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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. k guys, way to crush my hopes and dreams haha! its all good, this is why i asked. to bad the mnr doesnt get more funding and get more ppl out in the field, we really need it. i guess i'll keep looking for a job banging nails. thanks guys
  2. ya im looking for job security which i dont seem to have much of in construction and well if im gonna do something i wanna do something i like doing cause 22-55+ is quite of few years. so far it sounds like getting in at the mnr is one of those places where its not what you know but who you know or else good luck getting into something
  3. Ok guys here is my situation, since the day i finished high school i've been working construction. I'm a second year general carpenter apprentice and i'm a second year cabinetmaker apprentice. I'll be 22 next and i've been layed off 4times now and have had 5 different jobs. i can never seem to get my foot in the door long enough and always seen to be at the bottom of the barrel and the first on the cutting list. Its getting really discouraging, i had got layed off about 4weeks ago and i can't seem to come up with anything right now. I've been doing a lot of thinking and i've been thinking about going back to school. I live 2 minutes from the sault college and still living at home with the parents so it wouldnt be hard to go back. So the other day I went and got a sault college course book and i started looking through it to see what I would be interested in. The only thing that interests me is the fish and wildlife program. Now the question is lets say i go to school and do the 2 years are their good job possibilities or will i be sitting at home unemployed doing nothing again? How hard would it be to get my foot in the door at lets say the MNR after taking this course? what jobs could i get with it? what process is it to become a CO? is there even any demand for this type of career? and for anyone that has taken the course, how hard is it? i was never the brightest student in high school and did poor in math but i did pass high school. or should i just say forget about it and just tough it out till i find another construction and tough it out till i get my journeymen papers? i say this is the time to take action, just unsure of what i want to do. your thoughts guys! thanks
  4. ahhh the good old sault, only 8 hours from T.O
  5. ya thats true, we were getting tons of little guys and they were all nice and colourful, it was just a thought. we were hammering them in basically the ditch along the side of the 552 road just down from where you turn onto it at upper/lower island lakes. you'd never think there would be any fish in those ditches.
  6. so a buddy of mine took me to these little streams, more like just ditches along the side of the road and we just use a little sinker and a hook with a worm and we were just hammering 4-6" specks, it was hilarious, youd never think there would be any fish in these little streams. i think it would be pretty neat to catch a few and put them in a fish tank, id way rather have amazing looking specks then a dorky gold fish. is it illegal to keep live fish if you dont plan on planning them anywhere?
  7. i try different patterns and do and try different times for pauses till i find somthing that works well. there is no right or wrong way to fish a jerk bait, play with it and figure out what works for you.
  8. check them out if you haven't seen them yet! http://www.extremenetmen.com/
  9. a smallie went under the boat and jumped in the boat behind us ive seen a few pike jump out of the water and dive down to grab my lure ive caught pike holding only onto the leader ive caught whitefish on a 3inch williams ya thats all i can think of for now
  10. ya you never heard anything about clearwater what kinda atv is it? i'd love to get one but cant afford one right now unless someone gives me a good chunk of change for my sled. 03 rmk 700
  11. i remember my buddies grandpa use to pick them out of the speck pond at the bush camp and just eat them raw. mmmmm mmmm NOT!
  12. my vote is plywood unless you can get your hands on some of that thick plastic
  13. those 2.5hp mercs are very nice, i believe h&s has 09s for a 1000 plus taxes. but they do put out alot of power for a canoe, my buddy has one and it will go faster then an old 7.5hp evinrude. no i wasnt working at essar, i worked at fitzpatrick industries in industrial court. i say tinker around a bit, im sure you can rig up something that works, besides if your fishing a back lake theres normally zero waves or other ppl. put your gear in 5gallon buckets and wear a life jacket incase the worst happens.
  14. just balance it out and get a motor for each side! if money is a concern or you dont want to get rid of the canoe cause who knows it may be great grand papas then i say rig something up and test it out, go to kinsmen pond or something and give it a try. if not just find a flat back, also most back lakes have boats stashed at them. dont mind giving away this back lake your thinking of? if you need a buddy to come along im more then willing to go, im layed off and i have nothing to do. and i already have a minn kota and just toss the battery in a back pack.
  15. fun little adventure, kinda sucks finding out theres a road right to it and looks to be a decent launch there. look out for them natives, i hope you were wearing your orange walking through there! and the lake has probably been netted 10times over till there was nothing left and they just left the cabin to rot
  16. dara i wasnt really planning on big basswood but i did hear theres no longer ice on it. i was talking to a buddy that has a camp on garden lake up the ranger lake road and he said there is pretty much just a bunch of ice bergs floating around and by the end of this week the boat is going in the water. im currently waiting on motor parts and as soon as those are in i'll be heading out. although i was thinking of hiking into clearwater lake behind northland lake for some ice out lakers but i bet there is still ice on it and would suck hiking in all that way. also there is still snow in the bush and more then likely snow on the roads and a high possibility of getting the truck stuck in the slushy melting snow.
  17. im gonna give a charter place a call and hopefully head out in the morning on superior with just the groomsmen and the 2 fathers. then after arrange a little golf tourny with a bunch of guys then finish off the night with a big bbq bash and get hammered drunk haha. and arch i'll definitly invite you to the bbq bash, the more the merrier! i gotta get together an invite list and start getting a hold of ppl and start getting things together!
  18. i think i found your collection down there and i brought it home with me to clean up! im a big rapala fan, im up into the 60-70range and i love finding different and more rare lures, theres a place in down that has a whole bin full of those 100th anniversay lures for 2 for $10.50, dont seem much of a collectors lure if there that cheap and that many.
  19. hahahah yes!! a sunday church social with "nuns"
  20. ya golf is a really good idea, a fishing tournament would be amazing but i dont think we could get enough ppl to make it turn out very well, not enough friends that fish or atleast not enough with boats. definitly not going all the way down to lake O. maybe somewhere with a charter closer to the sault
  21. so my buddy is getting married later this summer and im suppose to be the best man. and so that means i gotta put on a bachelor party for him. now i already asked his gf about strippers and me and him would both get killed haha. so that leaves me pretty well out of ideas! i was kinda thinking of putting on a big BBQ at my place with some intense physical drinking and maybe some different games and prizes and such. anyone have any bright ideas for a bachelor party or themes or past experiences. also how close to the wedding should i have it? anything i shouldnt forgot to make it a great party?
  22. or throw an xrap once and catch a fish saves you the other 99 tosses!
  23. haha bassasin i saved 6 dozen for pike and laker bait! and GCD we have cameras just none of us can figure out how to post pics on here lol well atleast i cant figure it out! i have piles of them, i cant seem to figure out how to resize them probably and post them and photobucket is annoying as hell. we are a humble folk here, we dont show off our trophy fish. if you seen them you'd be on the next flight here with rod and tackle in hand hahaha jk. maybe one of these days i'll post pics!
  24. keep us up to date, im waiting on ice out lakers!!
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