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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Karma for the RTLA confrontation...well deserved Good on ya !!!!! Cheers
  2. thats a good deal ...lucky dude! i would be happy to keep 10%
  3. ive had it done years ago ...there was a unexplained"mark" on my right lung....which by the way was painful..(hence the reason i even went to the doc) ...so i didnt even get home and there was a message to go to the hospital for nuclear ( something or other) medicine where they filled me with some liquid light stuff to check me out thoroughly...i lite up like a christmas tree on the tv screen showing every little capillary in my chest cavity including my lungs (kinda kewl)...as it turns out ...i had an internal bruise from "buddy" sliding into to second base with his foot up...(that i forgot about)....i was worried too but as it turned out for me to be best case scenario...it possibly can very well be for you too...Docs dont take chances when it comes to things like this for fear of liability ...so they are dillegent for this stuff... Best wishes
  4. Lord tunderin "G" Zooose...that there is reason enough to move back....mind yoo tho... fer 12 loons ya can cut the top off a pair of crutches and ya wont needs insurance...then with 39 bucks ya save... git some screech and go jiggin
  5. that first fish looks cleeeeeeeeeeeeeen....nice shootin
  6. Ive offered up work for several trades on this forum...none as of yet has materialized...which is good ...cuz that means they are busy....yourself included splish/splash just a heads up...ill need an electrician and plumber shortly
  7. i wonder if thats where all the Lake Huron salmon went ...strange it would only gobble up the big ones though ...
  8. probably the best thing that could happen for them....now they will be force to pursue other avenues of income...
  9. wow 41 degrees out and i hear thin ice cracking ...
  10. gatoraide hurts through the nose!!!!!!!!!!!! but in retrospect ...im going to have a talk with my mom because one of my nostrils is bigger then the other (clearing babys nose technique)
  11. wonder how much a haircut would be if ALL the barbers in the province formed a union....just saying...
  12. Actually ...before to eliminate it ....the lower tap is called a toe tester ...so you get the right temp on your foot then step in ....its there for a reason ....now if you have no intentions on selling your house then eliminate it ...but if your selling ...its a perk ....i install them in the upper end houses i build... sometimes it just needs a reason to make sense Cheers
  13. and for that reason is why the fight wasnt stopped....Lesner possibly has a chance against Fedor ....where as Carwin...more then likely doesnt.....Its a genius marketing maneuver from Dana to lure Fedor into the UFC...Fedor wants to be the TRUE WORLD Champion (hence why he only fights internationally)...but that will more then likely mean ....at least now someone from the USA can represent but i think it will mean for Lesner to fight unsanctioned from the UFC....in order to meet up with Fedor Then this winner will be the "WORLD CHAMPION" on a world stage (not just the USA/UFC and its rules) Regardless of how or when ....i just hope it does happen before one of them is too old or seriously injured....it will be the biggest fight in the history of all fights IMO But Fedor gets the win....Lesner still has ALOT to learn in and out of the ring..oh and he shoots his toilet off too much
  14. you two are going to make believers out of everyone that you know what the heck yer doin..j/k nice shootin ...love the sailboat shot...
  15. Damn it!!!!!!!!...the words i said when i read this werent so nice and against forum policy My heart to the people involved
  16. good score on the canoe and nice shootin with the fishes...
  17. now she is hooked for life if she wasnt before....Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. probably a ploy to get people to come to Colorado to fish...i always thought the camera was supposed to add 10 pounds....not remove 35....looks about 16 at best ....oh i just thought of it ...its a typo and it was 15 not 51
  19. nice fish ....although the scenery of all that algea/slop/stinky stuff doesnt do it for me ... pleah ...
  20. im folically deprived... ...now i feel better cuz im saving even more then the cost of shampoo...( reminds me )...try to talk the ole lady into a "Sinead O Connor" look again .. Seriously though ...14 bucks???? everytime my wife goes it cost at least 50...maybe 60 now...but its money well spend if it makes her feel good... on a side note ...do you think you didnt catch fish ...because of a terrible haircut...then i understand why you would be peed off....wear a hat your next outting? ...
  21. oh you have no idea how hard it is to reframe from myself!!!!!!!!!!!! kinda interesting though ...toothpaste is a alkaline base product and lemon/orange/vinager are acids...
  22. no i didnt see it G but ill look for it now ... Yes the better man won that fight ...but it doesnt mean i have to like it ...
  23. Lesner isnt even in the same realm as Fedor....Fedor would impose his will on Lesner and make him cry like a school girl that just discovered she has a monthly friend.... Yeah im a bit miffed that Lesner won ....but im glad Carwin messed the big luggs face up anyways...just wish he hadnt run out of gas.... Lesner is too big for his britches ....
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