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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Looking at your avatar picture that would be every day. Are those Marcum colour cameras as nice as they look? Can you actually see them when using them outside of a hut? Do you think they are worth the huge $$$$ they charge for them? I have a 5.5" cabelas and while it works pretty good, it's useless when used outside of the hut. Just may too much glare.
  2. What a maroon!!!!! Too bad he didn't get launched into the pole head first and culled from the herd!!!!
  3. I have a few. They worked well for lakers last year. This year I bought a bunch more and found them in a much larger size. They will get a work out on Saturday.
  4. I just got a Bass Pro extreme tipup when I was down visiting the folks. Looks like it's well made and the spool holds 100 yds of 36# dacron. It was either $14.99 or $19.99 I can't remember.
  5. I don't know about that, sounds like he has some hottie scheduled for day 2.
  6. But it is more portable than an 8'X8' rigid shack. It is about twice as heavy as the heavy flip over shanties though.
  7. All of my buddies but 1 have dropped off the radar since they were shackled to that ball and chain that is marriage.
  8. I do. My place is on trucked water and the water in the holding tank is pretty crappy.
  9. My landlord has a bunch of Dehaviland Beavers that look like that!! Worse actually. They're his retirement projects. He's currently working on one of them but I think he has 5 or 6 that are pretty bent up. Thanks for reminding me. I also picked up about $35 worth of 1x1x36 inch balsa to build some more floats. Plus I have several rods waiting to be built, snowmobile trailer that needs work (when it warms up some), the list goes on and on.
  10. I have a couple of projects on the go. The first is website development for a lodge and the second is to fish as many of these lakes before ice out as humanly possible.
  11. Holy Crap, your buddy is totally WHIPPED!!! Tell him to grow a set and go fishing for the weekend!!!!!!!
  12. Thanks Paul Hehehe, yeah, you do need to figure out what to do with all that darkness.
  13. This is his second hut designed like this. The first works very well. This one is just larger than the first one.
  14. Cliff, I would sell 'em all and get a Marcum LX-5!!!!!
  15. HMMMMMMMM, this sounds familiar. I thought you would be impressed with that shanty, I know I was.
  16. We don't use plastic gas cans in the boats at our fly out destinations 'cause the bears punch them full of holes.
  17. DOH, I spoke too soon!!!!!!! UPDATE, WOOHOO!!!!!!! Holy comebacks Batman!!! Off to Overtime!!!!!
  18. I have a bunch of friends that guide in Alaska and that is the reason they never leave the plane unatended. One friend had to stay with the plane once and was catching a few winks when he awaoke to the plane bouncing up and down. He looked out of the window to see a large black bear bouncing on one of the planes pontoons. A bear banger shot out of the window fixed the problem.
  19. I think there have been a couple of marginal calls against our boys but it's been a heck of a game so far. Keep it up lads!!!!!!
  20. White- Ground -12 volts Green- Right turn/stop Yellow- Left turn/stop Brown/Green- Right tail light Brown/Yellow- Left tail light Connect the Brown/Green and Brown/Yellow together and connect to the connectors Brown wire.
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