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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. awww ya alligator gar, forget the gar pike! i'd love to go fishing for those beasts down south!
  2. i'm trying out my buddies "top secret" spot/lake for smallies which is very close to town, see if what hes been talking about is true(7.5lb smallie but lots of other good sized ones) then later in the afternoon heading to old reliable tilley lakes(upper) for some more smallie action then in the evening til dark hopefully get into some walleye action. good luck everyone!
  3. theres always gonna be some big large name brands that really advertise their product and are on everything then there will be smaller names that will stick around and always building a great product, nothing to be worrying about.
  4. ya the trading post is number 1 on my list for bait and then going east there highway variety. about 20min up the 129 north of thessalon theres tunnel lake trading post which is an amazing store. i'm not usre if the others, im sure theres bait shops in each small town you go through. i normally stock up in town before i leave to go anywhere
  5. haha they gotta get rid of their mercs some how!! I wanted to buy the 14' tracker jon boat with the live well and the closest tracker dealer was sudbury, so i called the dealer in sudbury in march and told them what i was looking for and he told me they will be getting 8 of those boats in around mid april so i called back in april and they didnt get them and i called them a couple times in may with still no boats and i now just gave up and i'm gonna stick with my old beater 12footer for another year! thanks tracker for saving me money!!
  6. come on archie we all know your gonna spend more then $150, you mind as well just go all out haha! my vote is for the shimano
  7. oh ya your fine unless your out for big momma pike. i normally use a shimano 6'6" medium fast action with 10lb mono and 2500 series reel. the biggest pike i got on that setup was 15lb. i've got alot of 5-12lbers on that setup also. you'll be fine and you'll have more of a fun time reeling in the big one
  8. i always see that advertisement of the bounty fishing on here. i finally gave in and registered and who knows i might win some cash. has anyone else joined? and has anyone actually competed and maybe even won some cash?
  9. what kind of vehicle are you talking about?
  10. i've never fished the area and i was through spanish on the weekend. i looked it up in my backroad map book and there is a TON of small lakes in the area but im not sure whats in what lake and how good of fishing it is. you could go west on the highway to lauzon lake. i say go to a local trading post and get some maps and such of the area and ask some locals i'm sure they will put you on decent fishing.
  11. So i showed up this morning and the boss didn't say to much and basically just told me to go along with one of his guys. we are building this kind of gazebo and they had already put 6x6s in the ground then we had to put 6x6s around it and fill it with sand dust or whatever you call the stuff that you put under brick. the guy is like wanna cut the 6x6 and i was like sureee, i go to the truck get the circular saw and hes like no no no use the chainsaw and i was like oooooo k and hacked it to length. then from 9am-2pm i basically watched him level one 6x6 which sits on the ground between 2 posts haha what a joke! i kept giving him tips and asking if i could help and he kept shrugging me off and kept complaining saying theres something wrong with this level but with a lot more swearing in there. So far this place seems to be a real bush league. Last night i got an email from a plumbing company in town asking me if i wanted to renovate the new office and i emailed him back seeing if after theres a good chance of getting permanent work from him because hes mainly plumbing but he does full bathroom renovations and he has a couple carpenters on his crew. when i got home from work today he said if i do a good job on the reno theres a very good chance of permanent job and they hes looking into getting some kinda wage subcities. so i hope to hear back from him soon. i talked to him about work last year but fell through and he has a very good reputation and i had a good little poop chat with him and hes huge into fishing like i am so like come on he has to be a good guy. It seems like its feast or famine for work, theres a dry spell for a while now i have options geeeez!!
  12. holdfast when you get layed off next week from your job and your looking for work and need to put gas in the car to go to businesses and to pound the pavement looking for employment and the bills start building up and you gotta feed yourself you'll be thanking your government that they helped you out till you find work again. Yes there is some people out there at ride the system till it runs out then they go look for work but thats not me and thats not what this topic is about. I also never plan on going into the army, i don't care how much they are paying me, i'd rather go to jail then be sent over to the middle east if they tried to draft me or something. this was about if i should work for a prick employer or not. and im going in at 8am tomorrow morning and see how it goes.
  13. i have no idea where that lake is but good luck out there, it takes time to hone in your skills and since your on here you can learn alot fast, lots of great fisherman on here!
  14. ya i guess i'll give it a go and see what happens, i dont have much to loose and the pay is better then EI. The day after i got layed off i went down to job connect to see what they had to offer and there was postings for 4-5 different carpentry related job postings but they do not tell you who the employer is which really grinds my gears cause i know whos good in this town and whos not and well the next morning at 7am i get a call from a contractor asking to come in cause he really needs a guy and i asked who it was and he told me his name and as soon as he did i hung up the phone haha, i wanted nothing to do with that guy and i would rather sit on my butt making little money on EI then work for this guy. i sure hope that this opportunity is better then that guy and he said that my hours will count towards my apprenticeship working for him so thats the main reason why i'm going. i've had some pretty bad jobs in the past and im sure this one can't be worse then those. and it is true when you are sitting at home you do not get many offers even for side work but as soon as your working you gotta start turning ppl away. I just can't wait till i finally get my apprenticeship done and get my ticket so i can have alot more doors open for opportunities and somewhere that i actually want to work and for a long time, i find it really tough completing an apprenticeship if you dont have the right hook ups.
  15. So im a second year general carpenter apprentice and a second year cabinetmaker apprentice and i was layed off in mid april. since then i havent been able to find much work. a little over a week ago a building contractor/reno guy called me and wanted to meet me at timmys for a coffee and little interview with him so i sad sure and i went and we talked and he said he'd get back to me. So he just called me this morning and asked if i found a job yet and i told him no and that im still looking and hes like alrite well come to the shop tomorrow and i can put you to work! Now this guy here has a really bad reputation around town and i don't know how this guy even has work! I've heard hes a real butcher and a real prick! i'm a little worried about going to work for this guy but for right now i'm willing to take anything, baggers can't be choosers. Now i want to know, if this guy is a real idiot and lets say after a month i can't handle him anymore and that i dont want to work for this guy anymore can i get back on EI till i find something else?
  16. woooo arch! finally getting into some fish finally! keeper up and keep catching more
  17. i was up at aubery may long weekend and even with the cold weather there was a few out. in the bush around the sault area the skeeters are going NUTS, you will get eaten alive and im sure chapleau is the same, although i have not seen a single black fly all skeeters and those little sand flies i believe they are called. i'd be bringing a net, spray, those lights, everything that will help bring it!!
  18. so i just bought a brand new shimano synocate 2500 for $9.50 on ebay. after exchange, shipping, etc. it came to 19.45 and i was looking at the www.thefishinghole.com and they had shimano sojourns for $24can and was $35 with shipping. you can get some decent gear for a cheap price! if others havent heard of the fishing hole its a big tackle shop in the edmonton square mall, they got a good selection of stuff and at good prices and also some pretty neat stuff i havent seen anywhere else. thanks for the help guys!
  19. wow! i definitly didnt expect this many replies on this topic. i didnt want to open up a can of worms but i guess its like asking ford or chevy? i've had one diawa and it lasted me maybe a month and i didnt like it one bit. i've 3 shimanos that work flawlessly and i have never had a problem. i could go more expensive but the high end reels dont have the trigger system. i think i'll probably just go with the shimano. then its looking for a decent medium action spinning rod. i'll check out that one rapala rod. i also live in sault ste. marie and i cant just go to these store some of you guys are talking about. most of my stuff is worked online.
  20. ok i'm not a very brand loyal kinda guy but since i've started fishing i've always used shimano rods and reels. i learned to fish with the quickfire trigger that come on shimano reels and i now wont buy a reel without it. i want to upgrade my spinning setup and im looking at either the quantum snapshot 30 or the shimano spirex 2500. whats your opinion on these reels? i can buy the quantum for $26.00 and the spirex for $45. i'll looking for a 6'6"-7' medium fast action rod to put the reel on and it will be my all around rod for a little bit of everything. which one to get?
  21. i've caught alot of walleye as the sun is going down and at dark casting to shore and around logs and structure like i would with smallmouth fishing. they really love #8 x-raps and they only go about 1-2feet below the surface and also i've done well doing the same on the #6 x-rap shad, it doesnt surprise me at all that the fish took the topwater bait. shining a light into the shallows you can see flashes of their eyes and see them darting around after minnows and such. fishing camps link is bang on in the walleye at night section, i was to lazy to read the whole article.
  22. they are definitly in there and in good numbers! i've caught 5lb walleye just dinking around the odd evening at the bridge at st. joes. if you need a fishing partner out there one day i'd be more then happy to tag along!
  23. i guess fishing with dynamite isnt always that easy especially when it doesnt go off!
  24. ya those were definitly those snakes he bought and tossed in the lake. i wasnt really a fan of them either but if you like them and they work then all the power to ya. i'll stick to my techniques.
  25. i know for smallies they just love the #8 x-raps and the #6 x-rap shad. i cant say i've ever caught a largemouth cause theres none near here, maybe the odd one in the river. how well have you done on that white snake? i remember a year or so ago my buddy seen a infommerical on them and bought like $50 worth and the dvd on how to use them. after the first day he used them they went to the bottom of the lake cause i was laying into them and he wasnt getting anything on those things.
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