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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Some prime water on the Don River!!!!!!
  2. Ahhhh yes, steelhead, I remember them. I have to console myself with another weekend of icefishing. I miss that river too. Nice chromers Mikey!!!!
  3. That's a great way to ruin a water pump impeller. Plus it would have been interesting if the boat came free, took off, ejected them and ran those loogans over. Ya can't fix stupid!!!!
  4. Get yourself a 30# thrust transom mount and a decent sized battery + charger and you will be good to go. A group 27 battery should last you a weekend. You can even use it on some inflatable boats and one man pontoons. My first boat was a 12' tinny with 5hp Johnson and a 30# electric on the transom for maneuvering. This year I will be getting a new 30# transom job to use on my pontoon in the smaller lakes around here.
  5. I repainted my boat about 15 years ago and believe it or not the paint is still attached to the hull!!! Go figure. Here is a shot just after it was painted. And here is what it looks like now. The only difference is the tow vehicle and now there are some stone chips and a few rubs and scratches on the boat, but what do you expect after that many years.
  6. I used to live just outside Luther Marsh and every year we would look after stray beagles that had run off from their rabbit hunting duties until their owners were found. As has been said they love to run & run & run & run ...............................
  7. Ocean Waves are te best polarized glasses I have ever had, plus they can make them to your prescription. Ocean Waves
  8. You do not need to register/license your boat if it has less than 10 hp. Up in the NWT I don't think they even care if it's over as I have seen alot of higher hp boats with no registration #'s on them. If your boat has registration #'s already on it I wouldn't worry either way. I have never been asked for my paper registration or ownership of my boat and during the first 10 years of ownership I was checked almost daily while salmon and trout fishing out of Port Credit. I got checked 6 times in one week one summer.
  9. I filled er in a couple of days ago and there were only just over 600 signatures then.
  10. Simple, it will hopefully cut down on the number of people on the rivers (those too cheap to pay the new fees). Less crowding on the rivers is always a big bounus to those of us who don't like to rub elbows while on the streams.
  11. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!! That's nothing, you got off lucky!!!! You could have come in to this!!!!!! Cute Puppy!!!! Cute Puppy Tornado Aftermath!!!!!
  12. $28 may seem like a huge increase but if you compare it to the increase in Alaska's non-resident license it's not. When I went to Alaska in 2005 my license cost me $55 as a non-resident. When I went the following year it had increased by $90 to $145!!!!! It had nearly trippled virtually overnight.
  13. It's less than 1/2 the price of a non-resident Alaska license, no need to complain. In BC licenses cost $55 for a Canadian from out of province + $60 steelhead stamp + $30 Salmon stamp. You want to fish sturgeon too? Add another $15 to $60 depending on length of time. What's that? You want to fish the salt too, pony up another $106!!! Ok soI'm now up to $371 for all my licenses and conservation tags. Now if you want to fish thae good water for salmon and steelhead it's another $20 to $40 a day for out of provincers. $70 doesn't sound too bad does it?
  14. Other than the boat, the most I have spent in one go was about $2000 of a fish finder/GPS combo. If I can ever save up the $$$$ it's replace ment will be in the $3000 range unless they come down a ton in the next year or so.
  15. Well done Drew!!!! Another exciting Kesagami report in the books.
  16. Exactly, I got tired of all those people and traffic. That's why I moved away from Southern Ontario. I miss the steelies but that's it. I couldn't care less about anything else southern ontario has to offer, except Apache Burger!!! I certainly don't miss the bad air and high humidity or the useless politicians in Ontario.
  17. VOIP over satelite works, but not great. There is a 1.5 second lag in the transmissions due to the fact that the signal has to travel 27,000 KM through the air before it can hit the faster land based technologies. We use xplornet/vonage for mining camp communications up here. With the lag problem you tend to talk over each others sentances a bit. This will usually tick you off and you will end up blaming the VOIP provider when the problem is caused by the satelite technologies limitations.
  18. You can carry your number with you. Vonage Canada Tons of great services are included too.
  19. When I lived in Grand Valley we had as many as 2 dozen in the field next door. Up at my buddies cabin in Kenora the deer are as thick as weeds as well. Manitoulin has stupid #'s of deer too. On one trip from Espanola to the Ferry I counted over 50. It was the worst white knuckle drive of my life!!!! It was after dark and the things were everywhere. I had deer crossing in front of me, standing and running in the ditches and running along the shoulder of the road looking at me. There were a number of nice bucks too. I don't think I drove faster than 45 or 50 K.
  20. Vonage here too for the last 5 years. I have had issues with a bad device that Vonage replaced at no charge and even upgraded me. Vonage gets 2 thumbs up from me!!
  21. Hey, that looks just like my place!!!! Except for the open water. My water looks like this:
  22. What's it like running your riggers ont the back? I guess it could be kind of sketchy in some waves huh. I have an aluminum bass type boat and put my riggers a midship in front of me. I have never had an issue with the cables and it is much safer in rough water. Mounting them forward also makes it easier to see the rods as well.
  23. Gordon was the same way in his early years. He was always whining and complaining and pouting when he had a bad day. It only took 17 years two marriages and a kid to change him.
  24. Legally wrong but ethically right. I have had a similar situation while guiding. Gret Bear Lake has a 28" maximum size limit. On of my guests hooked into a decent fish that was well over the size limit, but during the fight I figure it had a heart attack and was stone dead when we got it to the boat. The laker weighed 21#'s and legally should have been released. I could not live with wasting it so took it back to camp for the cook to smoke up.
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