the hooks of that spoon are on the side is because the whitefish will pick it up off the bottom, what is your jigging technique with that spoon? I have a couple of those spoons and haven't caught anything with them, so after reading that, ive obviously been doing something wrong.
  2. The whole leaving st. thomas thing is a great thing in itself. Inside thing.
  3. If that happens, turn it as far as you can, if the glass part comes off, then take a pair of needle nose and unscrew the metal part in there. Make sure to turn the switch off first though.
  4. Thats hilarious! Never thought someone would use a roto tiller like that.
  5. Well, I guess going in there and smashing some heads could help, but, talking face to face with the mechanic telling him that you were quoted $1500, and tell him to do $1500 worth of work, and also told them not to start without you. But that also risks them doing a half ass job because theyre going to be ticked at you. Moral of the story: support the competition.
  6. For the most part. Get yourself some real warm snowmobile gloves, then some of those hand warmers, and your set. Actually, look at the Ice Armour gloves, im sure their warm.
  7. xeon


    How I gun shop: If im impressed with the stores customer service, and they made time for me, even if its busy... sale. If they try to rush things, dont value you as a customer, dont know what their talking about, or dont seem convincing... hmmm ill have to come back next week. aka SIR.
  8. Probably the best way would be to have a select few oldtimers who volunteer to pick and choose a list, then make a stickey at the top where users can post links or the thread number to the ones they like. Best way to do it would be to give the power to the members.
  9. Sault College 2nd year FW currently. Look at the OMNR job postings... get out of Ontario if you want to be a CO. I came into this program with the view that there was some sort of hiring for that, but theres not really one. When you put in an application for one of the CO jobs when they pop up, you have to remember that theres probably hundreds of resumes flowing in at the same time. You need countless hours of related volunteer time and related work, or, be extreamly luckey and get in after college. Your best bet is to really deeply evaluate what you want to do, if you had to do something, everyday for the rest of your life... problem is a CO job sounds f-in great. Some good advice for you though, look on monster.ca or workopolis.com and look at job postings for related FW jobs, look at their qualifications section, and try to start meeting as many of those as you can (eg: first aid, drivers licence, boat licence, familarize yourself with fish and wildlife conservation act, get your hunting + firearms licence, VOLUNTEER, ect ect ect). Im in the stage now where Im trying to keep my options open. Way open. Waaaaaaaaay open. But theres also fun jobs out there! Here was my summer job/vacation. I spent this summer bear baiting, then spent 3 weeks in a remote area running camp and baits for 10 hunters. Oh, and I spent the morning dropping people off, then about 8-11am fishing, picking people up, fishing from 12-5, dropping people off, fishing from 6-9, picking people up. When they left: 7-11 hunting, 12-5 fishing, 6-9 hunting. Life for 3 weeks was perfect, and getting payed for it...
  10. Whitefish didnt really do anything when I was using a unit last year, but they could be use to it.
  11. Everyone has different ways of organizing things. But a "Best of" section would be nice, but a pain to sort through 1000's of threads.
  12. mitts
  13. Tangled Lines said it best. Just find a torrent with the song in it, then if your luckey you will be able to uncheck the songs you dont want. Also, for more popular song I usually find that googling: (name of song) mp3 or (name of song) mp3 download without brakets gets me good results. Also try emp3finder.com.
  14. Ouch, that *was* a nice truck too.
  15. You guys are quite the venturous group, shame it didn't pay off for ya... but theres always next time Oh, its Balsam Fir not Douglas.
  16. Ya I bought some too during the early season. They smell like alcohol. They were obviously designed to attract the fisherman not the fish.
  17. Ya I think it has something to do with both the amount of fishing pressure on them, and some effect on their spawning.
  18. Sure do. Ive eaten salmon, walleye, pike, perch, bass, whitefish all from Lake Ontario. Just refer to the Guide to Eating Sportfish in Ontario. Also, keep in mind how close to Toronto you are, and use the guidelines for that if your close to it. And of course, dont eat too many giant fish from there, otherwise your going to have more mercury in you than a thermometer, more pesticide than an orchard, more PCBs...
  19. Xeon is an Intel CPU. I started using the name 10 years ago when it was first released when I was 10yrs old... at the time I was a hardcore computer gamer. 4 years ago I made friends with someone who enjoyed the outside world and started having more fun outside. Slowly gave up computer gaming, and focused on more interesting things, and have been trying to learn as much tips and tricks as I possibly can about the outdoors to make up for the 15 years of my life I went without it. Im a success story for lazy kids Name just sticked though, I havent come up with anything cool yet.
  20. IMHO people wont make the switch even to Vista unless they absolutly HAVE to. For the most part, the only reason why people have vista is because they bought a computer and thats what came with it, and dont know how to put XP on it. By the time Windows 7 comes out, the masses wont have even made a switch from XP to Vista. Look at most of the computers out there right now in government, and some private companies, all XP. They cant afford to buy hundreds of copies of Vista right now, and cant afford the computers needed to run vista smoothly. I really think that 7 is going to tick off ALLOT of people, in the fact that theres going to be THREE windows operating systems which are all in use, making it so some people will have to learn all 3 of them if they have a computer at work, home, and a new computer with 7 on it. I just dont see why M$ doesnt just stick with vista and XP for a while longer, and try to phase them out completly before releasing 7. Anyways, I think i might go fishing sometime next week
  21. Few options: Easiest way is to get like Nerds on Site to look at it or bring it into a computer repair store. Shouldnt cost too much. You could also try putting your harddrive into someone elses computer, then copy the files you need onto the other harddrive and then burn all those to disk. Call your computer manufacturer (eg:Dell, HP) and ask them for an operating system/reinstall disk. They will probably just want the numbers off that green sticker on your case. If its not covered under your computers warrenty they may charge a little bit for the disk, but it is cheaper than a new one. As for vista, I can say that im a fan. I was a die-hard XP fan, and was ticked that when I bought my laptop last year it came with Vista. Once I started using it, I got familiar with it, and now that I can use it, it looks nicer, and has a much better user interface. People just dont like it because they have to learn how to use it. Also, make sure your computer has enough balls to run it. Check out the minimum requirements for it on the internet. And when asking yourself which version to buy, if you dont need the feature, dont pay extra for it. I have used Ultimate and Basic, and the only difference is that Ultimate has a couple extra games, the Aero (which is nice but whoopty-doo, just makes everything run slower), and probably the best feature was the video backgrounds, that was cool.
  22. http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.js...oductId=2465394 You could probably find something cheaper somewhere though... and I dont think theres anymore Radio Shacks left in Canada.
  23. OMNR is your best bet, but I guess there probably closed for the holidays. Just give them a call, or show up, I think there right at the end of Church St. right near the waterfront.
  24. lol ya i saw that on the ice shanty board, i think everyone thought you poop on their sonars.
  25. Figured Id try one out too see if there line is any good, going to try it out on some whitefish this weekend so Ill be sure to have a follow up. Dont jump the gun on crowning it the king yet... might just have a whole buncha features that dont work worth a dam.
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