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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. put the two of them together and i call it ...YUMMY...
  2. I just got finished cleaning up all my rods that i seem to leave all over the house so i was thinking maybe i should build a cool rod holder....then thought hmmmmm i wonder if anyone has any plans for 15 rods....then the wife says ....why do i have 15 rods when i can only hold one at a time? my answer to her was ....cuz there is 30 days in the month ...so im only halfway there....(she displayed a puzzled look and walked away).... Ok now how many rods does everyone own that they use on a regular basis....i do use each and everyone of mine 15 is my answer for now PS if anyone has any cool plans for a custom rod holder to accomadate 15 i would love to see it I can always build two to keep the wife puzzled
  3. the itch never goes away ....its just a matter of how long can one tolerate it without mentioning it ...
  4. Great report ...great motto....great big smiles ....fishing is the catalyst to everything "right"...good on ya... GPS co-ordinates not required cuz there is water and trees all over the Province
  5. i disagree ...can you imagine if every source of information web page only allowed members...i cant remember my passwords to anything ...
  6. i already disposed of mine on Canada day ....
  7. LMAO...i Hope my explanation had nothing to do with this gents en devours.....good thing i didnt post the ONLY successful method of catching kings in the river during the summer months...which would involve depositing decomp from several graveyards and painting your face florescent green while chanting to the fish gods..." The King Lives!!!! Long Live the King!!!! Thank- You ....Thank You Very Much" People amuse me ....
  8. if firefox isnt your cup of tea...you coud also try flock...ive been running it for about three months now and have never had a problem....Jobbs fixes Bates's problems again ...IE 8 is a disaster in my mind
  9. this is a real good subject....it was always my belief that there are several variables to the "salmon run" temp , photosynthesis and daylight hours. ....as the daylight hours start to get shorter vegetation in the river and tribs starts dying off ..it creates carbohydrates in turn creating a starch and a sugar bi product...( river gets sweet and washes out to the lake) the fish then detect the taste of their place of origin and stage at the mouths for the temps to be ideal...( good pier fishing time)..now we know in the lake the ideal temp for salmon is 55 degrees F ...but due to the extra oxygen in the water from the decomposition of the river vegetation i think it makes the temp more tolerable for the salmon to run in 60 + degrees F water ( hence finding spawned dark salmon late Aug while the water is still warm) rare but it does happen)...by late Sept/Oct the daylight hours and cooler nights make water temps more ideal so we get to experience some "burst runs" ( afterall the eggs are still getting big from the nutrients of the river and you cant just "stop" their growth and when its time .....its time....whether there is a bull to fertilize or not...November comes and voila....prime conditions on all fronts and our beloved steelies know it as well to come get the free dinners (eggs) for fattening up to get them through the winter and the task they have in the spring ... Now i should answer the question ....i think the cold wet summer is going to do wonders for the salmon run ...more rain = higher banks washing submerging more land with vegetation ...( sweet!!!!) My "salmon run" setup is ready now for the river..... but im not Just my 02 cents ....
  10. its the bad days that make the good days ...that much sweeter....persistence and patience is key...keep pluggin away ...your luck will turn for the better keep in mind ...with a line in the water ..you stand a chance....sitting at home your guaranteed NO Chance at landing one
  11. Now this is an excellent fish report...congratulations on the catches...( finally nice to see tasteful modifications to pics )
  12. good call Henry...while your at it ...might just as well check all the waterlines back there ...if the livewell pump line is cracked ...chances are someone over looked some stuff winterizing .... i actually even fill my bilge pump line with antifreeze
  13. look at the frost plugs on the block...any signs of rust or tampering to ensure the engine has always been winterized properly...imperative you take prospective boats for a water test and run it through the hoops ...
  14. nice shooting ...welcome to the BIG GAME ....
  15. Twocoda


    the "bulb "setting is what i was refering to ....rather then do my homework on the subject...( cuz im not ready to purchase a DSLR yet ) i thought it would be easier to just ask ... Do most DSLRs come with a bulb setting ... Rick my heart goes out to you ...lol...here is a little story that happened to me when i worked as a photographer When i was younger and in my "wild stage" in life ...i used to shoot portfolios for " dancers/models " all the time ...this one time in Calgary i was doing a shoot of a certain celebrity dancer and i spent two hours with her getting the right natural light ( sunset time) and was extremely please with the shots i had achieved and knew they were going to make her extremely happy....i went through 5 rolls ( 36 exp) of film.. she obviously sensed my enthusiasm of what a good shoot it was...and "TIPPED" me in a way never to be brodcasted in a fishing forum... Long story short....something went wrong in processing of the negatives...OH CRAP!!!! everything was lost.....i ended up re-doing the shoot at my expense and free of charge to her....( no i didnt get another " TIP" from her) but i did end up getting three references from her
  16. yep ive been on it since the beginning....family is all over the continent so it keeps us in touch on a day to day basis....
  17. Twocoda


    next time try doing a collage of colour....long exposure with several different firworks....as long as the works dont have illuminated tails from the ground ...you will pull off some pretty cool posters....ya know i just thought of it ...i dont own as DSLR so im unaware if you can even do a Controlled Exposure on them ...can ya ? nice shots ...i enjoy seeing your work
  18. I guess we will have to wait for the video to come out...im sure there will be complete details in the interviews the second photo with the shooter puts a better perspective on the animals size....still an incredible beast but not that uncommon in Alberta Congratulations to them...they got what they were after....sales of their scent bait shall increase
  19. postcard pic....good photography....
  20. Gotta love it when a lady is "lookin for action"...wish i could help ya out but my wife wont let me ... if your going all the way to port dover ...why not try ...port bruce....its about the right time of year to be getting the big yellows off the pier there
  21. you can rent a sprayer and do it yourself....with the proper materials....DO NOT reduce the products unless they specifically state to ruduce...for the alkyd materials they are xylene based
  22. now you know why im not a gambler...lol...it would have been really funny if someone had done that to the thread starters photo...
  23. if i was a betting man ....( and not knowing) i would guess that would be Jako sporting the new umbrelid
  24. heres a better question for you ...and you see it everyday when your walking down the street... why do people that arent hiding in a bush with a weapon in thier hands wearing camo clothing in malls ??? what are they hiding from??? or is there game running around in the city i dont have a tag for... " things that make you go HMMMMMM" Arsenio Hall Just trying to make light of our freedoms Jacko i apologize for the narrow minded comment
  25. theres a border between this flag and the one we represent
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