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Everything posted by ctranter

  1. It bothers me too, but put this in perspective dude. There's a million more offensive things on the internet to be bothered about. All you can do is get out there and set a good example. There will always be idiots.
  2. What is the probability that someone with oppositional personality disorder will assault this thread later on? Musky matt, Looking for walleye, you guys are awful quiet after games like this LOL.
  3. SOLID fish JohnnyBrown. Scenery looks amazing
  4. It was a great day, I still can't believe how big Dave's tank-of-a-steeehead was. The pic doesn't do it justice. It's the first bow I've seen that literally had the body of a salmon.
  5. Im looking to grab 1 (maybe several) Tica Cetus for the upcoming hardwater season. Does anyone know if there is a retailed in the GTA (willing to trek across the golden horseshoe) that carries them? I didn't see any at Gagnon's or Bass pro, but I wasn't really focused on finding them at that time. Any help is much appreciated. Looking for Tica Cetus SB500
  6. Lots of great info there, thx for the details. I got out today and landed some beauties but those browns put mine to shame . Thanks for the report
  7. After a few too many, all Habs P players start to look alike. Plekanec certainly =/= Perezhogin, bad misidentification, my bad, but Plekanec is still a softie with an estrogren filled turtleneck. Here's the vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwPfuLnYwBc
  8. Do you like apples Boston? Kessel just scored the game winner in the shootout. How do ya like them apples? Leafs problems are FAR FROM OVER, but tonight's win felt really, really, good.
  9. Plekanec is a stick swinging coward. I will never forget his dangerous attack in the minor leagues, and somebody needs to show this fool a good ol fashion hip check.
  10. Here's Buffalo right here: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81205047/ I say we trade the raptors to buffalo for Toronto's 2nd NHL franchise. I always wondered how people could afford to go to sports games in Buffalo, what with the extreme poverty and all.
  11. Stay classy, Montreal
  12. I love cats, they taste great!
  13. I've found many cache's in Toronto. I enjoy it because it's an easy way for my girlfriend and I to "enjoy the outdoors" without doing anything too hardcore. It's also great if you have kids, they love the idea of a real life treasure hunt. I recommend the cache's on the Toronto Islands. They are easy to find, but if you want to find all of them it is a great walk. Also there is a good string of them in Christie Pitts, I tihnk an OFNer planted them too. TFTC!
  14. nice fish
  15. Just curious, is there a hatchery program established in the TDSB or Durham SB? What a fantastic and fun way to cover life cycles curriculum before their eyes.
  16. I am speechless, thank you for sharing this fantastic experience.
  17. Those browns put my pb to shame! I love their vibrant colours as well - very healthy looking fishing.
  18. the "fans" at the bell center are an embarrassment to hockey. Arbitrarily quoting things is fun.
  19. Bahaha, Hurricane Hazel is awesome
  20. I had many skunked outtings before I even thought of using flies, Chris is giving you some great advice. If you can, pay attention to "Going steeleheading tomorrow anyobody wanna tag along?" threads. Fishing with someone is the best way to learn and there are many outgoing people on this fish who have a lot of wisdom to pass on. My last comment has to do with gear. As with most fishing applications, more money = better gear = better opportunities. However, I've been using a $100 float rod, and 200$ reel (pretty much bear minimum for a centerpin) for two years and have never been in a situation that urged me to upgrade. My point is, you don't necessarily need to spend 500$ on an outfit but theres 3 pretty general things that most steeleheaders use: 1. Waders - it's November and getting wet will ruin your day in a hurry. Check out a recent thread about waders for beginner info 2. Long rod - Many people use 13' rods. There are several reasons for a longer rod, but personally I've used an 11'er and I've been happy with it. Also, the bigger the rod, the more awkward it is to walk through the forest or even store it at home. 3. Centerpin - For a beginner, these can be very frusterating, but once you master the casting technique, this will be your best friend. Some guys here love their pins so much that they use them for any application possible (carp, bass, panfish). If I were you, I would hold off on the reel for at least a few outtings, and just use a decent spinning reel. Your presentation won't be as good, but it might save you a few headaches from tangles or casting. Hope this helps, see you out there
  21. Good luck Mike!
  22. Intelligent discussions about the game of hockey ended pages ago. Now it's just mud-slinging, personal attacks on fans, outlandish claims about players with little to no factual support, and "experiential knowledge" from ASHL prostars.
  23. I was always freaked out by the maggot in that show because he didnt have eyes. Sure, maggots probably don't have eyes in real life, but what kind of kids show hand puppy looks that creepy? But yeah, it's well known that most of these are bended truths or urban myths
  24. Looks like you got your hands on a nice little collection. I was always the skeptic about pricey crankbaits until I start using some lucky craft this past summer. What can I say? The bass wouldn't leave them alone. Did you find a retailer in that just got a shipment or something? I know megabass tackle is usually pretty rare in the GTA, especially if you want variety. Do they all rattle? edit: Im assuming "quiet griffons" are just that... quiet.
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