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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. k definitly seized it right up and more then likely the top end. the question is how bad the cylinders are. if they arent in bad conidtion and just need to be honed then you need a piston kit. you can get full kits on ebay for $89 or though the dealer for $300ish. if the cylinders arent bad then it should be 2-3hours shop time. if you got a mangled cylinder then its gonna cost you alot unless you can find a used one. good luck!
  2. need more info on the blown motor! you can check out www.dootalk.com or www.hardcoresledder.com both great sled sites and you can find all the info on there plus parts to. good luck!!
  3. thanks for the replys. i may consider this rod/reel
  4. hey guys, you probably seen one of my topics from before about what baitcast rod/reel combo i should get. i've seen the diawa megaforce reel around everywhere and it has the twitchin' bar that no other reel has. i've seen lots of good and bad reviews on this reel and i wanted to get the truth from ppl that i trust which is on here. so what are your thoughts guys? http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...t20285&rid=
  5. hey, i got just as much in my tackle box if not more. what i have to ask you is how many of those lures have actually caught you fish? i find i have alot of lures im just not confident with and hardly use. if you look in my tackle trunk you'll see multiples, lures i cant just go without. i find the tackle box gets massive then eventually shrinks to what you actually bring to the water.
  6. now you gotta get out there and give a gift in return!
  7. we got an early and longer lunch to watch the whole thing at work so i was getting paid to watch part of it haha. one thing though, alot of movies these days they have some major disaster like an astroid or something and kills alot of ppl and then they got a black president giving the speech. i can just see obama saying the speak that life will go on and we will slowly rebuild.
  8. ya i realise the advantages with a baitcaster, thats why im looking to buy one. i just know what certain ones are and what i should be looking for in a rod/reel other then finding the biggest price tag for the best gear. i think im gonna keep my eyes open on ebay and get a high quality used one for a dirt cheap price. also how does the 1piece and the 2 piece really differ? does it make that much of a difference? i've broken alot of rods and reels keeping them together and leaving them in the boat and getting bunched around and a 7foot rod will not fit in the cab of my truck where i normally keep my rods and it will get smashed around in the box of my truck. the one piece just seems that much more of a hassle and is it really worth the hassle? and thanks for the links fishing33k. also i stick with the recommended line sizes and lures and such with my rod and reels, im gonna be trying that power pro and its much thinner and those guide lines are more for using the thickness of the line not the test correct?
  9. no problem! we'll have to get out again sometime. probably after nate gets his sled going again or gets another sled hahaha. im gonna take it to my uncles place this week and find out exactly whats wrong. and ya they are always that aggressive, it doesnt matter what time of the winter you go or the weather thats your average day on crooked. and ya i cant wait to eat mine, probably tomorrow night. ya leighs bay is pretty shallow and the fish seem to come in schools and its feast or famine, you hit it right and you'll do awesome.
  10. im in the sault, i cant just go to bass pro. i like to hold and get a feel for the rod and reel in the store before buying. maybe western will have some decent ones.
  11. i'll keep my eyes open on ebay for a deal over the winter for the shimano Curado. my past few rods and reels have been shimano but i will consider others. what about rods guys? i rarely see 2 piece baitcaster, whats up with that? i like the medium heavy. what do you guys recommend? i plan on using it for pike, lake trout, and bass fishing and use my spinning rod/reel for specks and walleye. i'll mostly use it for casting and trolling crankbaits.
  12. i should be going this weekend. when i broke in there was no stopping, i would just hit the trees and they would pop up for everyone else behind me haha i dont mind scratching the hood on my sled. i'll msg you a little later in the week to make plans.
  13. hey guys, all my life i have been using spinning rods and reels and so have all my friends. i've never picked up and used a baitcaster before. i want to buy a cheap but still decent rod/reel combo to try to see if i like it. at crappy tire they got the daiwa d-cast rod and reel combo for $89.99. it seems like a decent starter combo. if i really like it i'll upgrade after a few times out and use it as a backup. what do you guys think of this combo? also what should i be looking in a baitcaster? is there any others out there to consider? i really like the medium/heavy rod. also i see alot of baitcast rods that are only 1 piece, whats the deal with that? seems to be annoying to bring anywhere and high possibly of breaking it. heres a link for the same combo http://www.stevesfishingsupplies.com/brand...iwa/D_Cast.html crappy tire doesnt have a picture of it on their site. thanks
  14. i find both are pretty equal. i love just ripping across a lake with the sled and watching my lines go off and pulling a fish out of a hole. and in the summer on a nice day pulling in fish after fish you cant beat that. its all about going out there and having a good time getting away for a while and bringing home a few fish.
  15. hey troutologist, where were you fishing? i drove onto what i believe was kaufman and turned around cause my buddy on the broken down sled wasnt behind me. i had a red polaris rmk. you should have got ahold of me, i would have blazed trail in for ya! i broke trail into clearwater jan.1st from northland and i had to help 2 tundras that were just buried. my rmk can go just about anywhere with ease. you name the lake and i'll make a trail for you haha. we gotta hook up sometime and head out fishing! and yes a tow rope is a good thing to bring even if you trust your machine, your buddy can break down or there could be someone else stuck back in there in need of a tow.
  16. ya back there is some serious wilderness and if your stranded you'll need some serious luck on your side to make it out in one piece. i went to school in kitchener this summer and i was bored out of my tree going to school and wished someone took me, to bad i wasnt on here then. and ya a tow rope is a good thing to bring. even just bring some rope or a strap or something in case something happens. i dont know what i would have done last year cause i didnt bring like anything with me.
  17. So if you guys seen earlier in the week Pikeie was looking to hook up with someone here in the sault and head out fishing. I pmed him and made arrangements to go this morning. so me, pikeie, and my buddy nate headed out this morning to crooked lakes for some small lakers. so we sledded in a few km through the bush and across lakes. the lakers were so aggressive we could get second lines in haha. pikeie dropped a sweet pimple and didnt even make it to the bottom before he hooked into a tiny laker. we got quite a few small fish but it was fun but cold. it got to the point where you just didnt want the fish to bite cause our hands were to cold haha. So after lunch we decided to go a couple lakes over to try our luck for some specks. we were givinger across a few lakes and nate wasnt behind so we waited a bit and nothing. so i turned around and went to go look for him and i found him wayyy back on the trail with the hood of the sled opened. we tried and tried to get it going but with no luck. good thing i brought a tow rope with me! we got the sleds turned around and a buddy i met last week on the lake showed up on the trail and he pulled the sleigh back for us and i pulled nates old indy 440 back to the truck through the bush and across lakes the couple km. part way back i snapped his bumper clean in 2 haha! so we hooked it on the skis and we finally made it to the truck burning uan expp the belt on my sled. i gave the sled a real workout with 2 ppl on pulling a sled behind with another guy on it haha i had it up to 45mph across the one lake. anyways thats my story for today, sorry no pictures. i sure hope pikeie had a grand old time, it was certainly an experience!
  18. if its meat and it smells a pike will want it. also try the 12" ones, its shocking what even a small pike will go after.
  19. look in a local classifieds. i've seen them here for sale for $15.
  20. as for inspectors go i find alot of them young and dumb. they have never touched a hammer or 2by4 and they dont know anything. they are under qualified and they dont catch poor workmanship, if it looks like a nice neat job then it passes. i feel some of the older respected carpenters should go back to school and do the inspectors course and do that cause its not a reall physcially demanding job.
  21. mike is right when it comes to new homes being build are crap. i see what goes into houses these days. the problem is that material is sooo expensive and if we were to build a good solid house like back in the old days you might as well just double the cost of the house. i personally have not worked on a house that was under 2000sq ft. i dont see why ppl have to build massive houses made with the cheapest crap. i dont see anyone building 1000-2000sq foot houses with high quality stuff. i just dont understand it. and ppl spend a pile of money heating these places. totally confuses me.
  22. using 10" crappies inst crazy, i use big sucker minnows and 1lb cat fish for pike. if you closly at the pics theres a bobber type thing that you put on the line and you set how far you want the line to go before it tips up but you can only pull like 2feet max or it ends up on the ice and freezes there. theres no point in opening the bail cause it would still get set off pulling the bait out of the fishes mouth.
  23. i go just about every weekend. i was out saturday and sunday. if your willing to pay some gas money, bait, etc. i could possibly hook you up and put you on fish. PM if interested
  24. im not a fan of holmes at all! this man has put complete fear into the eyes of home buyers. working as a carpenter in residential has made things terrible. ppl are now breathing down your back and showing up to job sites without hardhats, steel toe boots, etc. and by law they arent suppose to be there and you ask them to leave and go to the office and make an appointment to go into the house to see how things are doing and they get totally insulted and feel that we are trying to hide something. theres ppl they show up everyday. even home owners have tried to break into their new house thats not complete yet. it makes things very hard for construction businesses and their employers. i feel that mike should stop bashing guys even if they did a totally poor job. that man has changed the construction world in good and bad ways. he has now pretty well got rid of the poor guys around here and now the actual good companys are suffering.
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