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Everything posted by xeon

  1. Oh and I forgot to add: DONT DUMP YOUR BAIT BUCKETS IN THE WATER! It sickens me to see people just dump their bait at the waters edge, do the right thing. Throw your unused bait in the dumpster and help keep invasive species out of our waters!
  2. Last summer they were hitting on orange, and I did however go through a few litters of black ones on St.Clair... bad luck my ass. I personally only use dipsy divers when Im trolling kittens. I just cant stand to see them struggle at the surface its inhumane. Only problem is you have to switch bait every few minutes. But needless to say the girls at the local humane society love me because I adopt all the poor homeless kitties.
  3. Your ridiculous. Its CTC's store policy, dont accept it, dont buy there.
  4. When I contacted Rapala about a problem with a rattlin rap that I had they wanted me to ship the lure to them first. It would litterly cost me more to ship it then buy a new lure.
  5. There really isnt one perfect line. Different lines have different charicterists and are better suited for doing different things. All I can really suggest is Triline smooth casting, fireline crystal, spiderwire fabric braids, Triline abrasion resistant. Those are really the top selling lines out there. Then theres a ton of lines by smaller companies. Keep trying things till you get one you like. Ive always found its usually not the knot strength, its the knot your using. If your line keeps breaking, upsize.
  6. Ya everything seems a bit steep there, and anything that seems cheap (combos) are garbage. What got me was the firearms and crossbows they were trying to sell, waaay over priced. Im actually surprised they can stay in business with prices like that when people have options like bass pro right around the corner. Does probably say something about their customer service though, they must be great haha.
  7. This is basically what a $75-100 good beginner tackle box would look like: Spinners: Mepps inline (whatever colour you like) and R-bend (white with a mr twister plastic on the hook) buzz baits/bucktails Plain hooks in many sizes Split Shot Swivels Spoons: Cleos, Williams Warbler (any colours), Red Devil, whatever else you like CrankBaits: rapalas:huskey jerk, rattlin/clakin rap, DT/Countdown Raps (vary the colours, firetiger, naturals, blues, reds) Jig heads: few different sizes and colours You didnt really mention what you wanted to catch though?
  8. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...amp;subcatID=55
  9. Yes but does that cover non-sport fish?
  10. They are just starting to put the site together, they have to inventory every single item, get pictures and prices and have someone put it all online. Its not an overnight project.
  11. Its pretty much got to the point with all the bull that I keep hearing about the average person not knowing anything about the regs where I want to see some sort of fishing licence exam come in. They do it for the hunting course, why not fishing? Idiots still keep over their limits, fish out of season, use illegal rigs, ect ect and everyime they just say uhhhhh oh its in the fishing regs eh guess I better check those ha ha ha. Its just too easy to get a licence in this province and some people really dont care about the fish regardless. Something really needs to be done, because there not nearly enough COs in this province to deal with these people.
  12. xeon

    Zone 17

    Not always a bad thing... call it natural selection.
  13. NRA isnt in Canada btw so you cant use that one. I personally say leave it aswell but streamline the costs. Give up trying to win, because trust me, usually anyone who owns guns is very strong on their personal beliefs. Now is the guns in province:gun murders in province corelation based on development, population, registered firearms, un-registered firearms, stolen firearms, illegal firearms, prohibitid firearms or what? Theres allot of factors making that statistic.
  14. Because thats where SIR mail order use to be before it was bought out by Cabelas. Even if there was a Cabelas in Toronto, I think bass pro would continue to keep most of the average joe market.
  15. I guess it was kinda trickey to understand so Ill reword it for you. The liberals will target the conservatives in voting campains because they see the abolishing of the gun registry as a decrease in overal public safety, hence the reason why it was brought in in the first place. Or dont you think the liberals will use that against the conservitive party if hand gun crime throughout the projects of Toronto keeps increasing? The gun registry and semi-auto bans are two different issues.
  16. Wow, I suddenly feel ripped off after looking at wholesalecentral...
  17. Its basically the old SIR mail order and like grt1 said, its from Winnipeg in CAD with no duties.
  18. xeon

    Zone 17

    Gives them time to spawn, its a good thing really.
  19. I think police would be more worried about someones previous criminal history than the type of firearms they own. I'd be more concerned responding to a call that involved someone who doesnt have a firearms licence and could have unregistered firearms but has an extensive criminal history, compared to the guy who is part of his local shooting range and owns a handgun and has all his guns registered. I personally dont want to be in the situation where im visited by police with them having their guns drawn because I own firearms and they assumed im a risk to society. Just saying. But really, the party who abolishes the gun registry (conservatives probably) will not get voted in again for a while because they are making a visible effort to decrease overal safety that can be targeted by the liberals. Its not gonna happen, live with the registry, if you dont commit the crime you have nothing to fear. Can this thread be locked and removed? And theres MUCH bigger wastes of tax money.
  20. I wouldnt buy that stupid rocket rod. Goto walmart and they have a pink rod and reel combo there. Load it up with cajun red line and she will think its cool.
  21. $30 for the gun test OR $150 for the gun test and course Then $60 to apply for a licence And Its free to regester firearms Also, do you think if the petition got 1,000,000 signitures it would change anything? http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/pr...king_laws-e.asp I give it to the second reading before its thrown out. But if anyone knows anyone who bribes these people, nows the time
  22. Im heading up to that area for the summer in early May aswell, and im taking either westjet or aircanada to Winnepeg, then via rail to Minaki. However to Kenora, best route would be Winnepeg with westjet/AC then Greyhound to Kenora. Or just for laughs drive him to Toronto with him expecting a flight out to Winnipeg, then hand him a 2inch thick stack of greyhound tickets and drop him off at the bus station. That would be priceless, but I wouldnt wish that bus trip on my worst enemy. So how it all breaks down: Toronto>Winnipeg=2h 30mins Air Canada: $120-260 Westjet: $120-190 Winnipeg>Kenora=2h 40mins Greyhound: $25 with his student card discount Either way hes going to end up on the Greyhound, and he should get there in one piece (couldnt resist).
  23. Neither; be truthfull with them. Fishery related stocking, research, invasive species control, enforcement, ect. programs cost hundreds of millions of dollars every year. The cost of these programs need to be covered in one way or another. Since the people who use the resources are the ones causing a need for it, they in turn, should help cover the costs of it. If you dont want to help pay for it and not fish there for a year thats your choice, but in reality your only hurting the fishery more because the government will soon cut funding to the programs because theres not enough people using it and since they are already in debt, they cannot afford to keep supporting it out of general tax payers money because there are bigger issues that win them more votes than the fish do. I tried to make this post a bit more positive for you lol.
  24. You know the licence is going to be $20.00 for residents right? And the salmon licence (seeing as salmon are ANYTHING BUT FREE to stock) is an extra $10.00 to help cover the costs of the stocking. Just because their economy has hit the skids, doesnt mean that you should have to pay less for something that still costs the same. You pay 300 for a rod and reel, 20,000 for a boat, 200 for gas to get there, and you cant afford 70 for a licence? I also guess you didnt realize the non-resident fishing licence is $70.00 for Ontario.
  25. My friends and friends of friends actually know the guy (theyre aviation students at Confed in Tbay and Sault College). At the time we all had a pool going what he was going to do: Run, Stay, Suicide, or Enjoy the wrath of a Sidewinder. I lost 5 bucks, but technically I should have won according to his claimed motive.
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