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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. up in the sault here we dont have large mouth but we have great smallmouth fishing and i swear by crankbaits. i suggest trying the #8 xrap slashbait or the #6 xshad rap. im sure between here and there colours and water conditions differ. i found a jerk, jerk, jerk, pause.... jerk jerk jerk....pause works best and each day is different depending on how aggressive the fish are.
  2. hey, i went out smelt fishing last night at sucker creek in gawas bay on st. joes island. i was there from 11-1am and me and my buddy both got a 5gallon bucket each, they were mostly all males. i got wayyy more then i'll ever want. i talked to a buddy this morning and he said he hammered them at the chippewa last night. So i suggest anyone wanting to get some smelts head north. good luck out there!
  3. rainbows in the river during the day, smelt fishing after dark!
  4. shhhhh delete the post before others see this. no lake is safe now! ive been using this for a while now and its awesome!
  5. TJ i had already posted that lucky strike super flash just didnt put a picture of it. that is definitly one of the best lures out there! pike just destroy them! i've caught them in the summer and jigging with them in the winter on that lure!
  6. you definitly do not have enough xraps! they hammer pike, bass and walleye! get different sizes and colours, also the xshad raps are definitly a must have in a tackle box. also you have like zero flashy spoons for pike lucky strike half wave and super flash are a must and a few williams are needed in there to.
  7. 2 days ago i pulled my 9.9 out of hibernation and changed the plugs and fired it up in a trash can and it started second pull. yesterday me and my buddy went out going northward to launch the boat and try the mouth of the pancake, carp, and chippewa. driving out all you could see how ice still on at havilland and harmony. there was no ice at pancake bay and we trolled the bay and went down to the mouth of the river to fish. it was definitly raining and cold and ice burgs were hitting our 12' tinner and then it happened. my motor pretty much died and full throttle it was barely even trolling and we definitly forgot the oars at home. we finally made it back just crawling our way back but it was pretty scary up the creek without a paddle. i took it to my uncles place and he think its just plugged up carbs and to call and order a carb kit tomorrow it. i sure hope its just that!! everyone make sure your motor is good and running before you head out!!
  8. i think pike is one of the best eating fish out there especially in nice cold water with hardly any weeds. i think it tastes alot better then walleye and bass. im pretty upset about the poor pike slot sizes with keeping 4 pike under 24", they arent worth keeping that size, i keep pike 3lb+, the biggest i've kept and ate was a 15lb pike and it still tasted fine. ive never kept a musky but i would like to keep just one to eat, just to see what it tastes like and to say i did. alot of ppl wont keep pike cause they dont know how to clean them but they are quite easy to fillet and thats what youtube is for!
  9. hey guys, i pulled my 1999 evinrude 9.9hp out of hibernation and im getting it all ready for the soft water season. i fired it up in a trash can filled with water to make sure it fired up fine and it only took 2 pulls. i was gonna take the carb off it and clean it out but it looks like a serious pain to pull the carb on it. can i just get away with running some of that small engines carb cleaner through it? and i was planning on taking it out tomorrow for the afternoon and this week i was gonna change the bottom end oil or is that not a bright idea and just go get it done right away. also what gas should i run in it? premium or regular? also 50:1 oil mixture correct? anything else i should do or look at before i hit the water tomorrow?
  10. i was thinking about dragging out the 12' tinner and trolling the mouths of the pancake, carp, chip, etc. im sure i'll hook into a few out there!
  11. that has happened to a few of my xraps, the brown in the water on the inside is the ball bearings on the inside rusting. the seal on the joint on the molds werent very good or you bounced it off a rock or something. ive used the ones with the water in it and they still work fine.
  12. waders, smelt net and flash light or what works better is one of those head strap lights
  13. the pancake is one chocolate looking river right now, i seen 2 guys out in a tinny at the mouth of it fishing though, im not sure if they were getting any or what. i think the rivers will be in there prime either this weekend or early next week. i was out past ranger today on mini spike and there was about 2 feet of snow in the bush and only 1 foot of ice, i think if we get that rain this weekend by the middle of the week most of the ice on the inland lakes will be gone or definitly not save to go on if you can even get on the ice cause the shorelines are all melted and theres 5feet of open water. so if you wanna get out ice fishing one last night this weekend is the time to do it then start getting the boat ready.
  14. me and a few buddies went out at 6am this morning and ice fished the mouth of the carp from 7-10 and missed 3 whitefish and that was it. theres about 5inches of ice and it will probably be gone by the end of the week, the ice is out from the shorelines and doesnt look to safe. We tried the pancake river for a bit and it was a mud river and didnt look to promising. then we went to the chip and there was a few ppl out fishing and we tried a number of different things, spoons, spinners, bottom bouncing spawn and float fishnig spawn, we didnt get anything and either did anyone else there. the river is muddy and gross. i hope within the next week it picks up!
  15. we are heading out at 6am and for the first part of the morning we will be ice fishing at the mouth of the carp, i've been told theres 5inches left and its suppose to rain later this week and all the ice will probably be gone by the weekend or early next week. then later in the morning we will be heading to the chip and putting on our waders and try some river fishing. i'll post how it goes! maybe even get some pics!
  16. i'll be out tomorrow and give you a report for then, as long as the weather is decent it should be awesome bow fishing on the tribs and locks!
  17. nice pics matt! i was planning on going out to the carp for ice fishing at the mouth early morning then hit up the carp later in the morning, my buddys were they today and they said they cleaned up!
  18. in feb. i was i fishing for lakers in bone with my buddies and 2 mnr and 1 opp pulled up to us and said they were going to have to see our licenses. so this one mnr comes walking up to me and says license please, and right then and there i hook into a laker jigging, it couldnt have been better timing. i said can you hold on a min here im kinda busy! i landed the laker and the mnr guy goes ahhh i must bring you luck and i was like well i sure hope my luck continues and he just laughed and checked out my license and i was all good. He then asked me where my sled was and i told him that back on the lake before (robertson) i blew a coolant line and its sitting over there and i'll deal with it later. So me and my buddies finished fishing for the day and i double back to my sled and i fill it with water and i hammer it across the lake 90mph down the lake to get it to the closest road before i over heat it. and i get to the end of the lake and the mnr and opp are sitting there and they are like hey guys whats the rush? and i was like remember what i told you before with my coolant issue, im trying to ge out of here asap and they are like alrite we'll help! so theres a mnr guy infront of me, and my buddy peter, a mnr guy and opp behind me and we hammer it back to the road 2-3km away doing like 70mph down the trail till i make it to the parking lot. we talked to them for a bit and they were some great guys!
  19. i know an old guy that will take as many animals and fish as possible. he hasnt been to a grocery store in 2-3years and he has a big garden in his backyard. he feels that since he doesnt go buy his food he has the right to catch as many fish as he wants and shoot as many animals that he wants. i've seen pictures of his catches and he has a tarp on the ground with over 50specks on it piled up. last olding partridge season he shot 30 birds and he last one was on the highway. hes been caught a number of times with well over his limit and hes paid the fines and hes not aloud to moose hunt for the rest of his life. they have to lock him up for a while. people like this wreck it for everyone else.
  20. ya i was gonna say something back but this is a more of a family site so i'll keep my comments to myself haha. if they did discontinue it that would be weird cause they still make other xraps in that colour still. maybe they are just sold out everywhere cause they are just sooo great
  21. ok so last year i had some rapala xshad raps in hot pink and they were dynamite for smallies. i ended up cracking my last one off a rock in the fall. now i go to order some more and i cant find them anywhere!! basspro doesnt have them, cabelas, the fishing hole, lebarons, fishusa, etc. the only place that claims that have them is gander mountain but when going through check out they dont have an option for another country or province!! so what happened to these lures??? anyone know where i can get them. atleast give me more websites to look for them. thanks
  22. thanks guys, im a shimano fan but i consider other brands to but i'll definitly look into the TDR
  23. those are some pretty sweet tats, i think if i got one i'd get something like the g.loomis fish skeleton symbol or something along those lines, the whole picture like on the whole arm is a bit to much for my personal liking
  24. hey guys i plan on going up north this spring to troll for big lakers and may get into the marys for salmon. i want to get a fairly decent trolling rod and reel combo hat can handle trolling cow bells and other large baits. i dont think my 7foot med/hvy baitcaster will quite cut it. im looking in the $50-120 range, i dont want to drop a pile of cash on one cause i'll only end up using it 4-5times a year. what are your guys suggestions? thanks
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