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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. if your new to ontario blarg ...make sure you do your ontario hunter safety course..yes its Bull and it is province specific...i started hunting in ontario when it wasnt required moved to several different provinces and hunted ..but when i came back ...guess what ...i had to do an ontario hunting course....( like i didnt know how to hunt)....my first impression was government money grab...but you can never be over informed on safety...check your local gun clubs for training dates...i did mine in 91 and i think the cost was $ 100.00 and one weekend out of my life...
  2. Good Job young lady!!!!!! you better start betting with the family for the first/ biggest and most fish caught ...you may never have to clean your room again or do any camp chores...he he Stir the pot
  3. better off saying 50 % every day...that way it increases your chances of being right by 35% ( based on the 85 % ) Look mom .....no hands!!!!!!!! CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Just like the maritimes.....we are going to have summer on a saturday...hopefully
  5. Up to 2004 the fishing on lake huron (port albert up to pike bay) was better than great ...(for me anyways) although alot of boats were complaining of lack of fish and lack of bait ...i had noticed a huge decrease in the size of the fish ...and bait ...hmmmm... well it was almost impossible to find the big clouds on the screen as in previous years .....until last year when i was marking amazing amounts of bait ...clouds that i hadn't seen in many years...as for the fish they always seem to come to me regardless of the bait situation but their sizes were decreased terribly...last year there was a significant increase in fish sizes to indicate things were on the upswing..from 2005 to last year average size salmon was 6-7 pounds...a trophy fish was 10-13 pounds..( yes very small ) considering we used to catch 18 + pounders all day long and place them back as if they were nothing..The lakers are getting heavier by the minute it seems ..( fish Kincardine derby the winning trout was 22.52 laker...wow a brown for sure but a laker? ( almost unheard of on this lake ) but the salmon seem to be following suit with steady increase in fish size and availability ..average 13-15 pounds as of late ..this gives me hope that we are back on the path to the glory days of huge ass fish 30 + pounds..( time will tell)....there are so many theory's as to what happened since 04 but i like to believe with the thinning of the mussels from suppressing the bottom of the lake ...there is now access for the bait fish to flourish hence the increase in the salmon and laker size.... my fingers are crossed nothing else introduces itself to mess things up again Just my observations and thoughts
  6. Good job !!! great pic of your son ..priceless ...way go teaching him young about " the one that got away stories"....i can just imagine how it will evolve over the next coming weeks...lol...
  7. Good job !!! great pic of your son ..priceless ...way go teaching him young about " the one that got away stories"....i can just imagine how it will evolve over the next coming weeks...lol...
  8. Yep Chinook all the way ....based on the lack of hooks ill commit to a hen that has been in the river for a few weeks...from the underside of her ill say she was in the process of or just finishing spawning ...not much girth on a fish that dark is also an indicator..regardless not a very pretty fish ..hopefuly it was smokable but im sure fun was had from its capture...
  9. bump to run through again before it falls into archives...
  10. wrong time of year for trout..,bows anyway...im sure some locals will chime in with good info Good Luck
  11. Now you have met your target ...even given him a name ....the adventure to your or his success has begun....its going to make for a fun personal contest... I had the same thing with a ( 15 poundish) brown in the Saugeen for two weeks straight....looking searching walking for this one fish...finally i hooked into him ...i was set up with float reel and 13 footer...a couple of his mad runs i was sure he won as he had me dangerously too close to being spooled ... i would recover within a 50 feet or so to see him jump out of the water ( literally make a splash like a young child doing a cannonball in the pool) ..boosting my confidence..and excitement ...only to lose in the end ... My personal vendetta with this Brown lives on and i WILL win our battle given the opportunity to hook him again ... he would have turned some nice prizes as it was derby time and the lake was too blown up to be out on it ...hence putting me in the river in the first place In my search for this particular fish ....i thought i did hook him again during the derby but it turned out to be a 10.14 rainbow that did produce some prizes in the category so i guess he did give me something in return for my efforts for him...cuz i normally wouldnt invest the time in to that area if it wasnt for him .. Hope your outcome goes better for you then mine did with my nemesis...but "the thrill of the chase is still in place" ( i say that to the wife when im on the hunt for this particular fish) Good Luck
  12. Nothing better then fresh garlic ...cut the top off exposing the cloves ....pour in some virgin olive oil and cook it in a toaster oven...lobster on the side.. Nice crop...
  13. ouststanding report.... nice fish, beautiful scenery , lovely family and friends....Memories are made of these times that last a lifetime...
  14. I beg to differ ...we all do what we have to do to progress in this world...and how we spend our downtime ...well ....where better else to spend it ...?
  15. The poll thing is a good idea ...that way the people that dont want to make a reply ( unless they want to ) can just click on a Good or Bad ..while they work on putting together some stellar reports
  16. Thanks Joko...im new to this
  17. If i was a smert man ....i would have incorporated the poll device at the top of this thread to see what people think ...with a yes or no poll ....for good or bad idea...
  18. Thanks Speil
  19. I know i havent been on this board for too long ( in comparison to almost everyone) and this post is in no way intended on rocking any boats for the quality of this website ( which is outstanding ) but...( isnt there always a but) most of us that fish honestly dont care if we catch a fish .....we are outside and taking in the scenery and sorting through memories of the fish we have caught or focusing on doing everything right within our knowledge to make sure the people or children that are with us ...DO catch fish...hence giving us the rewards of the memories for the efforts... As the rod LOADS ....here comes The Cast........................plunk! Since ive been on here i have read some pretty incredible fishing reports that have given me warm feelings inside as if i was actually there to share in the experience and to enjoy the fruits of their labours by seeing the image of ( my favourite) a smiling childs face with their first fish or a new personal best of a seasoned angler or the first of a specific species ....( IMO its what makes this website superior to others)... The reports that come on this board are entirely out of pride of the poster that they get posted ( as it should be) job well done!!!!).... The Retreive .....chick ..click ....click... A certain post could be nominated by the poster if they feel that their composition is worthy ( eliminating any issues of "why didnt my report get nominated?") and through the boards polling process the readers would then select a " best report" on a monthly basis ( hence intising people to make even more quality reports and more of them) ...through previous polls i noticed you can only vote once ( good thing).... The Ceremonies...... The part no one is ever prepared for or expecting to receive....OFC memorabilia ...t shirt? ,hat?. boat decal...? ( not necessarily all to one winning report...top 3 ? Monthly sticky post of congratulations to the winners The Pay Off Actual Physical walking talking floating breathing advertisement of this site that i have become very fond of reading ..generating more traffic to support the advertisers ...generating more fishing reports for others to enjoy in their ( the posters ) adventures... This is just a concept for an idea ...i do not know of the legalities or internet server specifications for doing such an idea I was going to post this ONLY to the administrators to avoid any debates or put anyone on the "spot" but as i stated ...i dont know if this is even possible with system capabilities... it took me almost 30 minutes to write this all out ( yeah im slow) ...so i figured ...Cast it out ...see what happens...i can only imagine the time it takes for some of the EXCELLENT reports to be posted..why not a reward for their unexpected efforts ? What are your thoughts?
  20. Congrates on the new purchase ..post some pics when ya get her home ... yes a 10 pound anchor is adequate I have a 10 pounder on my 17 foot glass boat and 15 pounder on the 28 foot glass
  21. i want polarized glasses like your daughters ..... she is adorable...good on ya and good on her for pushing you out the door for an adventure... proof right here in this thread ....priceless memories dont have to cost anything but time ...
  22. I can see the pic of your daughter kissing the fish resurfacing someday ......maybe on her wedding
  23. yup you can have him ...if you want to send someone up here ...send back Pam Anderson...ive got a BONE to pick with her...j/k
  24. Dan my point with that copy and paste was ...kids are kids ....they over exaggerate sometimes to the extent that cause trouble...
  25. I thought this was funny ...and had to share... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmpisOn4FmE
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