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Everything posted by ctdd2006

  1. ...read this post last night and went to CTC today to buy it! Unbelievably they had it in stock but the sale ended yesterday and I had to pay full pin if I wanted it! I'll wait a little!!!
  2. \ long line, slow presentations and a lead of a flashy spoon with a small live minnow or worm. Good luck...you can cath'em year round!
  3. ...this should be interesting...
  4. ....so your boss tells you to come in next saturday and sunday to do inventory or "catch up" for free no pay today...you say..."see you at 8 boss!". What do you think it costs in time and money ie. accounting services to collect and remit any taxes we collect?
  5. very interesting thought and one that some need to consider...and yes I am a small business owner!
  6. ....isn't anyone gonna complain about the vertical hold????
  7. ...agreed! ...but at times...economics are economics! All the best in your TOUGH choice. Cheers!
  8. I too am finding the mood on this board a little tiresome lately! Too bad...I love coming here!
  9. Agreed! Been there...done that and happy!
  10. Correct...unless the new owner doesn't plan on registering (which really doesn't matter either) it and is paying cash and is cool with it having a lien on it....therefore chances are you are going to have to pay it off and provide the new owner with proof that registered lien is being unregistered....no different than buying a used car/truck. A vehicle of any kind really only has to be clear of any liens if the prospective buyer is borrowing funds to buy it and his/her financial institution plans on registering a lien on it they'll naturally want the vehicle to be clean. I know this from experience as I once bought a used sled cash and didn't realize there was a lien on it and a tow truck came by sniffing around...it was a pain in the bum! Good luck with the sale! I've got an 07 with under a thousand miles and couldn't imagine parting with it!
  11. ....so much for "a fish of a thousand casts"!? I know you put the time in...and were clearly rewarded! Congrats! Two over 45" in one trip? Awesome stuff! Congrats on the baby boy enroute!
  12. Wonderful stuff! That picture of the white church...is that the one that once drifted out to the baY? Memories! I was eight when my folks, and I took the Polar bear express to moosonee and remember a church like that if it were yesterday! I'll never forget the little boys younger than me even meeting us at the train trying to lure us/guide us to their dad/uncle's canoe for the ride over the moose factory...seven bucks across and a buck for the boy! Awesome stuff and something I'll certainly do with my boy in a couple years!
  13. My point exactly! We all make mistakes and trust this guy fully to take my kid fishing with him tomorrow....but the question remains if it's legal!?
  14. Here's an interesting twist! A buddy of mine with no license (dui) wrote the test(while under suspension) and passed, and is now the "proud" holder of an operators card (still under drivers suspension)! I'm assuming...he operating his boat in possession of his new card, birth certificate and health card keeps him legal? I can't find where it says driver's license must accompany the "operator's" card but the judge clearly stated not to operate any "motorized" vehicles when he was sentenced....i'm guessing if he gets pulled over on the water here where the mnr and opp are without radios he walks??? What do you think? This has been a brown bottle discussion for two months now!
  15. I caught that too! We know the REAL reason why the boys like being on shore! Looks like fun.
  16. Wow! I just spent an hour drooling over his website! Great site btw! I gotta get there soon before all involved realize fifteen hundred bones is a bargain! Congrats a great trip guys! Cheers!
  17. I doubt it's a "northern thing"!? We're more rural than the sudbury area and you can't get away with that here!
  18. 4 and 77
  19. ...good to know! Your professionalism and unbiased approach to which you share your vast "acquired" knowledge is to be commended! Cheers!
  20. \\ That's how I understood title insurance worked!!! When I bought my house, if down the road my neighbour or a new neighbour (neighbour sells) contests my garage, retaining wall, fence etc..my insurance would cover my ass to fix or settle in the case of encroachment!? At least that's how my lawyer justified me buying the insurance vs. a survey and seeing as I only had a close neighbour to the one side and it would be only me with walls and out buildings that could/would be in the wrong I chose the "cheap" option. Regardless Cliff...good luck to you and your family...not gonna be nice, easy or cheap I reckon!
  21. ...most of the area is off limits right now because of a fire though. Should be open soon though as I think they're getting it under control.
  22. ...a genuine concern shouldn't be dismissed for a few spelling mistakes and perhaps a little bit of emotional outburst! First post or not...the issue at hand is still an issue! 16k posts or not, one doesn't necessarily deserve to be talked down to if its their first post or 500th post! We as long time members periodically need to look at ourselves in the mirror and see where this place is headed! I love OFC and log on nightly but don't post reports anymore for a reason! I only ever posted one actually! I still love this place and enjoy reading and responding/congratulating fellow sportsmen reports, but it can get harsh! We all work hard too! , most respect the environment and love our fisheries! It wasn't long ago when fellow member STOTY posted a great report of a day on the water with a celebrity TV personality and many chimed in about how he "talks down" to his guests and so on...although I may agree he does at times.....many of our regular members here do the same....in my opinion. Is it a coincidence why it appears there are fewer new members? Is it me or is the post count waaaay down? My 2 cents.. at times some or our members posts or replies come off with a bit of an "elitist" tone and may scare off or worst...turn some completely off of/away of what I not too long ago thought was the greatest fishing site on the planet. Cheers All! No disrespect meant...merely a little food for thought! Have a great weekend everyone!
  23. ...your trip home will probably be delayed too! Let the boss know you might be "Gilligan" monday and stranded on an island! What part of the island will you be on? I might be able to help. Cheers!
  24. I bought two manual riggers about five years ago...merely a financial decision. I wish now I had at least one electric rigger for active days or as Irish said when you want to get balls up quick...it depends on the type of partner you have when you're steering, fishing and re-rigging. In my case one electric is going to make its way on board soon! Good luck.
  25. what does VALE think of them?
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