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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. 1. x-rap slashbait 2. x-shad rap 3. storm hot n' tot 4.little cleo 5. spinners i dont think i could pick out only certain colours!
  2. Ontario is to big! should be cut in half! or a 1/4 off it. cut southern ontario off and let them be their own country cause its a whole different world down there with their own problems! i've been down to southern ontario and fished there and i know what they are talking about although where i am in ontario its a total different fishery and i find much better. turn everything south of barre catch and release haha!!
  3. when he grows up and can actually grow a beard and not a greasy porn stash
  4. that first video was terrible, that guy is such a hack, when he is skinning the last piece of the fillet he leaves a massive piece of skin on and its hacked up into a bunch of tiny pieces. the video bigugli posted is much better but that guy scares me with his slashing motions like the knife is super dull. when you fillet it like the second video you will also have a large piece of meat thats on the back of the fish and you can cut that off and skin that to but i dont normally do that unless the fish is 5lb+. Pike fillets nom nom nom!
  5. up at my buddys camp he has a 8' jon boat stashed at one of the speck ponds. the little boat is HILARIOUS, i love it! we pack 3 of us in it and we are shoulder to shoulder haha! the thing almost goes down when i put my 40lb minn kota on full. its great for shallow water! i found the best jon boat out there is the 14' tracker jon boat, it comes with a live well to and it is considered a "car topper" weighing at 150lbs. the price tag is around $1400 and it can handle up to a 15hp
  6. there are a few lakes in the sault area that get hit hard constantly for atleast the past 20years and the fishing is always the same. If you fished tilley lakes, crooked lake,jarvis, bone lake, etc. I was at tilley yesterday and there must have been 4-5 boats out there which is normally a ton for a lake around here, everyone always does well and lots keep their limit in smallies and walleye. Its been like this for 20years. i catch small fish and large ones and in large quanities. At my favorite pike lake between me and 2 buddies we all take home our limit each time we go there and my buddies uncle believes no rules apply to him and i've seen him take home a garbage bag full of fillets, now thats wrong but the point im trying to prove is we still kill them in there. but anyways i've had enough with this topic im gonna keep doing what i do and you guys just keep doing what your doing and keep your mouth shut. if someone every comes to me and complains im taking home my limit i'll slap them with my stringer!!
  7. i certainly did not want to dump my minn kota in the lake, as soon as i got back to town i went to walmart and bought another one and thank god my battery didnt go with it hahaha! i do put a wire with a lock on my 9.9 but didnt on my minn kota, but i think im gonna from now on! im still looking for someone with scuba gear or a really good swimmer to go on a search mission for me though
  8. i agree with dan bouck, i said earlier in this topic that limits are there for a reason and what the lakes can handle. it seems all the southerners are the c&r guys and the more northern guys keep fish. theres lots of lo pressure here and on 70% of the lakes here you wont even see another boat even all weekend of fishing a lake. Trails are rough to get into and fishing is turning into a rich mans sport. The MNR also stocks lakes so we can catch and keep fish.
  9. i totally agree with moosebunk! the soul purpose of fishing is to harvest fish. now im not saying go out and take every fish that is boated, theres limits in place for a reason and its the amount that can be taken to not hurt the population. By the looks of things on this site and i hardly see anybody keeping anything, seems like a good 90% of you guys on here only catch and release or only keep the odd fish now and again. I don't see what eveyone is complaining about , fishing is still great, if your not catching fish then you start to complain, i suggest researching and honing up on your skills instead of crying that theres no fish. i like taking home a few fish everytime i go out which is atleast once a week and my fishing isnt getting worse, i'm actually catching more fish then ever before. If i went out fishing every week back in the bush with a few guys and just never brought anything back ppl would start to wonder thinking im getting a weee bit to close to my buddies!
  10. So i tempted to go into griffin lake today for lake trout, rainbow, and specks but the trail was wayyy to rough and gotta go back with the 4wheeler. So my buddy and i fished tilley lake for walleye dodging rain drops but did get pretty wet, and only got a 3.5lb smallie and release it and we wished we got a picture of it but wanted to get it back in the water asap. We decided to head to a different spot on the lake and i forgot to pull my minn kota motor up and i start going across the lake and i hear BANG! and i see my minn kota go flying into the water! what a bummer!! Is there any chemicals or any bad things that could poison the water or anything? If anyone finds a 40lb thrust minn kota in tilley let me know or if you know anyone with scuba gear that wants to go on a little search mission for a case of beer also let me know! Walmart also has minn kotas for pretty cheap, just bought a 30lb thrust $129.99. my mother told me there would be days like today!
  11. where do you live and how far do you want to go?
  12. limits are there for a reason, i'm sure they have researched and found what amount of fish can be taken home to sustain a healthy population. Also alot of are stocked for catching and taking home purposes. I'm sure alot of guys dont always come home with their limit especially if they fish more then once a week. If there was an actual problem im sure they would have lowered the limits or changed the regs on the body of water. I don't know about southern ontario but fishing here seem better then ever.
  13. i bought the $59.99 frabil net with the red shaft at crappy tire this spring. i've used it a few times and its a nice quality net that is large yet compact. the net is rubber coated and helps protect the fish. my only complaint is the hooks still get caught in the net and are hard to get out when the fish starts thrashing in the net but is still not as bad as old nets. http://www.frabill.com/index.php/nav-produ...;category_id=17
  14. smallies taste fine, they just have more of a "plain" taste to them compared to walleye. i personally hardly fish for them cause they are such a poor fighting fish. Pike on the other hand taste better then smallies and walleye and are larger and better fighting fish and are a more of a low pressured species. With the lake trout limits being lowered next year in my area i think im going to target walleye more during the winter. I find in my area theres less and less ppl fishing.
  15. woooo archie!! getting up a report and with fish!!! haha just bugging! those are some nice lakers! we gotta hit up aubery soon!!
  16. ya i keep hearing about twitter and have no idea what it is! i was quite happy with just msn then assfacebook came out and i got an account on there, to bad for twitter 2 messenger type things is fine with me.
  17. yup been a crap spring so far!! i hope things turn and the fish are on fire, but not litterally haha!
  18. ya i got every x-rap in that pic and doubles and triples of some. i've caught some real nice smallies on the #8 in the slashbait and xshad and i got a nice 5lb walleye on the #10 slashbait. i called bps about a week ago and i asked them about it and they were clueless about them. i've searched ebay and other places also. its the only xrap im missing! i found the best colour in the group is just the plain old silver. i must have 7-8 of them and i've thrown some out cause they were just to mangled from catching sooo many pike in a day on them. also i've got some nice walleyes trolling with them to. i've really layed into the pike on that new purple albino and the new cooper head but word of advice, change the back treble hook cause that sureset hook will bend and snap on a 5lb+ fish. i normally just snip the big hook off cause its hard finding nice replacement feathered hooks. you should take a trip north west and really lay into the pike.
  19. i tried looking around for some of those mercer magic lures but i cant find them ANYWHERE!! anyone know where i can buy a few?
  20. ya i agree, what if the boat tips and you hit your head and you go in the drink? i stick with traditional life jackets, i found one that i like and is comfortable when fishing ad i leave it on the whole time, only taking it off to take clothes off underneath and thats it.
  21. i feel there are less and less anglers out there. the prices of everything is going up and its turning into a rich mans sport. for instance last year rapalas were around $7 and they are now $10 this year. buying a boat and motor isnt cheap either and plus gas getting to the lake. i find more of the old timers are the ones not paying attention to the regs cause things were different back in their day. Most new anglers are now obeying the laws. i feel if you want better fish populations then they should close townships or areas for a year then reopen them and close a different one. it would kinda suck for ppl with camps on these closed lakes but to bad. i feel the limits are low as is, i'm with dara on this one with the laws in southern ontario compared to here. Also i cant stand slot sizes on fish especially pike! who in the right mind would keep 4 pike under 24'? i feel that fish is a waste cause of the amount of meat you get off it and yes i know how to fillet them well so i only keep pike above 24" go for it call me a poacher i don't care. i pretty well feel that things are fine for right now but that lowering of lake trout limits! i'll no longer go for lakers and i will be targetting over species instead having more of an impact on them.
  22. that is the second time i got a pike kinda like that, last year i did just circles and got him, this was a full out figure 8 all musky style ad i was shocked that the pike swallowed my hole crank and i had to take it out their the gills and hes going on the dinner plate. i found the pike are slow cause the water is still to cold for them to get active so i find i get lots of follows but no commiters so thats a good way to make them aggressive. good luck out there!
  23. i was out pike ad speck fishing all weekend and it was really windy and we had a blizzard on saturday. We stuck to sheltered bays where it was calm. i go into this one bay and the water is really clear. i cast out my crankbait and i work it in and as soon as i lift the lure out of the water a pike jumps at it then takes off. I was mad that i missed that fish and i was like that fish is gonna haunt me now, as if i missed it. my buddy was just laughing at me and i was like im gonna catch that fish! So i cast out in the direction i seen the pike swam off to and i start to work it in and i see the pike following my lure and i get it right up to the boat and im at the end of my line and i just got my 18" steel leader with the lure and i put the rod 2-3feet in the water and i start doing the figure 8. that pike just went nuts and on the 3rd figure 8 he grabbed it and completely swallowed my crankbait. it was a decent eater at around 5lbs. i really wish i had got a video of that catch. that was the second time and the second pike to fall victim to the figure 8. has anyone else has success with the figure 8 with pike? and for those that get a pike follower try it out!!
  24. I've tried and tried to get into the union but its like trying to get blood from a stone. they basically told me that when i get my ticket i'd get hired like instantly. i know a few ppl working for them and they said they got apprentice resumes staked to the roof and if you know pinder real well then you can get in. and all i have been doing is trim work and cabients, i try to stick away from the whole framing and concrete work. i seen job posting on the job bank for elliot lake and it just wouldnt be worth it for me. im still at home and i wouldnt make enough to get by in elliot.
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