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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. they should have a page what you have to fill out to sell something and if you dont fill in the boxes you cant post it such as price: item: location: details: etc.
  2. just cast it out and do a medium retrieve in. if you get alot of pike go after it but not bite reel in slower, if they are agressive then do a fast retrieve in and they will hammer the spoon!
  3. ya thats what we were doing! we were on the ice watching them, we didnt bait the hooks though! and we caught a few pike this way to. and dara you dont have to go alllll the way to basswood to lay into some 5lbers! theres places in your backyard where you can get them!
  4. hey everyone, i was up at my buddys camp for a few days up by aubery falls up the chapleau highway and let me tell you its still winter up there! there 2 feet of ice and 3 feet of snow and the rain we got the other night was a blizzard up there. we went out going for pike in the morning and sat around for about an hour not getting anything so i went down the lake to some old holes in a shallow mud bay and broke open the holes and i started jigging a 3 inch williams wabbler and about 15 min of jigging i hooked into a fish and i reel it up and its a 2lb whitefish!!! i zip back to my buddy and show him and hes like must have been a flook but keep trying, so i go back to the bay and start jigging tiny williams and i hook into 2 more and my buddy chris shows up. and we are jigging in 2-5feet of water and we can see the whitefish! we ended up getting 10whitefish and 3 pike. we ended up getting 10whitefish all around 2lbs, 6pike in the 3-6lbs and 4specks all weekend and his uncle got 7-8pike and one was around 10-12lbs. im sorry no pics yet, im still waiting for chris to send me the pics. now what i cant figure out is what are the whitefish doing so shallow? arent they more of a deep water fish?
  5. last year there was an infommerical anout these rubber snakes for fishing and how they were soooo amazing for bass so my buddy ordered like $100. they were like 2feet long haha, my buddy tried them 2-3times and tossed them in the trash haha!!
  6. in their plan they are going to change the limit to 2 lake trout and only 1 over 40cm and 1 fish in high pressured areas. and their proposed idea that isn't passed yet is to change winter angling to feb.15 and brook trout are also next on the chopping block and will probably follow suit in the future.
  7. just looked on the mnr site and heres the full story on there! http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Newsroom/LatestNews/268465.html
  8. http://www.sootoday.com/content/news/full_...oryNumber=38501 what do you all think about this?
  9. awesome reply boatman, you really hit the nail on the head! i'll be msging you when i have outboard motor problems haha!!
  10. good find and deal for free! i second that motor being from the early 80s. that probably could be totally toast from those mice. 2 years ago mice got into the motor of his yamaha sled and from the mice pee and crap it totally eroded the cylinders and pistons and chewed the crap out of everything. check over all wires and give it a good cleaning to make sure everything is still good and check to make sure things arent dried out. i'd clean the carbs, do a compression test, change the bottom end oil then go drop it in a tank and see if she'll fire up and run well. good luck!!
  11. most of the info on here has been great and i would like to add using 6-12" suckers under floats using either just a big spoon like a williams whitefish or you can buy different pike rigs and different styles of multiple hooked rigs on wire line. and you cant forgot xraps, i say the best pike, bass, walleye lure out there.
  12. this is more of a short story with some memories in it. I have only been fishing for 4 years now. the first 2 years were basically write offs cause my guide was my buddy nate that only fished with his father and grandpa and they only fished for lake trout and walleye and only knowing one technique for both with one type of lure for each species really limited things and i really didnt know better. but i really have to thank my buddy Nate for taking me out and showing me the few skills he knew and catching me a couple fish, just enough to get the addiction going. So year 3 rolls around and our buddy Chris tells us of a camp his family owns that he has not been to since he was little and he remembers great fishing out there so nate, him and his great uncle do a trip out there for pike fishing and they do ok but not that great, so a couple weeks later they invite me to go and of course im up for it. We stop at canadian tire cause i havent pike fished before and i needed to stock up and nate brings me to the williams and hes like this is what we catch all our pike on so im like duhhhhh ok not knowing any better. so we go out there and we do ok but not that great. So its late october early november and Chris gives me a call and asks if i wanna go out to the camp with his other buddy nate and of course i was like sure and we plan early in the week to go that weekend. So im at work and im telling my foreman/ good family friend john that im going and hes like i gotta take you to crappy tire and get you stocked up! and im like nahhh i went already and i got a pile of williams, and hes like what!?! are you on drugs!?! you arent gonna do well with those! so that evening after work we go to crappy tire and he brings me straight to the rapala section and hands me a few xraps and hes like here these will out fish chris and nate x10. So that weekend we head out to camp and its cold! all the speck lakes are frozen over and we have to break ice for a couple hundred feet to get out onto the main lake. Chris takes me and nate to this shallow bay and we bobber fish from 9am-1pm and nate caught a 5lber and 7lber. and by this time its starting to snow and blow and get nasty out and chris is like screw this, lets go back to the camp and drink the sadness away haha!! and i was like wait, i want to troll down the lake to this shoal probably 1km away and back then we can head back and they agree. So i take the xrap out and i put it on my line and Chris is like what the heck are you doing? your not gonna catch a thing with that lure! and i was like just you wait, give it a chance. so we go troll down the lake and i hook into fish after fish getting 7-8 pike in the 5-10lb range by the time we ge to the rocky shoal. so chris is turning around the boat and as soon as the slack leaves my line it feels like i got a snag and im like stop guys i got a snag!! then i see my line going straight out into the lake and its buzzing out my line and im like THAT NO SNAG!! after a 30min battle with a 6foot rod with 10pound test with the pike spinning our little 12' tinner around many times the fish finally surfaces beside the boat and chris and nate have to double net the fish, one net on the head and another at the tail and drop it in the boat and i boot the crap out of this huge large fish! the pike was 48" long and it was the biggest fish that i ever caught at the time. that right there was the fish that really got me going with fishing. after that til this day i research, read, ask around, etc to get as much knowledge as possible about fishing. this past year we now go back catching over 60 pike in one day on of course xraps(thanks john) and i've moved into specks, walleye, bass, etc. and i now guide nate, chris, and other friends showing them what to use and where. i've pulled them out of their old ways and brought them to new lakes and introduced them to new lures and we now have tons of success and this past year we havent been skunked once and we have caught trophy pike, smallies, and specks. this is now into year 2 of actual successful fishing and i hope to learn more and catch more fish.
  13. honestly! like hes even having a good time out there, seems to be alot more work then whats its worth. get a fish on and it gets snagged up in his million other lines. rod and reel companys must love guys like this.can you zoom in on the pic and see the numbers on his boat?
  14. i got mine a month or to back, but i have no desire to go down in the states, i live on a border town and i refuse to go unless i absolutly have to like for work or picking up a package, its a whole other world other there as soon as you cross over that line, i would care less if they cut us off from going over there for good.
  15. this video reminds me of myself sometimes haha! i dont know if its real or not but he sure sounds like george bush haha!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mArGzsNglCU
  16. for every 5lbs thrust it can push 100lbs. so figure what the weight of the boat is and what on average is going in it and thats the size you need. i got a 12footer to and i added me and a bud or 2, my 9.9 and my gear and im right on 30lb thrust so i got the 40lb thrust model just for a bit extra. my buddy matt has a 12footer to and he has a 30lb and it will push it just fine but it has alot less power then mine but it still does the trick.
  17. that looks like a great weekend! those are some nice lakers!
  18. i guess nobody has heard of these or has interest, ooo well i'll enjoy mine and have nice warm dry feet in my running shoes
  19. hey guys, early this winter i went fishing with my buddy and his dad and he had these wild boots that i never seen or heard of before and i just loves them and has had them for a few years. they are really neat, you wear your running shoe in them and they are 100% waterproof, i was doing some searching around and i found them and i ordered myself a pair and i just thought others might be interested in a pair of these also or see if anyone else was wearing neos and how they like them. heres some links to them!! http://www.overshoe.com/recreational/produ...tail.php?s=N5PS http://www.thebackcountry.net/cart/product...amp;page=1#tabs
  20. your gonna have to wait a bit longer! i was out on superior on saturday and there is still 2feet of ice. i noticed on the way by the goulais is just starting to break up, the chip was still solid other in the rushing water on the rocks. your gonna have to wait atleast another 2 weeks before you'll be able to soft water fish them. let me know if you wanna head out ice fishing again! i go every weekend!
  21. BAM BAM!!! http://www.meltontackle.com/products/bam-bam-fish-bat.html http://cgi.ebay.com/Pike-Popper-20-long-Fi...p3286.m20.l1116 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...5b-000423c27407 theres some bats! i wanna get the aluminum bat! i use one of them mini bats right now from the baseball game sovienor. or i just use a back of a hatchet or just give them the old boot haha!!
  22. this past summer i bought my 1999 evinrude 9.9hp 2stroke in perfect condition just a few scratches and spotless under the hood for $600. and in the fall my buddy bought a 94 evinrude 15hp for $500 but the outside was pretty beat but it was clean and it runs great. i say thats an average price not a crazy deal.
  23. i love all fish! lake trout are great eating just behind specks, specks just have that extra little kick to them that i cant explain. whitefish are alrite i'm not crazy for them but do enjoy eating them. now you cant beat a good northern ontario northern pike, the best out there and i'll take them over walleye any day. and we dont have crappies here and when i was down in southern ontario i caught a few and tried them and they tasted like mud and dirt! the they were the only fish i have ever thrown out cause i couldnt eat it. i dont see a point in going for crappies unless you are getting them for bait or taking the kids out to catch a few fish, they are always tiny and they taste horrible.
  24. well thats good to hear that they have caught fish haha. i got a small blue and silver and i'll probably try it for walleye and smallies. i'll write my success on here with them
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