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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. i was thinking of making one of those to, what did you use to bolt it to the racks? is it a easy put on and take off the 4wheeler, im sure you dont want that on there all the time if you wanted to go for a quad ride with the buds.
  2. so i buy lures off this guy and he always throws lures in for free and says try them and see how you like them. this past week i got some lures that i wanted off him and he gave me a few of ugly duckling crankbaits and he said he never heard of them either and to try them out and see if you like them and report back to him. so have anyone heard of these or have even tried them? i got the floating cranks that are 2-5feet. http://www.uglyducklinglures.com/
  3. replacing the sill plate??? that sounds like a huge job. if its in the crawl space and the area is accessable, then it should be reasonably easy. another concern is whats on the exterior of the house? will you have to pull siding? you can always do a temporary fit in the crawl space and add on to the wall to keep the corner of the house from crumbling in. i say buddy is gonna try and rip you off.
  4. reinforce it and go wild haha! my buddy put a 15hp evinrude on his old 12footer and that thing is one scary boat!!! i say close to my tackle box incase the thing goes down cause i know what im grabbing hahaha! the back of it is all falling apart and we are gonna reinforce it with some angle iron and the thing trolls wayyyy to fast just pushes that boat to hard. that 9.9 would move the 14foot along alright and it will troll it nicely. i got a 9.9 on my 12footer and its just perfect. if its just a fishing boat keep the 9.9 and it'll be fine. or ya race it for pinks and get a newer nicer boat LOL
  5. the 10" folding is awesome for strapping on the sled and breaking trail up into some hard to get to remote lake going for big pike or lakers. but it'll certainly give you a work out. i'll give up the auger for the right price, they havent been made since the early 90s. i was thinking of getting a 8" for an everything auger.
  6. crappy tire usually has them and they are $21.99, i know they are putting out all the summer stuff and putting the ice fishing stuff in the back you may have to ask an employee to get them for you. im pretty sure that western has them year round on the shelf but i believe they are a couple bucks more around $25.99. the trading post should have them to. they are a very common auger. last year my buddy was drills a hole and he hands me the auger and i look and theres only one blade on it!! so i tried it and it worked fine, just take the busted blade off and use the one blade for the rest of the year. also he could have bent the auger putting a different angle on it and you may have to shim it to work properly again. if your looking for another auger i got a 10inch folding hand auger for cheap with 2 sets of blades and thats right i said 10inch folding hand auger!!
  7. thanks, i'll look into that turny! so whitewater is a muddy water weedy hole? and hows vermillion? is it also a dirty muddy hole of a lake with lots of little snot rockets? and sometimes you never know a new comer might show the old guys a thing or to. the guys that have been on the lake a while break there tackle down pretty small to the few lures that work and dont think out of the box. my buddy has fished this one lake his whole life and his grandpa has been fishing it for 30+ years and me and my buddy go in there and we catch more pike then they have ever seen and we've done it multiple times. i think it'll be a good time even if i dont do well. i just like to know the type of lake so i know what im up against. i fish alot of pike lakes that are crystal clear, with lots of rocks and structure and with almost zero weeds.
  8. sudbury pike, what type of lake is vemillion and whitewater? what type of water, structure, depths, etc. or is that top secret till i get there? lol
  9. hey guys, me and my buddy want to call and sign up for the top fifty pike tournament. we definitly want to make it to the parry sound tourny, vermillion in chelmsford, and whitewater in azlida and possibly nipewasspi in northbay. does anyone have any good info on the tournaments that i should know. also does anyone have any info on the lakes? are they shallow weedy lakes or rocky lakes, what kinda structure, etc. if we do well at these tournys next year i'll start going into some bass and walleye tournaments, i hope the top fifty is a good entry level tournament that will help me get the feel for things
  10. i bought one in the fall and it was a serious pain getting all the maps and such loaded on it, even a computer god cant figure it out. only took 3 of us about 4hours to get it working. but after that mine has worked great.
  11. alrite perfect! thanks alot guys i'll do some digging and checking out the links, you might see me out there one of these days!
  12. hey guys! i see there is the wawa ice derby this weekend. i wanted to go but my buddy just wont be able to make it. me and my buddy have been talking and we were wondering if there is a website that can tell us about all the different fishing tournaments in ontario. how do you get on with competitive fishing? is there mostly just "derbys"? we are willing to travel around in ontario and we may look into michigan fishing tournaments cause we live in sault ste. marie and we are right on the border of the u.s. what are the main requirements would you need to start? i think it would be an added thrill to fishing!
  13. ahhhh sault fishing at its finest, great pics!
  14. i know the name of that lake which starts with an M, ends with a N and has a Q in the middle but i wont tell anyone. we should still have a ton of ice but things might start getting slushy and a little tougher going if your walking up in the park or you dont have a decent sled for powder/slush. we should be fishing into april this year. good luck out there and i hope to see a pic of that trophy on here.
  15. my buddys mom won some like 5-6mill about 15years ago. she was actually smart with her money and probably has more now then what she won through canadian savings bonds and such. they have a nice big house with a swimming pool inside and 3 brand new cars in the drive living comfortly. her hushand quit his day job and drove a handicap bus for years for something to do and to help others until he had a heart attack and died in his bus last fall. they are some great ppl and i dont see how others that win blow it all and fast.
  16. yup, the part i dont get is you have to drive as far as you can with your vehicle and unload and go on the trail. so that means if i dont have a trail permit and i go from my house and drive 40km on the trail to a lake how could they prove and charge you, also what if i didnt own a car or trailer!?! ahhh well don't matter to me, i just follow the rules, i dont want to be hasseled or get fines, just not worth it. and pikeie i should have my sled up and going again by the end of the week. now for nates sled hahaha he hasnt done a thing to it, still sitting there covered in snow cause he cant afford to fix it. i got it running but it runs like crap and we think theres a blown bearing in the crank so he hasnt been out to much. have you been out anywhere lately?
  17. yup definitly gonna be a fun job. ripping it down so we can even get at the spot to weld it and we are gonna have to leave it in the shop for a couple days to dry out then yes torch it and then tig it. today wasnt a good day for polaris', 3 down, good thing my sled still runs though, hasnt totally let me down, its always got me home! all well it was an experience i'll never forget!
  18. So this morning i meet my buddy at his place and and we were gonna go on the sleds from his place. i go to top up my oil on my 2003 polaris rmk 700 and i notice theres no coolant in my bottle! totally explains why i had cooling issues the week before. so i top off my oil and coolant and we are on our way. we get down the trail a km and we make it to robertson and this where it all goes wrong hahaha. me and my buddy are wild on our sleds catwalking and powder turning across the lake. we are hammering it across the lake and i see him right beside me and POW. we side swipe each other LOL. we stop to make sure both of us are ok and the sleds are ok. his sled just got a scratch on the hood and i put a small dent in my trailing arm, then i see on the other side of my sled coolant pissing out all over the ground. theres my problem right there as to why i was over heating!! theres a guy my buddy knows fishing on the lake and we talk to him and park it there for the rest of day. so we are off to bone lake double riding in which is about 3-4km past robertson. So we get to our spot, drill holes, and within minutes my buddy hooks into a big fish and hes fighting and fighting and he looses it! could this day get any worse?? 3 guys show up on the lake and they rip past us and the one sled is just a smoking like crazy and the whole lake is covered in smoke. they stop a bit down the lake and the sled is just smoking like crazy and you cant seem see the sled anymore, looked like it was doing a big burn out hahaha. well that sled was definitly cooked, more then likely a blown crank. so we are fishing away doing well actually catching some nice 2lb lakers, getting them on small silver williams about 5feet below the ice. so we are fishing away and 3 sleds pull up. 2 mnr guys and 1 opp officer and we are like oooo great what a day, they are gonna try and bone us on something. so the one mnr guy comes walking up to me and says i wanna see your license and right when he gets beside me BAM i hook into a fish and im like hold on a second here while i reel in this fish! haha he was like geez im good luck. paper work was all good and they were on their way, thank god! my buddys brother is with us on a skandic and he was bombing around on the lake and the thing starts vibrating really bad and we looked into changed the belt and changed things over and couldnt find anything so he took off early back home. so back to the other guys with the blown up sled, the 2 of them left buddy on the lake and they went back to the truck to get a tow rope for him and i guess across robertson lake the guy with a 2000 polaris rmk 600 went down a cylinder! not those guys day either and they also got charged with riding without a helmet. so we had our limit and we head back to robertson to fish for a while and never got anything there. and we go over to my sled and we fill the coolant with water and we fire it up and run it towards buttermilk which is 2-3km away, the closet road to the lake. so we get to the end of the lake and the mnr and the opp officer is there and earlier in the day i told them my situation and they are like just giver hell! so theres me, my buddy with no trail permit and 2 mnr and 1 opp officer just hammering down the ofsc trail to make it in time to the loading zone before it over heats. so we make it there and we double back to my buddys place and i drive the truck over and pick up my sled. while i was out in goulais i stopped at my uncles place and we get to the root of the problem. we put a coolant tester on the sled we find that its spraying out under my footwell. theres an alimium tube that runs along the running board and it cracked. so now i gotta rip the trailing arm off, take the belly pan off, and take the footwell out and such to get at it to tig weld up the crack. so that was my day!! great fishing, poor sleds!
  19. where is your camp? on lonely lake? i have 2 buddys with camps on there and they always do well.
  20. nice specks! one of these days i gotta head up in there, just to lazy to hike, rather go to a sled where i can take my sled haha. also word on the street is lost lake is really hot right now for specks.
  21. i've heard of ppl doing this but i havent done it myself. i've also heard of ppl cutting some skin off a lake trout and putting that on your hook worked wonders but i never tried it. this past weekend i was fishing with a buddy and he had chunks of lake trout belly/skin that he was jigging with getting lakers. is what he was doing illegal?
  22. i'd use around 15-20lb mono and tie on atleast an 18" steal leader, i've seen pike swallow the lure and a 12" leader. i havent lost any with the 18" yet. all you really need is a decent reel with decent drag and you can bring in just about any size pike.
  23. i would have kept my mouth shut about the snagging lol
  24. im closer to the northern part of ontario and i do keep alot of fish i catch. i stick within slot sizes and limits, they are put in place so we can take home fish yet still have a good quality fisheries. i dont keep little fish and i dont normally keep monsters. i love going fishing and i find its also rewarding to take a few fish home for the family. i feel the other part of the world is missing out. enjoy fishing here and welcome to the board.
  25. nice pike pics, those xraps are key to catching pike. also candy for bass, walleye, etc.
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