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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Awesome report and congrats on your PB. Glad to see they went back for another year. Kudos to both of you for releasing those great fish.
  2. Happy Friday Maureen.
  3. Great report and pics. Sure looks like a great time with some beauty eyes.
  4. Check out this website www.sure-life.com They have some great chemicals used for all types of purposes including for minnows.
  5. Well done, Terry, and fast service as well.
  6. Look into the Ice Armour Gloves
  7. Fishing World in Hamilton is having one on Saturday December 2. Will Wegman is doing the seminar. Very accomplished ice fisherman and works for the MNR. Very well known angler on lake Simcoe. Last years event was a huge success. It had great info, draw prizes and some great deals on ice fishing gear. get there early for a seat at the seminars as it filled up quickly unless you don't mind standing.
  8. Ya the hype has been great. it sure would be great if he could bring the belt to Canada.
  9. too bad guys like these are not caught and fined. Good on ya taking pics maybe next time they will think twice.
  10. Get the WFN and you have lots of action all year long or go to their website and watch for free.
  11. Do a search on Rice Lake. there are alot of accomadations for sure. You may want to look into private cottages for rent. This may be a better option and reduce the chance of having any children nearby. Look also on thye Otanabee river for accomadations. depending on the boat you have if Rice is too rough you can still fish in the river with no problems at all.
  12. I store all my reels inside in a cabinet. I back off all my drags and also clean and oil when required. My Shimano reels have been excellent over the years with requiring next to no maintenance. I strip any mono of fluorocarbon off my reels, but for my Fins PRT braid I leave it on as it lasts for more than one season and I change it when required.
  13. The new site is great.
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