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Everything posted by Governator

  1. I don't own a power auger, but the additional weight of 25-35lbs (I'm guessing) is just too much for me to haul around by foot. I use a 6" manual as it's less ice to go through than 8" so it's quicker and more importantly easier on the arms.
  2. Yea it goes up to like 2x or 3x. I wore my standard clothes I wear in the fall or cooler weather when I tried them on so that I got the right size to fit over them. When you walk in from the parking lot, turn left past the cashiers and it's one of the first sections in the "Rain Gear" area on your left.
  3. RedHead Thunderlight is my personal favorite (Pants & jacket). It's very lightweight, compact and breathable. You can store in the bottom of a bag, even tacklebox if you got the room. I've worn it through some very heavy downpours and always dry as can be when I take it off. Used it for 4hrs of fishing Sunday morning in the pouring rain at a cottage up north and I didn't have a change of clothes with me. Thankfully I was dry as can be after
  4. It sounds like you'll be with a group of people, which is always a plus. If one happens to come around make lots of noise between the group and it'll likely just run off. Keep the campsite clean and if you want added comfort keep an air horn in the tent. I haven't been in the bush nearly as much as others here as I only started fishing a few years ago. I've only seen 1 bear thus far, we were in the jeep about 5min before our launch to an island. He ran infront, stopped and checked us out for 5 seconds and ran away.
  5. We always just toss them in water for turtles or birds as well. Best to clean them of course away from your camp but not near others. Like someone else said, if you can just stop on an island to clean your fresh catch - that's the best option. I wouldn't burn them, I think the smells would just linger for a longer period of time in the air.
  6. Wow thanks everyone! What a great board, I think it's just reassuring knowing others have gone through similar experiences and it's never easy for anyone. The memories will last forever. The night we put her down, my wife was having a difficult time getting to sleep. She noticed a white piece of her fur on the alarm clock. She then looked down and there was one on her. She looked at me while I was sleeping and there was one on me as well. She picked up all 3 and put them next to the bed and then was able to sleep. Cheers all around.
  7. It's been a rough couple of weeks for me. My son was sick on his 1st birthday on the 19th with ear infections (He had a cold for a week leading up to it along with my wife). My wife's uncle past away later that evening, all this while planning to have 35 people over for my son's first bday party 2 days later (That was a long day). We were suppose to go on vacation on the monday but was cancelled since my son was sick. I was working each night till 11pm for so I could get away. Instead there was a funeral on Monday for my wife's uncle. I'm a web developer and my computer died the sunday night. We got away for 2 days in Port Elgin, got back and our son had an allergic reaction to the meds for his ear infections, so he had a rash head to toe - back to the docs. My sister-in-law had surgery today and to top it off, we put our dog down yesterday All of that aside, we came to terms that it wasn't fair for my dog to suffer any longer. She wasn't 6 years old yet but her allergies/skin disorder had just taken over her body. Her meds & food did nothing for her and she was wearing a cone for the past month almost exclusively. Something she's been battling for the past few years and unfortunately only got much worse over time where the quality of her life had dropped drastically. Anyway, it was the hardest emotional thing I've ever done. She was put to rest in my arms @ 4:30 yesterday. I don't think I could ever own another pet after the experience. So far the hardest part is the small routine stuff I didn't really think about when I put her down. The door bell rang for the pizza guy today and there was no barking for the first time since we've lived in the house, it felt awkward and sad. Just opening the backdoor where I'd normally let her out was tough when I bbq'd tonight. Tonight's garbage night and we tossed out all of her stuff and was not easy to say the least. I just hope it can get easier, how do you move on? I work from home and there's constant reminders everywhere. I think I need to try to break my normal routine or something. RIP Nola
  8. This bout isn't till December right? lol... GSP obv, unless the bettings were so stacked I don't know how anyone would bet against him.
  9. Looks like one great trip, good memories for everyone. Sunfish on a 6" crankbait? lol bravo sir.
  10. Saw it 2 nights ago while vacationing in Port Elgin (Super small, old school theater btw which was fun). Wife and I both thought it was very entertaining, if you go in with high expectations you'll be disappointed though. Stallone's 1 liners weren't so good. The best part of the movie was by far the automatic shotgun.. BOOM BOOM BOOM
  11. I'll have walleye if I'm on a camping/fishing trip (kinda standard - shorelunch mmm), otherwise I might have a small fish fry once a month with perch or a small pike.
  12. So sad we had a 1 week camping trip planned at Balsam Provincial park starting this Monday. I had to cancel, the 1 year old is sick (cold & ear infection) and we had a death in the family last night as well on my son's bday.
  13. If those emails were real half the population would be rich. Instead many have lost thousands from stupidity.
  14. We need a bare minimum top 6 forward for him and preferably a draft pick. At the end of the day, the defense is still very strong without him, his contract is up next season and if he doesn't waive it before the deadline it's Sundin all over again. The offer will come before at the deadline but then it'll weigh on Kaberle to take it or not. My take is that the Jay's are a hell of a lot more exciting to watch.
  15. Yea I use the double uni knot for floro to braid, works great.
  16. That would be cool to see in person. There was a viral video a couple of years ago of another bird doing the same thing. Check this out:
  17. Holy awesome batman! Thanks for sharing, helluva trip
  18. I work from home as a web developer. Been in business for 7 years. It's not something you can just start doing though without obvious background, education & experience. Does she have any hobbies or additional skills outside of administration work?
  19. So there's this public sidewalk that runs right next to everyones front lawn. When a dog stops to take a dump on it I start looking to see if the homeowner is going to come out and yell at the dog's walker for the excrement left behind... but wait! The dog walker pulls out a bag and retrieves the waste like a responsible human being. It's just a common sense people... don't leave a hook on someone's dock and be respectful to their property.
  20. Sorry I meant a real keyboard and not just a touch screen kb. I've used an iphone 3 for testing emails from my buddies and I just couldn't get use to it. The blackberry torch gives you both the touch screen option or the slider keyboard. Probably a good way to ease people like me in to the touch screen era.
  21. Been with Blackberry since 2005 with the old 7200 model (First coloured blackberry). Email is my life and I think I'm just too use to a real qwerty keyboard to ever switch to iphone. The new blackberry torch (slider phone) looks slick although not 4G. Comes out Aug. 12th, probably will upgrade from my bold to that.
  22. Jerks! They definitley should be going around you and further out than a jump between you and them.
  23. I've never heard of ant that could cause that much swelling. It sounds like an allergic reaction to the venom, probably fire ants. Were they red in colour?
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