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Everything posted by Sharkbait22

  1. That is outstanding on so many levels. What talent. Even the ‘olivethelake’ is fantastic.
  2. St. Croix ice rod cases come in two sizes 34 and a 44". There pretty nice. Reels on type. I also have four PVC tubes on the rear rack of my Skandic sled. These are handy when on the ice moving around. Built-in bungy straps keep the rods from flying out. On snowy days the reels can can iced.
  3. I wouldn’t leave home without a GPS, sonar, and a phone. Always carry a GPS to get to previous spots that produced and for safety. Truthfully, many of the spots in my GPS e.g. for Simcoe, have been one-hit wonders. Still I sled to these spots annually and even from day to day. But just because a spot was good on Wednesday doesn’t seem to mean it will be good on Thursday. Simcoe seems to lack obvious spots that might hold fish. Nipissing is similar. I mean that spots that really produced weren’t near anything obvious – just a big flat area. Anyone find this to be true? I find it frustrating at times.
  4. Peterborough is up there with Guelph, Kingston, and Ottawa in my books. It is smaller city. A university and college town. Great places to eat and have a few pops. The location is great too, far enough away from other centers to draw in decent live entertainment unlike that of some Golden Horseshoe towns that blend in with and can't complete with other large centers. Still only 1.5 hrs to downtown TO, 1hr to Simcoe, 40 mins to Shield lakes and Lk Ontario. I've seen a lot of positive changes since I've been here. That said, if I could I'd likely move out west to be closer to bigger rivers, the ocean, and beautiful scenery. BTW - I believe Trent U has an IT job on the board right now.
  5. Which of the three has the best hooks? Bad Boys, Meggs, or Little Foxy jig? Bad Boyz seem the best to me, but I have problems finding them in stores. Otherwise Willaims and white tubes with stinger are great. A lot of the fish come and committ to a lure presented correctly, regardless. Move around and have a flasher. Also bought a couple Live Target shinners which look so real. At $12 hope I don't loose too many.
  6. I grew up fishing Fenwick. This was back when there shop was in Niagara Falls 80s. They were the best rods or one of the best. They used to sell Woodstream products too. You could buy "seconds" for very cheap. My first steelhead rod was bought in 1984 - a second. I still have it today although it’s been replaced many times. I own several St.Croix rods too. The Ultra Legend series is terrific. I've built several of these for fly rods. Fenwick quality may have decreased, however, I recently bought two (HMX) and I'm happy. St. Croix uses nice components for the price and they are a good company, but their gimmicky rods aren't my thing. Triumph rods are variable – I had one break. Checking it out afterwards the spine was super thin on one side. Go for the lifetime warranty with St.Croix and you won’t go wrong. But $$ where as Fenwick will honour 5 years but the price is lower. BTW - Canadian Tire does sell St.Croix - Kenora I believe. Also they have a centre in Mississauga for warranties.
  7. That's a great couple of photos. I think the cause might be the rotation of the earth. Same thing happens with air massess - and there's no rivers there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_effect Does that explain what you see. I don't know the area.
  8. I use the Wallis mod cast without issue, but I can chuck it further with a side cast - not that I typically need to get that far while floating even in large rivers. When using a double swivel setup how do you adjust your float? Are you just limited in the range of depths? Does the swivel slip through the guides? I'm also interested to try superlines on a float reel. That sound pretty wild. Thanks
  9. Bought some this morning and plan to use it for ice fishing. The easy casting will be wasted on me. The line is very white, not stretchy, smooth, small dia, and strong. I like the superlines for jigging but not so much for casting spinners etc for trout and salmon. Some stretch is good particularly if your rods are fast. Mostly personal taste and application I guess.
  10. I use to fish there when in my teens a few moons ago - 80s. Sometimes I'd bike afterschool, sometimes we'd drive with friends or my parents would drop me off. Never asked for access and never were told to leave. Always felt like i was in the wrong place but a couple fish would take care of that. Had a barrel go over one day. Access may have changed since 911. Aside from steelies and salmon there are big smallies down there. Good luck and watch your step.
  11. Lowrance Link News Well it's not just for ice fishing: summer too. Anyone have this unit (Elite 5)? Thinking of getting one this fall. Have to wait and see what redioworld prices them at. Aside from GPS, a larger screen, and more power I wonder if the X67C is a better value.
  12. Kinniwabi Pines has very slow service. Expect 2 hrs. No joke. Food is good, so if you have the time ... The Motor Inn is ok but 7 yrs ago it was great particularly wing night on Wednesday. The Embassy and Columbia are alright. Never eaten at the Best Northern but I've heard that it's good. No real winners. Beer store closes at 6 except Friday Saturdays at 9. The coast route is the best. Sultan road gets old real fast. Youngs GS has a great selection of lures and there is a tackle store at the end of Broadway past CTC. Old Woman Bay is worth a few cast right off the beach. I don't fish for walleye enough to give advice but I'm sure you won't have any problems. Have fun.
  13. Well thanks for the replies. Yes it's single Teleflex steering. It's a pita. Seems like poor design/dangerous too. I will call Legend tomorrow and see what they have to say. The Hillbilly approach might work for a bit. This website (its members) is so helpful. Thanks. NFB Safe-T II is a great choice for most single outboards up to V-4, 50 mph. Replaces Teleflex Safe-T and Morse® Command 290 systems. Stainless steel cable ends fit most brands and sizes of motors. The No-Feedback system is perfect for boats with top speeds up to 50 mph and where very quick steering response is required. The No-Feedback system has a patented clutch that locks out steering loads from your engine, saving your arms for fishing. The NFB Safe-T ll Single cable three turns lock-to-lock and fits right into existing Teleflex rotary dash cut outs. This kit comes complete with cable, helm, bezel, hardware and instructions. Wheels to 16" dia. Lengths: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 ft.
  14. I have a 2004 Legend. Great boat but the steering seems loose. Trims out fine and there's not a lot of play. The problem is when trolling because the kick of the motor (Optimax 90) will slowly steer the boat. It's a real pain when tending rods while on the move. There is also the concern of the motor steering rapidly while on plane and trimmed out right. Fortunately this hasn't happen - I just have to keep my hands on the wheel. Anyways. Is there something I can adjust to apply some friction to prevent the "motor kick turn". I remember a 9.9 Merc I once owned had a screw to tighten the steering. I think they even called it the autopilot. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Hey Limey. How do you like the x67c for softwater? Works fine in deep water? I have a x47 on my boat and would like to upgrade and like the idea of using the x67c for hardwater. Wonder if the x47 ducer would work for the x67c. Thanks
  16. I would not become a biologist if I knew what I know now. Many could say that about their job. That said, I got lucky and I’m fairly happy. I really wouldn’t know what else to do, but it might involve something that allowed me to fish a lot. It can be a long hard road. I know many that didn’t stick it out. Pay is not great. Many rarely get in the field or handle fish, but are stuck behind a desk helping developers get the job done.
  17. Looking for a new vice, one that will last a lifetime. Does anyone know a seller in southern Ontario with a Dyna-King Vise Baracuda? Thanks
  18. Solo, You might check out http://www.hrichardsonfarms.com/productlist.php for plantings. Prices are alright. Order and pick them up or delivery. EASTERN WHITE CEDAR (Thuja occidentalis) Zones 3-7 Medium sized tree. Common hedge and ornamental tree. Excellent windbreak. Very hardy and very long lived. per 100 trees of different sizes 2-0 Seedlings 4"-8"(10-20cm) $55.00 3-0 Seedlings 8"-12" (10-25cm) $60.00 2-1yr Transplants 5"-10" (12-25cm) $120.00 2-2yr Transplants 12"-24"(30-60cm) $150.00 Lots of other trees to ponder too.
  19. Very cool find. Try to get some pictures. MNR and the local Conservation Authority would likely be interested. Was this Oshawa Creek?
  20. Concentrated Round-up is no longer available but the diluted form is. Home hardware has it. The label has a big ivy on it. I'm very allergic to poison ivy and the drugs to control it mainly prednisone is likely worse them what Round-up does. It will take two years to likely fully get rid of it and then applications every so often thereafter. There is a lot of good advice on the net e.g., Ohio State Extension Office. Good luck.
  21. After fishing a long time for multi-species using various methods in many locations I’ve learned to keep it simple. I have four 12x8 Plano-type boxes, two vests, a singbag, and a large suit case style thing from the 80s called a 4X4 which carries a lot of gear I mainly just use on the boat in the Kawarthas. I floatfish, flyfish, spey, spinfish, use solid wire, and baitcasters. Imagine the complexity. Knowing where and how you plan to fish and what generally works lure-wise takes a lot of the guessing out and limits your tackle needs. This comes with time. I have double and triple of some gear (hook sharpener, pliers, etc) because I don’t want to have to dig out items from other boxes/pockets just to place them in another pocket. I have several larger boxes that stay in my house that have different gear for each fishing method. This is all fresh in my mind because I too just finished putting the ice gear away (oh there’s another gear) and organizing the softwater tackle.
  22. Went out along Oro today. Left the sled at home and walked. Fishing was good in 75-80fow, actually best this year. Managed 4 trout and 6 whites from 8-12 in the am. Missed a few others. A small Williams snagged the first fish so I put on a Lil’Foxee Jigging Minnow – looks like a Meggs (perch coloured then a white one). Tipped it with the tail-end of a Gulp minnow. Fished on bottom: small lifts with the occasional high lift of the lure. Good way to end on Simcoe. The fog rolled in around 9 and stayed until I left. Lake trout were full of smelt. Ice was great. Already looking forward to next year. Now on to rivers and bows. Cheers
  23. Check out Wiretap Season 3: A Secret History of Famous Friends http://www.cbc.ca/wiretap/episode/ Fred and Barney get into it over the phone. Pretty funny.
  24. Good grief is that milt I see. I haven't even finished with ice fishing! How is the shore ice? Looks like a great day.
  25. I'm not the best advocate for CBC but I do appreciate the radio stations 1 2 and 3. CBC is often the only game in town in the north and provides good weather information for anglers and the odd good story. http://www.friends.ca/ILoveCBC/
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