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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. The biggest mistake people make, is making the batter too thick. You want it thin, thin enough that it runs off a fork quite quickly and leaves a thin coating on the fork. Once you get it right it is easy to repeat using the fork drip test. If you make the batter too thick you get that terrible doughy stuff that tastes terrible.
  2. Me too probably. Plus a week long ice fishing dream trip to the East Arm of Great Slave Lake for big lakers and my yearly month long trip to Alaska for trout and salmon.
  3. Only large chunks of granite and they don't move too quickly, so it's pretty easy to get out of the way of them. Yep, wouldn't fit down ours either. There is no such thing as a groomed trail where I live. Some are so narrow it's barely wide enough to fit the ski width.
  4. I haven't been able to get out yet this winter (too much OT at work ) Right now I'm at the parents house in Belwood when I should be home making swiss cheese of all the lakes. The forcast for the 2 weeks I'm here is beautiful back in Yellowknife, then it turns to crap as soon as I get home!!! Two weeks ago we had highs of -49C and just as it warms up into the high teens to -25 I have to hop on a plane and leave. The one bright spot will be the few days of winter steelheading I get to do. That and filling up on stuff I can't get back home like the odd lure or two.
  5. I've done well with the mid sized ones and the larger Badd Boyz jigs. I didn't even know that the lil foxee's came in a giant size, they should work great for our big lakers.
  6. Just doin' my part to bring us out of the recession!!!!
  7. Believe it or not most of these positions garner a higher salary in the private sector. My position would make 40 to 50 grand more if I were working for a private company rather than the Territorial government.
  8. My 1000cc 2008 Yamaha RS Venture GT is right around $300 with no collision and $800 with.
  9. My favorite Chrismas CD is The Yobs Christmas album. It has some family friendly tunes but there are a few that are R rated (The 12 days of Christmas is one). The last song on the album(The Yobs on 45) is a medely which is fun and family friendly. This video has that song and their version of silent night. Enjoy!!!!
  10. It went through Yellowknife back a month or so ago. Right past work here.
  11. My Redingtons have served me well. But if $$$$$ was no object I would have a stable full of Abel's.
  12. Spoken like a true racist!!!! Beat it, we don't want your kind 'round these parts!!!!
  13. When I lived in Mississauga we had a racoon that used to sleep in one of our composters. We figured the warmth from the composting process was to his liking. When we would go to pus something in the composter we would look before tossing it in. If the composter was occupied we would put it in the other one. The racoon never gave us any grief, he just liked sleeping in the composter.
  14. It really depends on the carpet type and glue used by the manufacturer as to how easy replacement will be. Mine left a lot of backing behind when it was stripped off and required lots of scraping to remove it. I also had to pretty much disassemble the whole boat in order to do some of the flooring pieces. With the most difficult being the main floor area. The rod locker and console had to be removed to replace the carpet there.
  15. Yep!!!!!! And we had to walk 5 miles to the lake through chest deep snow uphill, both ways!!!!!
  16. I re-did the carpet in my boat and as said there is a lot of labour involved. Carpet is a pain to keep clean though, especially when you have a very hairy Husky as a fishin' partner!!!
  17. Yep!!!! It also means the 6 month Hardwater Season is here!!!!! Now which one should I hit first?? ?? ??
  18. Don't forget about speeding ticket fines that increased nicely with metrification!!!!!!
  19. Tell the little brats to be afraid, be very afraid!!!!!!
  20. Mike Haven't you figured out that to get them little buggers in line at this time of year you just have to tell them to smarten up or you'll tell santa that they've been bad. No toys for you, just coal!!!!! Works every time. If it doesn't make sure you hide all the gifts and wrap a couple of chunks of coal up for them on the big day. After they have spent 30 minutes or so freaking out you can tell them that if they promise to be really good that santa may forgive them and bring their gifts!!!!
  21. Well todays temps here are mind numbingly cold!!! Coldest day of the winter so far with a balmy daytime high of -35C. Luckily it's not windy though so the windchill is only -46C!!!!!! -10 is tee shirt weather!!!!!!
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