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Everything posted by ctranter

  1. Sometimes I walk my dog down by the humber and watch the salmon move up the fish ladders at a few dams. Spend 5 minutes watching them and you will see 100$ worth of rapala and other various lures stuck in their backs when they jump. If people are going to intentionally snag fish then they probably will use tackle with more hooks.
  2. Sorry, I assumed you were implying something else. I was using a small black fly (I'm new to flies so I'm not 100% about details), but I guessed the hook on it was about size 16, super small. The eggs I've never used. I don't think I would when I have a freezer full of trout roe
  3. My thoughts as well, except 1 problem When the salmon neanderthals leave, the pompous know-it-alls show up for steele. Sometimes I have to stop myself before being embarrassingly rude, like some of them.
  4. Tiny, whats your point?
  5. My last outting, I watched a salmon go out of its way to HAMMER a small fly. It was all the proof I needed to see that salmon feed or at least attack in rivers. That being said, when people show up to a popular eastern trib, casts past a wire into a dam area clearly marked as NO FISHING with a white and red bobber and 6 foot spinning rod, you kinda know something is up.
  6. That park has seen it's fair share of sirens. I remember when I was in high school some kid my age was beaten to death by other high school kids, and a few bodies have turned up. That being said, I walk my dogs there twice a week and I know for a fact its safe during the day. I met a guy there who fishes it for carp, he seemed to think it was a great location for them, but I wouldn't know. On a side note, how about that huge lake they are digging in downsview park, lets hope they stock it with some bass or bows!
  7. Finally got out for my first day of salmon fishing of 2010 and boy was it a blast. Met up with a fellow OFNer and real stand up dude in the morning and were hooked into our first fish minutes after arriving at the river. First drift... fish on! A small rainbow hammered my fly and darted around the pool, only to end up twisted in and around some tricky log stuff. We didn't have to wait long for another hook set as each of us have chinnys on after heading to a new pool. The chinook on my line cleared the water by (no joke) easily 5 or 6 feet. The other fisherman at the pool was amazed, it jumped right in from of him at eye level. Still, both fish managed to spit the hook and we were now bummed. A new destination was in order, so we packed up the gear. After a short drive we were at the new location, which didn't disappoint. Cheers to my first salmon of 2010! Since this spot is dynamite for rainbows and browns too, I took the opportunity to hide the location with a patriotic salute! The fishing was excellent and it wasn't long before the second chinny was on the bank Both fish were released without harm and swam away looking healthier than ever. Here's the funny story for the day, which I'm sure my friend will never let me forget: My partners equipment was significantly better than mine (to say the least), but he lent me his rod to try my luck and feel what high quality feels like with a fish on. Well sure enough a good sized salmon hammers the fly and starts tearing down stream. I'm chasing it as quickly as I can, but it is really powering away fast. I palm the reel, and try to keep it away from some quick rapids. The next thing I know, the reel slips off of the rod and I am holding each in separate hands. My first reaction is "Oh Damn I just broke an insanely expensive reel...", and I look up at my buddy who is following me downstream like I just totaled his Ferrari into a brick wall. Needless to say the rod was reassembled and the fish was landed! To cap it off here is a nice little brown: All in all, it was a fantastic day, and my arms are sore and fatigued from fighting fish. Some of you may recall a thread I started a few weeks ago about catching salmon legitimately in rivers. I can say without doubt, that they don't just bite, they HAMMER baits. Big thanks to Dave for an awesome day.
  8. Averie looks like an awesome fishergirl! In her short life she has already challenged my 23 years in fishing supremacy. Thanks for the heartfelt read.
  9. I was always skeptical about winter tires until I tried them. The stopping distance and control is night and day.
  10. Nice not-so-small smallie! Someone told me once that bass were the hardest fighting fish per pound of their weight. Not sure if that is true but a solid 20"er like that can sure make a good case for it!
  11. Im with Cliff, I've heard enough horror stories like this to never set wheels on the 407. I'd rather sit in terrible golden horseshoe any day than let those greedy buggers have my money.
  12. PSHH go big or go home! Hand grenades partially filet the fish and send them high enough in the air that you can catch the eggs on the way down.
  13. This thread has made for a very entertaining read. Reading this nonsense makes me excited to catch some salmon. Alex, wanna go hit up the big H soon?
  14. I have a cottage very near yours! Great report those are some nice fish. What kind of pink rod is that? I'm looking for something to get my gf committed to fishing for more than 10 seconds.
  15. I'm going to say 4.99 lbs. lol, just kidding thats a beauty large mouth, easily 5+
  16. I love this show! Thanks
  17. Hey Everyone! Despite forecasts for rain, I decided to head out on the lake this morning. It was unusually windy for first thing in the morning, which was messing with my trolling speed. Started off chuckin jigs and senkos at my favourite drop offs but only landed 2 average bass. Decided to try a hole that used to produce regular monster smallies a few years ago, but recently was just average. Sure enough this hog slammed my crankbait and put up a hell of a fight. He was shakin the lure at the surface and I was really worried that I would lose him at the boat. Such a fattie, which is pretty uncommon for the lake. Measurement (17", need to buy digital scale!!!) Self-timer from the dock (No, I don't keep Bass, he swam away with vigor) I turned the boat around, and went back to same drift path with the same crankbait and another one slightly smaller just hammered the floating crank as soon as it hit the water. This bass cleared the water 3 times, once had to be at least 4 feet out of the water. One more self-timer Here's a summary: Fished ~ 3 hours, caught 8 Smallmouth (2> 16") Air Temp - 25 deg c Water temp - 74 deg f Wind - Strong, NW direction What worked: Lucky Craft transparent perch pattern floating series (4-5' dive), Bubblegum & Pumpkinseed coloured senko's, Drop shot live worms Depth - Fished rocky drop off points that transition from 12 ft to 5 ft
  18. Found this to be very interesting: Here is the sparknotes version: As explain by Chomsky, it was reported in a WikiLeaks document that Fallujah, a town in Iraq that has seen tons of fighting, had American medical doctors treat and research illnessess found in citizens of that area. The doctors reported significantly higher levels of cancers than those reported following Hiroshima. Not exactly conclusive evidence that US attacks influenced those cancers, but fascinating none the less. Just shows the importance of an outlet for Public Information like WikiLeaks. Although I abolsutely HATE Fox News, I respect this guy's opinion of WikiLeaks: Judge Andrew Napolitano on Wikileaks.
  19. "To take advantage of or waste the only life we have would be a shame. Life should not be looked at as chore. There are so many aspects of just being which most people do not take the time to realize. I ask you to give yourself a dream to aspire to, and goals to reach." Very inspirational. Good luck with the prize!
  20. Good job Averie! As for Dad, teaching young people to fish is becoming lost in Ipods, Wii's, and facebook. Its great to see you keeping the spirit alive.
  21. Great report! LOL so true. My girlfriend prefers a good ol worm and bobber because she just casts it out, opens a fruity cooler, and goes back to her cosmo magazine.
  22. I completely understand your point of view... which is exactly why I avoid your scar analogy situation. I don't "run" the lake. Rather I put extra effort into getting to know the visitors. Every single one has been extremely grateful that I, who has the same right to use the lake as anyone else, goes the extra mile to make it a better place. I've made friends, invited them to my cottage for dinners, shared many beers, and raised lots of awareness as a result. The fact is most of these visitors don't intend to be sloppy campers. Take the toilet example, until I told one group of guys that I had the water quality tested, and that fecal bacteria was found in the water, they had no idea that their makeshift toilets were the adding to the problem. Since then, I have noticed far less of these toilets, and far less cleanup. Sometimes a little education can go a long way. I've never met a camper that thought I was controlling over this space, especially when I show good faith and share some free beers with them. Every visitor I get to know has thanked me for my efforts. As for the personal comments, the problem with the internet is that it is very easy to misread comments. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I am opinionated, but I in no way take a passive aggressive stance, as you have indicated. I find it somewhat frustrating that I have to justify my positive intentions (keeping the lake clean and maintaining awareness for the cause. If you watched someone poach out of season fish, hunt illegally, or abuse natural resources in another way, (and were 100% sure the MNR would be unable to enforce it) wouldn't you say something to them? How am I any different when it comes to littering my little piece of paradise? Any of you are welcome to visit my lake, the bass fishing is extraordinary.
  23. This is very true. When wacky rigged, a bass that takes either end of the worm can lead to destroying the plastic. Most of my broken senkos come from bass that bite the worm and battle it to the surface without a hook set. If nothing else this proves their attractiveness but I agree 10$ a bag is a tad extreme.
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