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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. MMMMMMMMMMM................Those ling looooooook tastey!!!!!! Nice bunch O fish.
  2. Yep, those darned snake oil salesmen!!!!! You sir, have been fleeced!!!!!!
  3. Does your motor have a charging system, electric starter? If yes you will need a marine starting battery. If no you will need a deep cycle marine battery. Look at the Candian Tire Nautilus line. (reasonable price and decent quality) Let's see a couple of pics of the boat. In my old 12 footer I put a board (about 10 or 12 inches wide) from the rear seat to the middle seat on the side opposite where I sat and put the battery in a battery box under it. I mounted my finder on the board and used the shelf to hold rods, tackle etc.
  4. Pike will start to spawn while there is still ice on the lake. Walleye usually spawn about 4 to 6 weeks after the pike have done their thing. Pike spawn when the water temps are between 34-40 degrees with 36-37 being preferred. Walleye spawn happens when the water temps are between 42-50 degrees with 44-46 being preferred.
  5. Look for organizations such as Outward Bound. Outward Bound Web Site It's too bad he's not a woman as OFAH has their WOW weekends that gets the ladies into the outdoors and teaches them outdoor skills. WOW Those are two I can think of right off the top O my bald noggin, a liitle googling should locate a few more.
  6. Yes, you can get GPS in a portable. Look at the Lowrance M68C and add the Ice Fishing Portable pack and you will have a unit that will work on hard water as well as open water. Lowrance M68C You will also want to purchase a portable transducer mount like this one from Cabelas. Transducer Bracket These work much better than those suction cup mounts that tend to fall off while running at speed.
  7. Sweet looking car man!!! Look out for radar traps!!!!! Will it pull your boat?? ?? ?? Or did you sell that too?? ?? ?? Or does your boat weigh less than 1000 pounds. Or do you have a second vehicle for that duty.
  8. No so, I saw one in Toronto harbour that went about 5 pounds!!! I don't think it got that fat in one summer.
  9. Definately a Banner Day of Epic proportions!!!
  10. They are my favorite spinner!!!! My go to colours are silver and gold and sizes I use are 2's and 3's. As for fish I have caught on them are rainbows, cohos, lakers, grayling and char just to name a few.
  11. That's what the Ganny used to look like in the 80's.
  12. When I lived in Grand Valley I had a pond in the yard stocked with rainbows. It was nice hauling out the fly rod after a days work.
  13. Look at Legend boats. Legend Boats
  14. It is still in fine shape, just ask Keith as he's the owner/operator. There are those of us that can in fact fish a rod in this fashion without blowing it up.
  15. You want the Binford 3000 turbo grill with afterburner!!!!!!
  16. Can't even get me mum to visit. Thinks I live in a room log cabin on the tundra or something.
  17. That way they could have shot him down with an F16.
  18. It's a little different in PA. There aren't 6,000,000 people living within 20 minutes of most of your spots.
  19. Hey Kemper I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's not a river, it looks more like the farm field drainage ditch that was behind my house in Grand Valley. FYI, This is what a river looks like. P.S. NICE FEEEESH!!!!
  20. That's why you never purchase a new product in it's first year. Hummingbird is having issues with their new flashers, only they are QC issues not software issues. The Navionics issue is that only the Platinum chips work right now. After the software update all should work.
  21. Time to move it and teach them a lesson. Millions in lost revenue might teach them a lesson. It's not just sales at theshow either. There's parking, hall rental, accomodations, food etc. Hunting has been given heritage status so who the hell is the mayor to ban the showing of firearms. Just another justification to me that my move away from that hole was the right choice!!!
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