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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. Great pictures, I love Algonquin Park. Hope to see the video! I have never fished for trout in Algonquin though. I've only gone in summer months (July or August), and fish for smallies when there's time. Mike
  2. Great report, sounds like a fun day. Many of my first fishing trips was on a 14' Sportspal canoe with a buddy of mine. Quiet, stable ride esp. on small lakes. Mike
  3. I had no idea the world's greatest sport fish (WGSF) was a tasty treat too. Mike
  4. Nice report, you are a lucky man to have a girlfriend who likes to fish and is game to hold pike or bowfin. Mike
  5. Good for you for calling and taking the photo. Hopefully something will be done. But even if they don't get hit by the MNR they now know that honest anglers are watching and won't just sit by and say or do nothing! Mike
  6. Wow, what a season wrap-up. You guys had a helluva season, those are beautiful fish. Congrats to everyone on the PBs! Mike
  7. Sounds like a lot of fun, congrats. I'd second the recommendation for a fluoro leader. Tough, easier on the pike if it rolls, and less visible (though I'm not sure if that matters much to pike; musky on the other hand...) Mike
  8. I have no theories on what happened, I'm not that experienced with boats. But I hope you get it sorted out, sux for that to happen on your first trip with your new boat. Mike
  9. I wear a paddling vest which is a lot more comfortable than the usual life-jackets because the arm-holes are bigger and deeper, to give you more mobility. Still hot in the summertime sun though. Mike
  10. Maureen, It's awesome that you can give that dog a caring and loving home, our dog also came from a rescue and it's hard to imagine life without him around. Mike
  11. Good to have you back posting on OFC, and with a great first report of the season too... Mike
  12. Always happy to hear stories of people's honesty. I've had things that I had lost returned to me and I've done the same for others, and would like to think that karmic circle keeps turning. Mike
  13. pretty little brown, thanks for the trout report, glad you got a chance to fish and take a break from all that rod-making it seems you've been up to. Mike
  14. Congrats on the new PB! It's been a lot of fun reading your reports over the past few months and seeing your progress on the trib fishing. Don't be surprised if some OFNCers ask you to take them under your wing on some outings... Mike
  15. Always glad to read reports from OFNers who hook up for fishing trips. Sounds like a fun day of panfishing too. love_fishin and walking_angler, don't give up on Grenadier Pond. I used to live around High Park and saw a fair # of fish caught there, but in the summer. It's still much too cold, I don't think it gets good until late May or June. Mike
  16. I wouldn't recommend it, our dog isn't great being in a boat (likes to put his paws up on the gunnel and lean way out to look at the water), I can only imagine what he would be like in a canoe, esp. if you are not an experienced paddler. But it really depends on your dog and your comfort level. The only way to know for sure is to try, try it out this summer without any gear (no camera!) and with a PFD on (not in the bottom of the canoe) and see how it goes. You might tip and end up going for a swim but that's not too bad as long as you aren't too far from shore and/or know how to get back into a canoe from the water. I love fishing from canoes, it's quiet and you can get into spots you can't with a boat. My old fishing buddy has a Sportspal canoe (wider than the typical canoe and it has styrofoam pads along the side to make it moer stable) and we fished a lot from it on small lakes. Mike
  17. I wouldn't recommend it, our dog isn't great being in a boat (likes to put his paws up on the gunnel and lean way out to look at the water), I can only imagine what he would be like in a canoe, esp. if you are not an experienced paddler. But the only way to know for sure is to try, try it out this summer without any gear (no camera!) and with a PFD on (not in the bottom of the canoe) and see how it goes. You might tip and end up going for a swim but that's not too bad as long as you aren't too far from shore and/or know how to get back into a canoe from the water. I love fishing from canoes, it's quiet and you can get into spots you can't with a boat. My old fishing buddy has a Sportspal canoe (wider than the typical canoe and it has styrofoam pads along the side to make it moer stable) and we fished a lot from it on small lakes. Mike
  18. Great idea! I won't be out for the opener, but I'm planning to pitch in at our local park next Saturday, April 21, to clean up the garbage that's been left or blown in. We go there regularly with our dog and would like to see it cleaned up, because it's a beautiful park and it should stay that way. By the way, I saw a sign for the Toronto 20-minute makeover today, for those of you who don't know about it, it's a call to pitch in 20 minutes on Friday, April 20, to help clean up litter around your home, workplace, school, or park, etc. I think it's a great idea too. Toronto 20-min Makeover It's not a lot to ask and it can make a big difference to our enjoyment of our environment, urban and otherwise. Mike
  19. Beauty trout, congrats! Mike
  20. I think they're called "Ouananiche" because they are land-locked Atlantic salmon, and now reproduce naturally. I guess the Lake O atlantics don't qualify because they're not landlocked (though it would be a long, long swim back to the Atlantic). Mike
  21. Great report, Joey, sounds like fun (but chilly fun). Mike
  22. There are other fishing sites??? I don't know, go ahead and post, I'm sure it'll be fine unless it isn't, and then the thread'll get locked and disappear down the page... Mike
  23. Thanks for the post on an important event in Canadian history. Mike
  24. Sounds like a lot of unnecessary confusion & debate to me. Avoid the hassle and leave the bass in the lake, or kill it and eat it. Mike
  25. It's bad enough to see all the litter on the streets of Toronto (am I the only one who thinks it's been getting worse over the past 10 years?), but it really bugs me to see trash and garbage on trails and in parks and campgrounds. Mike
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