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Everything posted by Sharkbait22

  1. Not all motors or transom saver devices are the same. Even some trailers are different making it difficult to install a TS, while some boats sit so high the motor can be lowered down almost completely. I had an Opti 90 and the hydraulics were directly connected to the motor while a 20 tiller had no hydraulics and the support tab did not lock the motor when tilted. See a lot of little tillers flopping around on bumpy roads. As someone mentioned if your hydraulics failed on the road your motor could grind away - a motor saver. Some TS seem to transfer weight to the trailer while others just seem to make the motor more solid to the boat with no weight transfer. A little cost for peace of mind is great as long as it actually achieves something. Worst case, the device setup does nothing but you still hit bumps and railways xings like it does.
  2. Interesting story about DFO lay-offs http://thecanadian.org/item/1514-silent-summer-leading-dfo-researcher-harper-govt-killing-ocean-pollution-monitoring-peter-ross What has science ever done for society.
  3. Protecting Canada’s fisheries: an open letter to Stephen Harper Former Ministers Speak-up http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/opinion/protecting-canadas-fisheries-an-open-letter-to-stephen-harper/article2448734/ Make some noise
  4. Great shots! What kind of gear are you using? Technique?
  5. I don't know about schools or hospitals about there is some truth here. MNR is facing many cuts for the next three years and changes in regulations. http://www.tbnewswatch.com/news/200925/Biologist-worries-about-impact-of-proposed-MNR-cuts http://www.temagamistewardship.ca/tscnews/MNRFundingCuts.html I think there is one CO for the lake Ontario area. With training, paper work, time in court, investigations, etc there is not likely much time left for them to be everywhere or take every call. I'm sure they prioritize.
  6. You have misread my post.
  7. I wonder if that would work for gar
  8. Wow this has been educational. Thanks! Some links that helped me http://auto.howstuffworks.com/auto-parts/towing/towing-capacity/vehicle/gcwr.htm http://www.internetautoguide.com/13-1/car-specifications.html http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/findacar.shtml http://calculator-converter.com/l_100km_mpg_convert_mpg_to_l_per_100_km.php BTW - the Rav sounds not up for the job. Tacoma GCVW is 8100 vs 4950 for the Rav. If I understand you should be pulling much more than 1500lb. Perhaps 3500lbs towing is with trailer brakes. Truck chasis can tow much more than car chasis.
  9. Lots of fish moving upstream. Walleye were flying by with purpose! Enterprise Video
  10. Sounds about right from what I'm hearing and reading. Fish need places to live (habitat). This is like burning your house and saying everything is alright. The fisheries act is the main legislation for fish, their habitat and what they eat. Various agencies administer it e.g., conservation authorities, MNR. There isn't that much overlap. For this and many others reasons Harper needs to go. Sad day for Canada.
  11. Looking forward to trying DuraCast line on a new rod/reel. According to their website 6lb is 2 lb equivalent and breaks at 13lbs. Weird. Comes in green or yellow. I've been using Nanofil this season for ice fishing and have no complaints except that it is snow white. It too has low water retention. Some ice still forms but it busts off easily. For softwater I hope to give Seaguar Senshi a try. Now where to find either of these lines in Canada.
  12. Single eggs are good for suckers. Water temp for spawning is > 10oC. The way the weather is going that could be in a couple weeks! Many steelhead will be stuffed with sucker eggs.
  13. I have two one piece rods, all the rest are 2-4 piece. Years ago I was skeptical about four piece rods, but after using a few from good rod companies I see little difference. I have several travel rods now and love the portability.
  14. Great vid. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=L1scgWtu21c
  15. Don't know what you are using it for but check out the OSG Commander http://www.outcastboats.com/outcast/products/?id=43
  16. The toothpick is not a great idea b/c it defeats the fast sink rate of the egg. Not a big deal if your sink rate doesn't matter, but in a lot of places it does. Consider the end of a riffle before it drops into a pool. Sometime you need to get done into that transition water fast. Fish can sit in this water picking up drifting eggs from fish spawning on said riffle. The rubber pegs are fine. You can easily tie them on too. Peg from the bottom up. my 2c
  17. This weather is so so. I guess it could be worse. Although I’ve caught fish, I haven’t had a great day yet. This sunny mild weather just makes me think of end-of-season fishing for whites and lakers. This year looks like a bust though I’m still hopeful I can take a week off near the end if that lake (Simcoe) finally freezes over. Ended last year on a high note. Think I have them dialled-in and was really looking forward to a few good days. Pretty disappointing. Hope we don’t get yanked around with unseasonably cold weather come March 15th ... a traditional time for steelhead. Too bad about the sap Sinker. I hope your prayers come true!
  18. That's great news. I really hope the fishery is in good shape.
  19. I don't know about the making ice idea. Ice is growing all the time and it doesn't make that kind of noise. It's likely just rapid changes in temperature causing ice to contract or expand? I love that sound .. when on good ice.
  20. I've seen a few - not in Ontario. Several in NWT around a stream I use to regularly visit and one backcountry skiing in Jasper. Not that large of an animal - I didn't feel any fear. They have a bad temper so I hear but all ran away quickly. Built up to be more dangerous than they are - like wolves?
  21. The Water Tower Inn in the Soo is not a bad place to end a fishing trip. There is a good restuarant and bar. Indoor and outdoor hot tubs (all year long) good rooms, pool. Great McGuffin photography all over the place. Not a bad spot to get cleaned up and relax. Kinnawabi Pines - good food but be prepared to wait and wait. There's a German place on Pancake bay that is great and another in Bruce Mines. The Voyager near the Batchawana is ok for burgs. Nothing like the Wildcat or Bullocks in Yellowknife, although the Wilno Tavern on a Tuesday night is alright. Seems like the small diners with character are disappearing.
  22. I've been using it for 40 hrs or more ice fishing this winter. Line is good. I bought on sale in the fall for cheap at CTC. It's white as snow, smooth, has no stretch, doesn't absorb water, stays limp, and strong as any super line. Doesn't have memory like mono. I use a uni-uni knot with floro without issue for lakers. I would buy again. I different colour would be nice - something other than white so I could see it better. I should note that 75% of the time I'm in a warm pop-up.
  23. Dimestore fisherman is likely one of the worst shows. I remember sharing a peaceful mountain lake in AB with these guys while they filmed. Poor timing. WAHT A NOISE.
  24. Ontario shows yes. The shows reflect the type of fishing done in the area. I used to really like Sporting Fishing on the Fly when I lived in Alberta. I think that was the name of the show. They often had Brian Chan on explaining rainbow biology. Great stuff. Really miss that fishing. Enjoy Adventures North for the dreaming. Check out this vintage Lee Wulff vid amazing outdoorsman Wings for an Angler
  25. I just got my card in th email today. I went through the phone service in late November. Odd enough the card looks exactly like my old one. I thought there was a change coming. Regardless I'm happy. I carried my visa statement with me the last two trips.
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