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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Let us know when the huts are out. thanks for the report.
  2. so far everything is AOK
  3. Ouch LOL
  4. Thanks for the report
  5. what Tom said. give Fishing World a call that's where I bought both of mine.
  6. Unbelievable the lengths they go to. cash is KING!!!!
  7. There wwas some sort of legal battle going on for rights to the maps but I think Navionics won the ruling as their new chips are great for detail.
  8. Adds to the saying grab a rapala and a beer and go camping
  9. Is bad out this morning lot's of ice on the vehicles
  10. Check your PM's
  11. I have the Razor and it has been great for calls and recption on the water.
  12. That's ice fishing in style. Even with my bad back I could still go out in that one. Great idea and planning WOW.
  13. wow what a ride
  14. BUCKEYES all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Great report Rich and looks like all of you had a great time.
  16. As stated earlier check the line itself on the spool. When using any of the superlines you must put on a little backing first onto the reel spool and then join the line to the superline and continue spooling. This prevents line slippage against the spool. Check this first then replace the washers if necessary.
  17. Auger what ice is their LOL no wonder they are on sale.
  18. Welcome back to the board and look forward to more posts and contributions to the site
  19. I run the 17M and the LMS 480M as aswell. They run on the Navionics Gold XL3 chip not the Classic. For Quinte and all the Trent with the 901G Eastern Great Lakes. Give Fishing World a call in Hamilton that's where a few of the board memebrs and myself have picked them up. You can also wait for the shows in Toronto and pick one up there as you can talk to the reps right there.
  20. Ouch one salesman is going to get it.
  21. Without a doubt go with the Lowrance H20 in monochrome or if you have the $$ go the colour unit. They are very precise and run the Navionics chip as well. We use their units on the boat for tourneys and they are easy to use, waterproof, come with the cigarette adapter and as I said excellent for bringing you back right to your spot. Lowrance customer service is great and also right in Mississauga. Fishing World in Hamilton had some at the store last week as well as the Navionics chip.
  22. Merry Xmas Spiel
  23. I would like to wish everyone and their families a happy, safe holiday and a great new year. Many of you know that this year has been a very tough one for me. I have had to deal with alot this year and the worst my mom passing away suddenly in March and also my wife's Grandfather in June. This is the first Christmas without them and it has really been hard. I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support through the year. I can only hope that everyone treasures the time they have with your friends and family. Create great memories with them that will last a lifetime. I wish you all a great Christmas and to all a good night. Blake
  24. Very well done, Congrats on 75.
  25. Congrats on the new sponsors.
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